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(xb1) Plots not building

OKAY, so I removed the repaired sanctuary mod and had all unnamed npcs jog on over to spectacle island (leaving Mama Murphy, sturges, jun, marcy, sheffield and vault tec rep). Everything much smoother now :P

May have to just accept that Sanctuary is destined to be a small village rather than the metropolis i wanted it to be
yeah spectacle can be fun to build on
you can spread everything out:)
ive gotten rid of all my scrap mods and my game is better for it except sanctuary lol
I got the exact same issue. They start constructing and when the scaffolding goes up, work just stops. I tried everything in the recommendations, from resetting the plot via sensor to scrapping and rebuilding, but nothing goes.
On mine I think it was script lag - I was trying to build in a settlement that had 50+ mb of added resources from rebuilt sanctuary houses and 20 settlers. After sorting that out it was fine.

Need to remember that the Xbox One isn't as good a computer as we might think :(
Need to remember that the Xbox One isn't as good a computer as we might think :(
Well as an Xbox owner (Hi Five), the xbox is sort of a cut down laptop in a bigger box, without a built in screen or keyboard (OMG why did I buy one? Oh yea, I have kids lol) but it has one advantage, I can hit a button on my phone and shut it down, my kids don't dare argue with me now :)