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m (Settlers Will Not Use Upper Floors of Buildings: Added missing space in Vanilla Game Bug line)
(Fusion City)
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==Problematic Mods==
==Problematic Mods==
===Fusion City===
:Can cause a crash to Desktop when scrapping/destroying a plot.
:'''Kinggath:''' "I don't know if there's a direct conflict, I think the author's of Fusion City did something wrong. Quite a few people have this problem, even scrapping things that have nothing to do with Sim Settlements and disabling the mods made by that group always seem to solve this crash issue."
'''Wiki Team Thread:''' https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/fusion-city-mod-caused-crashing.1522/
===Infinite Answers===
===Infinite Answers===
:Can cause problems with plot messages being wrong and various other workshop array problems
:Can cause problems with plot messages being wrong and various other workshop array problems

Revision as of 15:58, 8 September 2017

Area to Put Stuff Ready for Review

Ready For Review

Problematic Mods

Infinite Answers

Can cause problems with plot messages being wrong and various other workshop array problems
Kinggath: "This will usually happen near the edges of a settlement, but if it's happening for all of your plots, then it's a sign that the workshop array in your save has been messed with.
If you happened to use Infinite Answers, it's a known issue with that mod (and one of the reasons they retired it) - and you may have to scrap that save."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/moved-from-inbox-infinite-answers-mod-add-to-problematic-mods.1515/

Plot ASAM Sensor Options (Comment:New Page Add)


Cancels and backs out of the Plot ASAM window

Choose Building Plan

This will bring up a container of all the available building plans. This will include the building plans from Sim Settlements, any expansions, and Add-On's that are eligible for the particular plot you are looking at.

Find Owner

Starts a miscellaneous quest putting a marker on the plot owned and the plot owner. Select the Find Owner option again to turn off the quest.

View Plaque

Displays the plaque for the plot

Refresh Plot

Refreshes the plot and redoes the spawning stages for the building.

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/moved-from-inbox-plot-asam-options-not-on-the-wiki.1503/

Main Page

Creating Your Own AddOn Pack

If you're interested in releasing your own AddOn Pack of buildings for Sim Settlements or just contributing to the mod, check out the Builder's Toolkit below, which teaches anyone at all, even those without any modding experience how to do so!

Sim Settlements Builder's Toolkit: (Start at 00 Creation Kit 101.pdf and work your way through):

Discord Server Invite: If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server setup! It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas:

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/info-about-creating-an-add-on-pack-or-buildings-needs-to-be-easier-to-find.1597/


Common Issues/Solutions

Common Problems

Unable To Read Plot Plaques or Change Plots

Issue: Activating Plot Plaque does not show any commands, and/or no options to read the Plaque at all.
Kinggath: "If you're using Place Anywhere, open it's menu object and turn off the Options Menu feature. It interferes with the secondary activation on plots."

Wiki Team Thread: https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/unable-to-read-plaque-architect-square-issues-using-place-anywhere-mod.1521/

(Xbox) Plot Building Disappears After Being Built

Issue: Plot building suddenly disappears, leaving a plot base with no building where there was one before.
Kinggath: "I still haven't completely solved the ghost plots issue (I'm thinking this is just a game engine failure with memory management), but now that we have the ASAM Sensors on the plots, I was able to setup a fix.
With patch 2.0.3, anytime you activate an ASAM Sensor if it detects the plot is missing, it will restore it."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/moved-from-inbox-xbox-specific-plots-disappearing.1509/

Known Issues / Unsolved

Xbox Incorrectly Says Not Enough Free Memory

Issue: Xbox says there is not enough free memory to download a mod when there actually is.
Kinggath: ""It has something to do with the Xbox not actually clearing the memory. Try all the steps described in these posts: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/164593-fallout-4/74309535
Basically, you'll want to favorite all of your mods so you can quickly re-download them all, then reset the reserved space on your xbox. I've never done this before, but maybe someone else here has and can tell you the exact :steps. All I know, is that it's a common xbox problem, so the fix should be relatively painless."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/xbox-not-allowing-mod-download-when-there-is-space-to-download.1576/

Advanced Industrial Plots Do Not Output Benefits With Dynamic Needs Off

Issue: Advanced Industrial Plots do not provide benefits they should, with Dynamic Needs turned off.
Kinggath: "This happens when Dynamic Needs are turned off. I have a potential solution for the future, for now though, if you enable Dynamic Needs and refresh the plot, the power [or any other Advanced Industrial plot resource] should come back."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/power-plant-plots-not-producing-power-dynamic-needs-off.1578/

Pipboy Settlement Data Screen Shows Incorrect Information

Issue: When looking at the Settlement Data screen on the Pipboy, the information displayed is incorrect.
Kinggath: "The pipboy data is a vanilla issue. I've investigated a solution, but it's pretty much going to require redesigning the pipboy flash files and the workshop scripts - which I'm trying to avoid with Sim Settlements (I want to keep compatibility up by not editing vanilla records/scripts in the mod)."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/pipboy-settlement-data-page-shows-incorrect-numbers.1573/

Plot Not Completing building

Issue: Plots stop construction before completion. Usually stops or freezes at the scaffolding stage of construction.
Kinggath: "Occasionally the game will fail to start the timer correctly. Once the scaffolding appears, a building should take less than a minute to build (unless you have Realistic Build Times on). So if you run into this, try using the Refresh Plot option on the sensor menu to see if it builds. If it continues to not build, you may want to scrap it and try building it again.
If even that doesn't work, please report it here Bug Reports so we can try and find out what is conflicting."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/plot-not-finishing-building-after-scaffolding-appears.1574/

Refresh Local Plots Option Stops Before Completion

Issue: After starting the Refresh Local Plots tool, the refreshing messages stop, but you get a warning not to leave until completion.
Kinggath: "While the Refresh Local Plots option warns you not to leave, if it appears to get stuck, you should ignore the warning and leave anyway. Getting the cell to unload (by traveling a good distance away from it), should cause the refresh to continue. Once the refresh messages resume, return to the settlement.
You may have scaling or rotation issues on any plots that refreshed during the brief period you were away. Simply run the Refresh Plot option on the sensor menu for those and it should clear them up."

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/refresh-local-plots-option-does-not-complete.1575/

(Xbox) Old Plot Structures Reappear In New Plot at Same Location

Issue: After scrapping a plot and building a new plot in the same location, The old plot appears inside the new plot and cannot be demolished.
Kinggath: "This is an unfortunate common issue on Xbox, the scripts will fall behind and start building two structures at once. First try using the Refresh Plot option on the ASAM Sensor menu - that might resolve it completely.
If not, I put out a mod called Sim Settlement Helper, install that - you'll then be able to scrap all of the stuff on top of the plot. After you've scrapped everything but the plot itself, refresh the plot via the sensor again, :and the correct stuff should appear."
To use Sim Settlement Helper:
1. Download and Install Sim Settlement Helper mod. Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23209/?, Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4012831
2. Scrap any floating clutter that has not been removed.
3. Exit Game and Uninstall Sim Settlement Helper.

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/two-structures-built-on-same-plot-xbox.1571/

Floating Clutter After Scrapping/Moving/Storing Plot

Issue: Items of clutter floating in the location a plot used to be after scrapping, moving, or storing the plot.
Kinggath: "It can sometimes just take a long time to clean up if your save file scripts are getting backed up. Otherwise, you can download the mod Sim Settlement Helper, which will make everything the mod creates scrapable."
To use Sim Settlement Helper:
1. Download and Install Sim Settlement Helper mod. Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23209/?, Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4012831
2. Scrap any floating clutter that has not been removed.
3. Exit Game and Uninstall Sim Settlement Helper.

Wiki Team Thread: https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/items-left-after-scraping-or-moving-plot.1572/

Settlers Will Not Use Upper Floors of Buildings

Issue: Settlers are not going to upper floors of buildings or Plots built on multi story scaffolding.
Vanilla Game Bug: Unfortunately, this is a problem with the game's AI. There is currently no fix to this behavior.
Kinggath: "spent many hours during early dev and couldn't reliably get them to use the upper floors"

Wiki Team Thread: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/moved-from-inbox-settlers-not-using-upper-floors.1517/

Work In Progress


Common Issues/Solutions