Holotape Gameplay Options Usability

From Sim Settlements
Revision as of 14:59, 29 May 2019 by WetRats (talk | contribs) (Auto Close Doors (ACD))
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Categories of City Manager 2078 Holotape: ASAM Sensor Info | Options | Reports | Taxes | Tools
Categories of Options: Audio Options | Gameplay Options | HUD Options | Notification Options | Performance Options
Categories of Gameplay Options: Advanced | Assignment | City Building | Difficulty | Immersion | Local | Recruitment | Upgrade | Usability | Visual

Alter the way some things work so they are more user-friendly to you.

Auto Apply Skins

Auto Close Doors (ACD) [on/off]

By default, doors in Sim Settlement plot based houses and buildings (e.g. any plot type structure with doors) will close automatically after a certain amount of time. If you wish to have doors stay open until you or one of your settlers close the door you can switch this setting to OFF.

Available Settings:

Options: ON or OFF
Default: ON

What These Settings Mean:

ON: Doors on Sim Settlement plots will auto-close.
OFF: Doors on Sim Settlement plots will stay open until closed by you or one of your settlers.

ACD Opened By (everyone/citizens)

If you want your doors to stay open when you open them but close automatically if your settlers and/or settlement visitors open them, you can change this setting from “Everyone” to “Citizens”

Available Settings:

Options: Everyone or Citizens
Default: Everyone

What These Settings Mean:

Everyone: Doors on Sim Settlement plots will auto-close regardless of whether you or a settler opens it.
Citizens: Doors on Sim Settlement plots will auto-close only if a settler opens it. Doors you open will stay open until you or a settler closes it.

Auto Place Foundations

Bans Applied to Plan Selection (on/off)

By default, building plans that have been removed as available options to settlers (via the random building plan selection system) from the City Planner’s Desk drawer, will still be available for you to manually select in the Choose Building Plan menu on an individual plot.

However, you can turn this option ON and then building plans you have banned at the City Planner’s desk will also not show up in the Choose Building Plan menu on individual plots.

Available Settings:

Options: ON or OFF
Default: OFF

What These Settings Mean:

ON: The "Choose Building Plan" menu on individual plots will not include any building plans you have banned at the City Planner's desk. This means you cannot manually tell a plot to use a banned plan (as it will no longer show up as an available option).
OFF: The "Choose Building Plan" menu on individual plots will still include any building plans you have banned at the City Planner's desk. This means you can manually tell a plot to use a banned plan (they will still be an available option).

Delay Building Materials

When you build a Sim Settlements plot, there is a short time frame where all you see is the foundation (concrete, wooden stilts, or none) and the power pole/agricultural post. After a short delay, visible “building materials” will appear - these are part of the “level 0” versions of each building plan and are generally representative of what will be built on that plot (it’s not generic, so they will not all look the same). They are part of the immersion Sim Settlements brings to your Fallout 4 experience.

Available Settings:

Options: 15 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec, 5 min, or none
Default: 15 sec

What These Settings Mean:

15 sec: Once a new Sim Settlement plot is laid down, "building materials" will not appear until about 15 sec later.
30 sec: Once a new Sim Settlement plot is laid down, "building materials" will not appear until about 30 sec later.
60 sec: Once a new Sim Settlement plot is laid down, "building materials" will not appear until about 60 sec later.
5 min: Once a new Sim Settlement plot is laid down, "building materials" will not appear until about 5 min later.
None: Once a new Sim Settlement plot is laid down, "building materials" will appear right away.

Additional Information:

One of the issues with the appearance of these visible “building materials” is that they can cause an oddity (difficulty) with re-positioning the plot once they have materialized. So if you find yourself liking to fine tune/control where exactly a plot is sitting (pick it up and set it back down in a new location) you can increase this delay to 30 seconds.

If you really don’t care about adjusting the initial locations of your plots, can essentially change the delay to 0 seconds by changing the option to “None”. You can still move your plots even if this is set to “none”.

Note: the longer this “delay of building materials” appearing is, the longer it takes for auto-assignment to kick in. This is because any auto-assignments of a new/rebuilt plot won't be triggered until about 45 seconds after the “building materials” appear.

Shelter Fix

Terraformer Grading (on/off)

Terraformer Grading Cleanup (on/off)

Town Meetings (follow/stay)