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(Performance Wizard)
(Performance Wizard)
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Revision as of 10:37, 20 April 2018

ASAM Vision

Call Town Meeting

Configuration Tools

Plot spawned and City Plan placed items will now affect the build limit in an approximation. This should help players on low - mid tier systems know whether they should risk continuing to upgrade or build more things.

The default build limits were put in place by Bethesda due to it being a known issue that building too much would crash the game. There is no native way to update the build limits which is why Sim Settlements can only do an approximation (though it should be a fairly accurate one).

Build Limit - Increase Max

Increases the max build limit of the current settlement by 25%. If you are over the vanilla build limit already, it will offer to first set the max to what you are currently using before increasing by 25%.

Caution - Use At Your Own Risk Increasing the build limit and then filling that limit can cause your game to become unstable. Each time you run this, it will be increased by an additional 25% from its current max.

Are you sure you want to increase the limit?

No, Nevermind Yes, I Understand the Risks (I'm modding my game for a reason!)

Build limit increased by 25%.

You may run this as many times as you like - though it is not recommended to do many times on Xbox One or Low End PC systems.

The original build limits were put in place to prevent you from building so much that your game could crash.

Your are already 87% over the build limit.

Would you like to increase 25% from what you're using which will put you at 139% over the default build limit?

No, Just Increase by 25% Yes, Increase It to Usage +25%

Build Limit - Recalculate Use

Analyzes your settlement and plots to figure out how much of the build limit you’re actually using and updates the meter.

Analyzing your settlement to determine how much of the build limit you've actually used. This is especially useful if you recently changed Performance options.

This can take several minutes to run, but does not require you to stay in the settlement.

Build Limit - Restore Max

Restores the max build limit to the original max determined safe by Bethesda.

Configuration Wizard

If you are new to Sim Settlements, the first time you run the City Manager 2078 Holotape, there will be a prompt asking you if you would like to run the set up wizard.

If you are already playing with Sim Settlements, you can manually activate this Configuration Wizard under "Tools".

Below are the questions asked by the in-game Settings Configuration Wizard along with what settings are changed based upon your answers.

Welcome (Starting Pop-up Message)

After answering each question, some number of Sim Settlements options will be changed.

If you'd like to change your answers, or the settings later, you can run the wizard again, or change the individual options in the City Manager 2078 Holotape.

Q1: How challenging would you like settlement management to be?

  1. Throw everything you've got at me!
  2. I don't mind a challenge, as long as it's fun.
  3. Is there a free build mode?

Q2: Which appeals to you more?

  1. Finding the balance required to create a successful city as it grows and evolves.
  2. Building exactly the things I want, without stressing too much about what the city needs.

Q3: How do you want settler assignment handled?

  1. Let Sim Settlements do everything.
  2. Let Sim Settlements handle idle settlers only.
  3. I'll handle all of the assignments myself.

Q4: How would you like building upgrades handled?

  1. Automate all the upgrades.
  2. Let me choose upgrade paths.
  3. Wait for my approval to upgrade.

Q5: How would you like city upgrades handled? (New in 3.0, replaces obsolete question)

  1. Handle it automatically, I'll see the results when I get there.
    • City Upgrades = Auto
  2. I want to see it happen, wait for my approval.
    • City Upgrades = Manual

Q6: Do you want to be notified as things happen in your settlements?

  1. I want to know everything!
  2. I only care about buildings finishing construction or upgrades.
  3. Just let me know when something upgrades.
  4. Don't notify me, I'll just check in on my settlements periodically.

Final Message

All done! Sim Settlements is now configured.

Performance Wizard

When you first load your game (post patch 3.1.6) on an existing game save, you will be asked to select your graphics settings (or Xbox model), you will then be offered to auto-configure performance settings based on what we found works best in testing. For new games, you will just be prompted to select your graphics level or Xbox model upon first loading the City Manager 2078 holotape.

head1 head2 head3 head4 head5 head6 head7

Rebuild Local Data

Will force a rebuild of all Sim Settlements stored data for the current settlement you are in such as current plot counts, maintenance costs, taxes, and resource sharing.

Generally you should not have to use this, but if your game is/was acting buggy at some point or scripts appeared to be especially delayed, this can be worth running to ensure the gameplay mechanics of Sim Settlements are synced.

This is designed to help players who had previously run into a lot of script back-ups or other weird quirks that resulted in the maintenance or tax amounts not matching what is actually built in the settlement.

Refresh Local Plots

When you choose this tool, all of the building plots in the settlement you are currently in will be refreshed. This is the equivalent of using the Immersion Breaker Breaker on each plot or using the refresh plot option on an individual plots ASAM sensor menu.

Depending on how many plots (and your systems processing speed), this may take anywhere from 3-25 minutes. For instance a Xbox One (not S or X) user refreshing local plots in a settlement with 40+ plots could see this take close to 25 minutes.

You will see occasional on screen messages as this process is running letting you know how far along it is (e.g. Refreshing pot 11 of 17)

DO NOT leave the settlement until you get a pop-up message box confirming that "All plots in this settlement have been refreshed. (there is an "OK" button that needs to be clicked to close this pop-up box)

Show Tech Tree

Tracking Options

Start Self Destruct Sequence

Local Self Destruct Sequence

Remote Self Destruct Sequence

This will find nearby settlements and offer you the option to tear them down. Once you start, you should stay in the area until it finishes.

If you are having trouble with a settlement crashing and want to destroy it with this, be sure to turn off Demolition FX before you do so, or the extra graphics might crash your game.