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Sim Settlements 2 - Superstructures Addon Pack

That might be a bug, or perhaps the bots have extremely high INT. Sometimes Bethesda does give NPCs very high SPECIAL, like Vault Tec Salesman having 96 END, which does add correctly to Agricultural output.

I would like this option but I'm not sure if it's possible to do. It might be something that has to be added as an option on Sim Settlements 2 itself.
I assumed it might be a bug. Its reporting on the plot at 274 output but then I thought OK 274 x 2 - consumption but my workshop says 501 power output the workers at gray garden Vito magic at 11 Int. I have settlers with way higher working those plots in other settlements and not putting out that much so might be a reporting bug in workshop mode.
Has anyone else had problems with the 4 story residential? Level 2 is messed up for me.
Right now there are 2 sleeping beds on top of each other and I think it’s only counting as two beds.
@Rayhne @dinelen_darkstar I basically have a redesign in the works for Level 2. 2nd floor is accessible but not 3rd.
Am stuck feeling a bit indecisive for how L3 ought to look.


Unless you can turn it into a 8+ person plot. I use multi res on floors 2-4 so that get me to 6 inside not including the apt itself.
Unless you can turn it into a 8+ person plot. I use multi res on floors 2-4 so that get me to 6 inside not including the apt itself.
Hmm this could be interesting. Maybe population ought to go
Level 1: 2 people
Level 2: 4 people
Level 3: 8 people

I love the minimalness. I place plots upstairs so blank as possible
Plan is to eventually have Plot Skin option for no clutter, for those who liked how it was on SS1 where it was pretty much strictly for use with Interior Plots or leaving it empty to help ease any performance issues.
Hmm this could be interesting. Maybe population ought to go
Level 1: 2 people
Level 2: 4 people
Level 3: 8 people

Plan is to eventually have Plot Skin option for no clutter, for those who liked how it was on SS1 where it was pretty much strictly for use with Interior Plots or leaving it empty to help ease any performance issues.
Why not both? One that is minimal for those that want to stack it with interior plots of their doing, and maybe one that is decorated to your liking and is multi multi res like the 8 person at L3. I mean the whole multi assign thing in SS2 is just such an awesome feature.
So it got to level 3 and there are four floors but all I have on the first floor is a single bed. the other three floors are empty.
So it got to level 3 and there are four floors but all I have on the first floor is a single bed. the other three floors are empty.
That's exactly what it should look like. Now put interior plots on the upper floors. They fit fine.
I kinda figured that. Can I decorate the first floor as well or will that costs problems?
I was confused because there was one bed but it said it sleeps 4
Here is the one I have in Starlight. You can decorate away on the first floor it isn't going to change anymore now that its L3

The HUD says 4 settlers but what if you use the multi-interior?
I had long wanted to do redecorating for this plot but felt frustrated/stuck. But now I have gotten some help about how to do more dynamic clutter from @1000101 & @Captain LaserBeam !

If free time allows, hopefully soon.

I was confused because there was one bed but it said it sleeps 4
I'm going to give it 4 beds/2 bunk beds in order to avoid any issues. Plot will get somewhat of a redesign, and perhaps a Plot Skin option to choose between no clutter(just beds & snap point pieces) or future new way(decorated, no snaps) for it.

Here is the one I have in Starlight. You can decorate away on the first floor it isn't going to change anymore now that its L3
This looks quite nice!