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[Video] Minutemen Liberator raid on raider controlled Sunshine Tidings Co-op

:pilotOh, yeah!

Raybo “likes” :declare
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Fighting youtube trying to get avo9 for my videos. It will only give me avo9 for streams right now. Compression hurts my soul
Good vid, but does having your character so over powered not bore you out of your mind?
I'm actually running a survival re-balancer and ai subsumption controler. The enemies have the same or greater damage output than me even down to pipe weapons and have better combat tactics. All weapons have near standardized damage with mainly projectile velocity and amount mattering. Headshots matter a lot, but it only takes 3-5 bullets to kill almost any humanoid target, including me. (minus supermutants which are Extremely tanky, but headshots still kill quickly)

Its hard to see because I did this run without a hud for the video but when I run to cover, i'm almost dead when I reach the wall. Without using the conquerors attackers and vertibird to attack this settlement, it would have been impossible for me to do it without running a sneak crit build. (But ive done that a hundred times so im going for automatic weapon fun during this play through.)
How do ya not get rag dolled by a missile landing so close to ya?
That would send me into the air, probably headless.
I built my character specifically around reducing explosive damage, without it any minor/major explosive will 1hko you in my survival re-balanced play through. Basically all my armor is padded or a form of padded. I also have a mod that spawns no legendary so its all regular armor sets. The explosions are from a friendly rocketeer from the militarized minuteman mod im using alongside minuteman faction pack and We Are The Minuteman. The explosions are actually chewing my health down quite a bit (my character is a very high hp auto-weapon character + basically maxed out non-legendary ballistic padded armor)

You can see in the vid before go into cover behind a wall I take a single shot from a hostile npc and am put into critical health zone (heavy heart beating).
Surprised the guard towers didn’t wreck the vertibird
Unfortunately, the turrets sim settlements use dont scale with the survival re-balancer i use so they do pathetic chip damage.

The mod im using for the vertibird also makes it pretty tanky: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22450

Vertibird travel is a must in survival, and with that mod I can build and ride one without needing to join or destroy the BOS.
Looked insanely fun- love seeing those battles play out. Shame the settlers decided to wander around like fools instead of being correctly bound captive....
For my specific play through, having the settlers sometimes fight against me actually solves another problem of mine. My main recruitment hub has problems with happiness unless I send out warriors to take locations. When the settlers die in my assaults, it frees up space for my warriors to become guards or patrols. (im using better settlers mortal warriors setting)
I tried survival my 1st Conqueror playthrough (was as Enclave liberator). Too many things going on (HP zeroed in workshop mode, etc) so pulled the plug on it, and restarted in hard.

The vertibird mod looks really interesting. Do you use the mod from the beginning? Or is there a trigger?

My main recruitment hub has problems with happiness unless I send out warriors to take locations
How much do you build in the hub that adds happiness (eg Roadside bar plot or old fashioned objects like pommel horse)?

Also, did you kill off the 3 Raider leaders per Jammer’s requests (quests)? Or, something else? For liberators, it’s an ethically interesting situation
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Vertibird requires some fairly uncommon resources to build so it will take time to gather them, but there is nothing stopping you from building it besides that.

My main hub is at starlight drive in and holds 37 people. It has 5 recreational, 9 stores, 12 martial, 6 farms, 3 industrial. All needs are filled when manned and all plots are max tier.

This play through does not touch Jammers quest line at all. I'm using the minuteman faction pack + Militarized Minutemen and We Are The Minutemen. While I didn't have any specific directive for it, recruiting the nearby settlements ended up with me ultimately destroying 3 raider factions.