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I just love being able to do this......

Getting 3 beds into a 2x2 is so useful.
I don't think we are going to able to use them in the contest otherwise I'd be using them a lot.
Btw the Technitian plot counts as a bed, right?
Hi @Phil_T_Casual. Great to see the plot in action. Nice placement! :) All the plots count as a bed. IF you watch the settler in technician at night they are asleep at the desk. :)
Yeah I love them.
When I'm tight for space I was using JB's Victorian Doss House, while it's great and supplies 9 beds, they don't count as residential.
Now I can get 9 plots into this instead, and my HUD residential bar is full which is great.

Some suggestions for the future:
Have plots with the bed all the way to the left from the sensor pole within the 1x1, and then another all the way to the right on another. Then indicate this in the list for building plans. So they are corresponding plots. You get me?

In the first pic I posted if it was this way I could make them into 3 little rooms with doors, or have an open space in the middle.

How about some raider themed ones?
Wow. Compress 2 plots into one set of a 1x1 tile. I like your thinking. Have added it to my todo list.
I didn't focus on Raider as there were allot of other Raider content out but I have a few ideas for the next version. :)
No, not compress 2 into 1, have opposing plots. I know you have this already, but it if it was clear that you use these 2 plots together to put beds at the opposite sides of a 2x2.

I'm not being very clear, let me give ya an example, RobotsSmell makes industrial plots that work in a group of 3 plots, left-middle-right and they are labelled as such so ya know where to place each plot. What I'm suggesting is you do that. with your plots only for left and right.
Gotcha! I designed the initial plots as standalone but can see the value in having LHS and RHS plots. @RobotsSmell 's plots are great! :)
Thanks RS! I had somehow managed to mangle the link. Have fixed now.