System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-hideminor (talk) (Translate) | Hide minor changes. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-hidemyself (talk) (Translate) | Hide changes made by the current user. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-hidepatrolled (talk) (Translate) | Hide patrolled changes. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-invert (talk) (Translate) | All namespaces but the selected one. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-limit (talk) (Translate) | Maximum number of results to return. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-namespace (talk) (Translate) | Namespace to limit the results to. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-showlinkedto (talk) (Translate) | Show changes on pages linked to the selected page instead. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-tagfilter (talk) (Translate) | Filter by tag. |
apihelp-feedrecentchanges-param-target (talk) (Translate) | Show only changes on pages linked from this page. |
apihelp-feedwatchlist-description (talk) (Translate) | Returns a watchlist feed. |
apihelp-feedwatchlist-example-all6hrs (talk) (Translate) | Show all changes to watched pages in the past 6 hours. |
apihelp-feedwatchlist-example-default (talk) (Translate) | Show the watchlist feed. |
apihelp-feedwatchlist-param-feedformat (talk) (Translate) | The format of the feed. |
apihelp-feedwatchlist-param-hours (talk) (Translate) | List pages modified within this many hours from now. |
apihelp-feedwatchlist-param-linktosections (talk) (Translate) | Link directly to changed sections if possible. |
apihelp-filerevert-description (talk) (Translate) | Revert a file to an old version. |
apihelp-filerevert-example-revert (talk) (Translate) | Revert <kbd>Wiki.png</kbd> to the version of <kbd>2011-03-05T15:27:40Z</kbd>. |
apihelp-filerevert-param-archivename (talk) (Translate) | Archive name of the revision to revert to. |
apihelp-filerevert-param-comment (talk) (Translate) | Upload comment. |
apihelp-filerevert-param-filename (talk) (Translate) | Target filename, without the File: prefix. |
apihelp-format-example-generic (talk) (Translate) | Return the query result in the $1 format. |
apihelp-format-param-wrappedhtml (talk) (Translate) | Return the pretty-printed HTML and associated ResourceLoader modules as a JSON object. |
apihelp-groupreview-description (talk) (Translate) | Set message group workflow states. |
apihelp-groupreview-example-1 (talk) (Translate) | Mark the state of the German translation for the message group "group-Example" as ready |
apihelp-groupreview-param-group (talk) (Translate) | Message group. |
apihelp-groupreview-param-language (talk) (Translate) | Language code. |
apihelp-groupreview-param-state (talk) (Translate) | The new state for the group. |
apihelp-help-description (talk) (Translate) | Display help for the specified modules. |
apihelp-help-example-help (talk) (Translate) | Help for the help module itself. |
apihelp-help-example-main (talk) (Translate) | Help for the main module. |
apihelp-help-example-query (talk) (Translate) | Help for two query submodules. |
apihelp-help-example-recursive (talk) (Translate) | All help in one page. |
apihelp-help-example-submodules (talk) (Translate) | Help for <kbd>action=query</kbd> and all its submodules. |
apihelp-help-param-helpformat (talk) (Translate) | Format of the help output. |
apihelp-help-param-modules (talk) (Translate) | Modules to display help for (values of the <var>action</var> and <var>format</var> parameters, or <kbd>main</kbd>). Can specify submodules with a <kbd>+</kbd>. |
apihelp-help-param-recursivesubmodules (talk) (Translate) | Include help for submodules recursively. |
apihelp-help-param-submodules (talk) (Translate) | Include help for submodules of the named module. |
apihelp-help-param-toc (talk) (Translate) | Include a table of contents in the HTML output. |
apihelp-help-param-wrap (talk) (Translate) | Wrap the output in a standard API response structure. |
apihelp-imagerotate-description (talk) (Translate) | Rotate one or more images. |
apihelp-imagerotate-example-generator (talk) (Translate) | Rotate all images in <kbd>Category:Flip</kbd> by <kbd>180</kbd> degrees. |
apihelp-imagerotate-example-simple (talk) (Translate) | Rotate <kbd>File:Example.png</kbd> by <kbd>90</kbd> degrees. |
apihelp-imagerotate-param-rotation (talk) (Translate) | Degrees to rotate image clockwise. |
apihelp-import-description (talk) (Translate) | Import a page from another wiki, or from an XML file. Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using multipart/form-data) when sending a file for the <var>xml</var> parameter. |
apihelp-import-example-import (talk) (Translate) | Import [[meta:Help:ParserFunctions]] to namespace 100 with full history. |
apihelp-import-param-fullhistory (talk) (Translate) | For interwiki imports: import the full history, not just the current version. |
apihelp-import-param-interwikipage (talk) (Translate) | For interwiki imports: page to import. |
apihelp-import-param-interwikisource (talk) (Translate) | For interwiki imports: wiki to import from. |
apihelp-import-param-namespace (talk) (Translate) | Import to this namespace. Cannot be used together with <var>$1rootpage</var>. |
apihelp-import-param-rootpage (talk) (Translate) | Import as subpage of this page. Cannot be used together with <var>$1namespace</var>. |
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