Advanced Industrial Plot Type

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The advanced industrial plot type allows your settlers to build structures that generate specific resources for your settlement. Some of these are existing resources like wood or water, while others are completely new and unique to Sim Settlements.

How it Functions

Like regular industrial plot structures, each advanced industrial plot will act as a job for a single settler and will generate “resources” for your settlement. However, advanced industrial plot structures are designed to have a much larger impact and influence on the direction of your settlement builds.

They can provide new benefits, unique and rare resources, and access to new technology but they also come with consequences and additional “costs”. They can both positively or negatively impact a variety of traditional settlement aspects including (but not limited to) happiness, defense, food, water, power. In addition advanced industrial plot structures can (and will increasingly) impact Sim Settlements dynamic needs mechanic.

Advanced Industrial vs. Regular Industrial

The overall idea of advanced industrial is to add more functionality, style of play options, and uniqueness to your Sim Settlements. However, advanced industrial is not a replacement for regular industrial - they are intended to work alongside each other.

The major difference between advanced industrial and regular industrial lies in “when” you should be building each.

The regular industrial plot structures are designed to be used at any time throughout your playthrough. They are especially useful early on to generate more scrap/basic resources so that you can continue to build up your settlement. The idea behind advanced industrial is that over time as your settlement becomes more of a thriving town/city you'll start knocking down some of those old regular industrial plots and replacing them with advanced industrial plots to gain access to the higher end technologies.

Another big incentive to use the regular industrial plots early on and then switch to advanced industrial later is that from a resource production point of view, the regular industrial plot will actually create you more overall “resources” (quantity) then the advanced industrial plots will create you in terms of specific resource items (quality). So early on when you just need “stuff” you're going to get more out of regular industrial plots and then later on, when you can afford to start focusing your settlement on specific trades (and your settlement can support the increased resource use), you can do things like swap them out for things like the advanced industrial plot type’s lumberyard to specifically generate lots of wood.

Plot Size(s) / Foundation Options

The advanced industrial plot come in the standard 2x2 plot size. Like the regular industrial plot type, advanced industrial’s available foundations are none and concrete.

Multiple Upgrade Levels

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How to Upgrade to Higher Level

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