Holotape locations are scattered around the world in lore-friendly locations. Currently there are three locations however more will be added.
Spoiler warning: this page reveals the locations of items that are meant to be discovered during the normal course of game play.
Video Guides
Holotape Locations
Museum of Freedom
Located on the third floor of the building on the left before reaching Preston Garvey. The holotape and ASAM sensors are located on a desk and surrounding file cabinets.
Boston Mayoral Shelter
Zu finden ganz am Ende des Unterschlupfs, in einem Lagerraum. Das Holotape und die ASAM-Sensoren sind auf dem ersten Aktenschrank, links der Türe.
West Everett Estates / West Everett Ländereien
Zu finden auf einer Hausbaustelle, gleich neben Baumaschinen. Das Holotape und die ASAM-Sensoren sind bei einer Palette mit Zement, im Zentrum der Baustelle.
Sensor Locations
ASAM Sensors have been added in to the general vendor list, so many sell them. The can be "bought" for 0 caps, as they have been set to have no value. If you are struggling to find them, try vendors like Proctor Teagan, Trashcan Carla, and the many vendors in Diamond City.