Holotape Reports

From Sim Settlements
Revision as of 02:38, 19 April 2018 by Bludthurst (talk | contribs) (Local Plot Report)
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Sim Settlements can give you a number of reports to aid you in evaluating and understanding what is happening in a specific settlement. You can use the information in these reports to help in deciding what to add or improve next.

How They Work: "Clicking" on one of these reports cause the selected report to be generated.

Citizen Needs Report

Must be within a settlements boundaries to run.

Happiness Report

Must be within a settlements boundaries to run.

Local Plot Report

Must be within a settlements boundaries to run. Can only be run from connected terminal or City Planner Desk computer (not Pip-Boy*)

The Local Plots report shows how many plots broken down by type, selecting any of the types will give you detailed information about levels, assignment, and total resources generated for that plot type.

*Due to a game engine limitation, the Local Plots report is only accessible via terminal, you can either use the City Planner’s Desk which has a terminal with a built in copy of the holotape or else load the holotape into any terminal in your settlement.