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<div style="margin: 0 0 15px 40px; width: auto; float: right;"><youtube>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgnslnehGRQ</youtube></div>
<div style="margin: 0 0 15px 40px; width: auto; float: right;"><youtube>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgnslnehGRQ</youtube></div>
Continuing the goals of Sim Settlements, Industrial Revolution aims to greatly expand the number of jobs available to your settlers and lays the foundation for your settlements to have a massive impact on your gameplay outside.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie tellus nunc, ac dictum nunc blandit sed. Maecenas vitae molestie arcu. Sed elementum semper leo nec tempor. Donec convallis blandit tellus eget ornare. Curabitur faucibus eget enim vulputate luctus. Sed at risus urna. In gravida orci in ante ornare pulvinar. Curabitur a nisl a purus auctor ultrices eu at augue. Nulla pretium suscipit erat in finibus. Proin consectetur vel lectus quis dignissim. Aenean sodales est ac neque ornare, et rhoncus libero aliquet. Morbi mi ipsum, lacinia vitae purus sed, porttitor ultrices magna. Curabitur quis consequat massa.
It also introduces more in-depth game-play for those who want to micro-manage, while maintaining the simplicity of the plot-based building.
Nunc porta leo vel tortor tempor suscipit. Mauris nec accumsan justo. Donec vel fermentum lacus, vitae luctus odio. Sed ornare odio ac diam fringilla semper. Etiam id rhoncus ligula. Donec tincidunt, nisi at malesuada tincidunt, ipsum orci ultrices nulla, et placerat lacus sem posuere dui. Integer ut est posuere, euismod lacus eget, finibus diam. In consequat cursus urna ut cursus. Fusce sagittis dolor in dictum feugiat.
Adds new plot types and tons of new buildings to Sim Settlements. These buildings allow you to take control of your settlement and begin constructing the things you need to conquer the wasteland. Inside many of these buildings are secrets to discover to help you on your adventuring.
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>

Revision as of 14:40, 19 August 2017

First Official Expansion to Sim Settlements.


Continuing the goals of Sim Settlements, Industrial Revolution aims to greatly expand the number of jobs available to your settlers and lays the foundation for your settlements to have a massive impact on your gameplay outside.

It also introduces more in-depth game-play for those who want to micro-manage, while maintaining the simplicity of the plot-based building.

Adds new plot types and tons of new buildings to Sim Settlements. These buildings allow you to take control of your settlement and begin constructing the things you need to conquer the wasteland. Inside many of these buildings are secrets to discover to help you on your adventuring.

Mod Pages / Download Links

Nexus.png PC (Nexus): http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25213/

Bethesda.png PC (Bethesda): https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4025347

Bethesda.png Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4025350


This is an Expansion Pack - and will always require the latest version of Sim Settlements, whenever you update this, be sure to also update Sim Settlements.

New Plot Types

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie tellus nunc, ac dictum nunc blandit sed. Maecenas vitae molestie arcu. Sed elementum semper leo nec tempor. Donec convallis blandit tellus eget ornare. Curabitur faucibus eget enim vulputate luctus. Sed at risus urna. In gravida orci in ante ornare pulvinar. Curabitur a nisl a purus auctor ultrices eu at augue. Nulla pretium suscipit erat in finibus. Proin consectetur vel lectus quis dignissim. Aenean sodales est ac neque ornare, et rhoncus libero aliquet. Morbi mi ipsum, lacinia vitae purus sed, porttitor ultrices magna. Curabitur quis consequat massa.

Nunc porta leo vel tortor tempor suscipit. Mauris nec accumsan justo. Donec vel fermentum lacus, vitae luctus odio. Sed ornare odio ac diam fringilla semper. Etiam id rhoncus ligula. Donec tincidunt, nisi at malesuada tincidunt, ipsum orci ultrices nulla, et placerat lacus sem posuere dui. Integer ut est posuere, euismod lacus eget, finibus diam. In consequat cursus urna ut cursus. Fusce sagittis dolor in dictum feugiat.

Stockpile System

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie tellus nunc, ac dictum nunc blandit sed. Maecenas vitae molestie arcu. Sed elementum semper leo nec tempor. Donec convallis blandit tellus eget ornare. Curabitur faucibus eget enim vulputate luctus. Sed at risus urna. In gravida orci in ante ornare pulvinar. Curabitur a nisl a purus auctor ultrices eu at augue. Nulla pretium suscipit erat in finibus. Proin consectetur vel lectus quis dignissim. Aenean sodales est ac neque ornare, et rhoncus libero aliquet. Morbi mi ipsum, lacinia vitae purus sed, porttitor ultrices magna. Curabitur quis consequat massa.

Nunc porta leo vel tortor tempor suscipit. Mauris nec accumsan justo. Donec vel fermentum lacus, vitae luctus odio. Sed ornare odio ac diam fringilla semper. Etiam id rhoncus ligula. Donec tincidunt, nisi at malesuada tincidunt, ipsum orci ultrices nulla, et placerat lacus sem posuere dui. Integer ut est posuere, euismod lacus eget, finibus diam. In consequat cursus urna ut cursus. Fusce sagittis dolor in dictum feugiat.

Branching/Tech Trees

Continuing the goals of Sim Settlements, Industrial Revolution aims to greatly expand the number of jobs available to your settlers and lays the foundation for your settlements to have a massive impact on your gameplay outside.

It also introduces more in-depth game-play for those who want to micro-manage, while maintaining the simplicity of the plot-based building.

Adds new plot types and tons of new buildings to Sim Settlements. These buildings allow you to take control of your settlement and begin constructing the things you need to conquer the wasteland. Inside many of these buildings are secrets to discover to help you on your adventuring.

Balance and Plot Management

Continuing the goals of Sim Settlements, Industrial Revolution aims to greatly expand the number of jobs available to your settlers and lays the foundation for your settlements to have a massive impact on your gameplay outside.

It also introduces more in-depth game-play for those who want to micro-manage, while maintaining the simplicity of the plot-based building.

Adds new plot types and tons of new buildings to Sim Settlements. These buildings allow you to take control of your settlement and begin constructing the things you need to conquer the wasteland. Inside many of these buildings are secrets to discover to help you on your adventuring.