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How to resolve settlers spawning under foundations/floors


New Member
Hello Peeps

I would love some advice regarding the issue with settlers spawning under foundations / floors

Whenever I enter one of my settlements (Or turn around whilst in one) I notice that the settles sometimes end up stuck under the foundations/floor.
I enjoy using SimSettlements2, but as it is based on a lot of large square plots its neerly impossible to build without foundations. Plus a lot of the time I would like a resonable amount of flat ground to work on.

I've been unsuccessfull with finding mods that change the Settler Spawn locations within Settlements.

The only work around I've got at the moment is placing multiple layers of foundation when it is not far from the ground, which is time consuming and sometimes difficult to complete. This way each step pushes the settler up when they spawn on the ground to the upmost foundation/floor layer. (sure you get some weird movement as they move up but its better than a head stuck out the ground)

Solutions that may be possible: Have the foundations contain multiple layers on the inside, rather than an empty void.
Or a mod that allows you to place settler spawn locations.

If anyone has a solution, or their work work around it would be grealtly helpful.

Kind Regards
A workaround is using the gavel: summon all then back to work.
Think it's not SS related; i remember seeing people on the roof of existing building without any ladder to go there even before SS
I understand its not SS that causes this, as its just the game itself that has this effect.

I was hoping that as most users are settlement enthusiasts and the people here seem to be well knowledgeable regarding how the games works that people may of found an good solution to this common issue.

The Gaval - back to work would be a good workaround. Would be cool if it could auto-run when entering a settlement.

But if anyone has any other solutions I would love to hear them.
If there was any easy way to resolve the NPC "AI" doing that, not only would we all know about it, it'd be linked on the "recommended mods to install" page on the wiki.
Apologies if I implied there might be an easy resolve. I don't know how much of an issue this is for other people. If it was a minor issue I would not think there would be linked solutions. And if it was a Major issue I would of thought I would encounter some statement that this may happen and its unavoidable.

Alas I am here seeking support from those who are more skilled and experianced than i.
Hello Peeps

I would love some advice regarding the issue with settlers spawning under foundations / floors

Whenever I enter one of my settlements (Or turn around whilst in one) I notice that the settles sometimes end up stuck under the foundations/floor.
I enjoy using SimSettlements2, but as it is based on a lot of large square plots its neerly impossible to build without foundations. Plus a lot of the time I would like a resonable amount of flat ground to work on.

I've been unsuccessfull with finding mods that change the Settler Spawn locations within Settlements.

The only work around I've got at the moment is placing multiple layers of foundation when it is not far from the ground, which is time consuming and sometimes difficult to complete. This way each step pushes the settler up when they spawn on the ground to the upmost foundation/floor layer. (sure you get some weird movement as they move up but its better than a head stuck out the ground)

Solutions that may be possible: Have the foundations contain multiple layers on the inside, rather than an empty void.
Or a mod that allows you to place settler spawn locations.

If anyone has a solution, or their work work around it would be grealtly helpful.

Kind Regards
I've put in just under 7500 hours in FO4 and tried numerous mods, there does not seem to be a fix. Tricks that reduce the frequency of it occurring are to use solid foundations instead of ones on supports (shack foundations, etc), build as low to the ground as possible (I find NPCs sink more often in at least waist deep foundations), and use SS2 foundation plots rather than putting a flat plot on a separately built foundation.
It never hurts to ask that. Unfortunately, it's just the way it is. Though maybe if there was a way to make foundations solid without actually making them solid.. like an invisible concrete block under a wooden foundation or something?
Settlers and Brahmin on roofs of buildings is one of those things too. They seem to magically find their way up there, but can't find a way down.
Or caravan brahmins on your personal bed unable to leave and making very hard to find a way to get some sleep; the sentry bot is also another one that likes a lot doing that