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Sim Settlements 2 - Superstructures Addon Pack

SS2 Superstructures - A Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack - Updated to 1.7

►Lots of small fixes across current plots
►Conversion of Another Brick in the Wall complete! (Original: <https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27043>)
►Conversion of VaultLand complete! (Original: <https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31365>)
►Holiday decoration spawners on some of the plots
►Mall plot had some changes, a small moon with a bubble turret that floats around and countertops are separate + scrappable:


I know it's been a while, but just wanted to say thanks for having updated "VaultLand" - I didn't realise how much I liked the couple of "Agricultural" plots in there back in SS1 until I didn't have them for a while then got them back. Mirelurk Cakes for all!
1.7a update: New 1x1 Advanced Agriculture plot - Bee Farm, various bug fixes & iTypes added. This new plot will change a little based on the foliage mod in use(if any).

@Antoine Soverie I forgot to mention before too but XB1 version got updated too, thanks to @Captain LaserBeam for help testing! Uploading issue seems solved.


Installed it the other day and so far I am very impressed .... can't wait to see what you come up with next! Here's a tough one ... how about a working golf driving range?
A while back I converted Animal Farm using the FO4edit scripts provided by Kinggath. If I remove all AF plots from all settlements, can I safely uninstall my ported version and replace it with your Superstructures?
A while back I converted Animal Farm using the FO4edit scripts provided by Kinggath. If I remove all AF plots from all settlements, can I safely uninstall my ported version and replace it with your Superstructures?
Safest bet is always to begin a new game or continuing from a save from before the mods to be removed were installed. FWIW most of them on mine do have plot skins like base SS2 plots and various fixes.

What I'd probably try doing in that kind of case if I didn't want to start a fresh playthrough, is renaming the build plan names so that they won't be beside the other [AAF] build plans & using the RemoveList option on the AddonConfigData for the self converted Animal Farm. Duplicate the build plan formlists, add the duplicates to RemoveList field, then remove all build plans from the original formlists under MyItems, iterating the AddonVersion global so it will re-evaluate AddonConfigData on the next startup. Then on the build plans I'd add in a UsageRequirement with an impossible condition, like it could be RequiredPlugin Starfield.esm.

This way they should be removed from the respective build plan lists, and if not then they should be omitted due to UsageRequirements and if not then they should be separated in the list for build plan selection if I've renamed them to something like z[AAF].

You could perhaps try out using OriginalPlans("Used for merged addons such as the MegaPacks to detect the original mod and pass control to it.") under Advanced in Build Plan properties for each one in order to redirect it but I've never used that personally on SS2 nor on SS1.
Yeah! Industrial city is back! It was a cool addon duplicated
Well, AAF was a must so thanks for converting it too
I have a rather niche issue I think, but here goes. Using Gavman's Castle plan, it includes the Cathedral cemetery at all levels. And the cemetery includes a wasteland theater at level 3 as its description says but I of course didn't read that and was very confused why the whole settlement is full of performers and their fans. I thought it was a bug and replaced Mess Hall (from Apocalyptic Additions) with another Wasteland Theater. Then the cemetery plot just stopped working. It displays as nothing and no upgrade or refresh (or removing the new theater) can change it. Can't find the plot when choosing the plot design either.
Then there was the bones rattling but I rather like that part. Spooky scary skeletons and all that.
Other than that, thank you for this awesome addition. I'm having a ton of fun finally being able to build crazy high giant unbelievably tall stuff.
Thanks so much for all your work converting these plots!! AltairP's Animal Farm was my favourite add-on for SS1. I can't wait to add these plots to my settlements in my new playthrough!
Will this Addon come for Xbox Series X ?
There is this, I ported it for Xbox: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4185767

Due to the file size limitation it's a partial version, with changes made & specific plots to minimize file size usage so it's just under 7mb. Due to the Chapter 3 expansion coming in the future which will require additional available space, there's no additional content added for Superstructures Xbox version. If SS2 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Unofficial Patch are still a fair bit under 2GB & if time allows I may consider an update.

A full port may come if someday the 2GB total installed mods restriction & per mod 1GB maximum are removed or significantly increased
Posting this here for more direct attention; the "[VFX] Compact Industrial - Building Materials" 1x1 Industrial plot appears to have something wrong with it, at least at level 1. Multiple pokes of it when playing on 'all 31 components' mode is having it also generate +9000 Gold (a Rare resource, not a Building one; that is not a typo, nine thousand) per day. This isn't showing up on the 'report' from the ASAM of the plot, but destroying the plot again is also removing that extra Gold generation once the numbers catch up.
Posting this here for more direct attention; the "[VFX] Compact Industrial - Building Materials" 1x1 Industrial plot appears to have something wrong with it, at least at level 1. Multiple pokes of it when playing on 'all 31 components' mode is having it also generate +9000 Gold (a Rare resource, not a Building one; that is not a typo, nine thousand) per day. This isn't showing up on the 'report' from the ASAM of the plot, but destroying the plot again is also removing that extra Gold generation once the numbers catch up.
Thanks, fixed and uploading new version now.

Will have new stuff for when Chapter 3 launches, but will just fix ASAP for anything like this