City Planners Desk

From Sim Settlements
Revision as of 21:04, 18 April 2018 by Bludthurst (talk | contribs)
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Refresh City

Refreshing a city will take several minutes during which you should NOT leave the settlement.

During this time, everything that the settlers placed (except for plots) will be removed and then rebuilt. Anything stored in containers will be moved to the workbench.

Are you sure you would like to Refresh?

No, Nevermind Yes, Rebuilt It

Starting City Refresh

If you stray too far from the settlement bounds during this, the process will be interrupted and you'll need to run it again.

Watch for a follow-up pop-up message like this to confirm it finished.

City Refresh Complete!


During this process, you will see a number of messages show up briefly on screen indicating what the script is doing (e.g. Refresh City - Restoring all placed settlement objects).

Take Back City

Take Back City command, it both removes the leader and ends the city plan so that you can take over the construction, which means the city resume won’t apply if you assign a leader, instead it will start over offering you the initial scrap option.