City Manager 2078 Holotape WIP

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Gameplay Options

Commercial Requirement

By default in Sim Settlements, your settlers will not “build” and “open” stores on any commercial plots you lay down until a “certain” number of your settlers have also built “homes” on residential plots (in the same settlement) you have laid down.

The basic notion (from an immersion standpoint) is that people will need a place to live before they will even consider any “retail/commercial” venture. Additionally, the “certain” number of homes requirement is a simple way to tie the growth of your settlements commercial aspects to the number of “homeowners” - in the real world you need a large enough foundation of residents (e.g. residential) in a town for commercial enterprises to be feasible and/or supported.

Now, if you want, you can change it so just the total “Population” in each settlement determines if commercial stores will be opened. With this option set to “Population” the only way someone's going to come open a shop in a settlement is if it has a reasonable population. Sim Settlements is designed to work with any charisma level (of your in game character that is) so for example, if you're a player who doesn't like charisma gameplay and you just want a charisma of 1, you'll still be able to get stores to open and upgrade with this set to population (i.e. the population requirements are low). This is especially useful for smaller settlement locations where you may only have room for a much lower number of settlers.

Note: an alternative to changing/messing with this Commercial Requirement option is to use the newer "Beds are Homes" option. There is now a setting called “Beds are Homes” that is OFF by default but if you change it to ON, your settlers will be considered “Homeowners” regardless of whether they have a home on a residential plot - they just need an assigned bed. So you can leave this Commercial Requirement alone and keep the default immersion aspect.

Finally, if you just hate getting involved in your gameplay at all and you want to build those commercial no matter what, you can turn off this requirement completely by changing it to “None”. On the “None” setting, commercial plots will build and upgrade no matter how many settlers or homes you have.

Options: Homes, Population, or None
Default: Homes

Configuration Wizard

If you are new to Sim Settlements, the first time you run the City Manager 2078 Holotape, there will be a prompt asking you if you would like to run the set up wizard.

If you are already playing with Sim Settlements, you can manually activate this Configuration Wizard under "Tools".

Below are the questions asked by the in-game Settings Configuration Wizard along with what settings are changed based upon your answers.

Welcome (Starting Pop-up Message)

After answering each question, some number of Sim Settlements options will be changed.

If you'd like to change your answers, or the settings later, you can run the wizard again, or change the individual options in the City Manager 2078 Holotape.

Q1: How challenging would you like settlement management to be?

  1. Throw everything you've got at me!
  2. I don't mind a challenge, as long as it's fun.
  3. Is there a free build mode?

Q2: Which appeals to you more?

  1. Finding the balance required to create a successful city as it grows and evolves.
  2. Building exactly the things I want, without stressing too much about what the city needs.

Q3: How do you want settler assignment handled?

  1. Let Sim Settlements do everything.
  2. Let Sim Settlements handle idle settlers only.
  3. I'll handle all of the assignments myself.

Q4: How would you like building upgrades handled?

  1. Automate all the upgrades.
  2. Let me choose upgrade paths.
  3. Wait for my approval to upgrade.

Q5: How would you like city upgrades handled? (New in 3.0, replaces obsolete question)

  1. Handle it automatically, I'll see the results when I get there.
    • City Upgrades = Auto
  2. I want to see it happen, wait for my approval.
    • City Upgrades = Manual

Q6: Do you want to be notified as things happen in your settlements?

  1. I want to know everything!
  2. I only care about buildings finishing construction or upgrades.
  3. Just let me know when something upgrades.
  4. Don't notify me, I'll just check in on my settlements periodically.

Final Message

All done! Sim Settlements is now configured.