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The Great Wiki Project


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
While we are forever in debt to the the folks who helped so far on the Wiki - there's still so much to do, and we need your help! If you have interest in seeing all of Sim Settlements 2 documented, and want to be a part of it - that team is being assembled now!

The Sim Settlements 2 wiki is sorely lacking in information, while traditionally a wiki would be open to allow the community to come together and fill it out, our experience with Sim Settlements 1, was that we get assaulted by bots immediately - so this is going to take some coordination.

What we need:

- Writers: People who can write clear, technical documentation of features. Ideal candidates would have experience filling out other wikis, and would be willing to accept sets of guidelines/standards to keep the wiki professional.

- Researchers: People who are happy to dig into the bowels of the mod and find information for the writers (or assemble clear sets of interview questions for myself and other members of the team to help get you the info you need).

- Content Moderators: People who can monitor any incoming changes to the wiki and ensure they are non-destructive, meet the standards, and reflect the information accurately.

If you've got the time, you'd be welcome to do any or all of these tasks. This is by no means a one-man project, it will take a collaborative effort to handle the initial documentation, keep up with updates and expansions, and keep the forces of Russianbotsnia at bay!

Reply here if you are ready to join the fight!

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I'll jump in here and say that I am interested in helping.

A little about myself since I'm new around here: I've been Fallout fan for a long time. Sim Settlement was always one of my favorite mods. When I saw the announcement for Sim Settlements 2 (Ooo! something new!), I immediately installed it to play. I love the new quests with Jake and the special settlers. Your (and the team's) efforts are so inspiring, and all of it makes the game experience new again. I was actually considering learning how to make add ons.

My full time job, in an IT department, includes documenting quick reference guides and training manuals for our staff to learn how to use our service management application as well as maintaining content/access privileges on several of our SharePoint sites. My Wiki skills, however, are very rusty - it has been a while.

Writer, Content Maintainer, maybe Researcher? I'd really like to contribute.
Do you have any requirements like a definite time (number of hours/week) requirement?
Pick me!
I actually sent kg a private DM a few days ago, maybe about the time that this post went up. I'd be interested in writing tutorials about how to navigate making an AddOn using the spreadsheet tool as I learn it myself.
15 years or so as a Technical Writer for software companies has helped me learn how to write for the uninformed (which makes me the target audience for what I write!) in a manner that usually turns on a lot of light bulbs for the reader.
I'd be happy to do some research. I don't have much experience modding, but I've already been digging into the game a bit in the creation kit and xedit to try and figure some issues out. About to post a couple bug posts on the forum as well.
Hey there. I'm interested in helping as a writer. I have experience contributing to a handful of other wikis and have even set up my own using Mediawiki, which also got overran with bots. Anyways, I've been playing the mod for the past week as a brand new user and have lots of ideas for things that should be added to the wiki as a result of my own journey of trying to understand the ins and outs.

Seeing a whole community built around a MOD is a huge accomplishment and excites me to see where this thing goes. Many props to you and your team, equally.
I am happy to help out in any way I can.
In my line of work, I am used to taking technical jargon and making it accessible to everyday people.
I am also active in making cities using the very same steps Uituit Sirlach and yourself aided in teaching me during the SS1 city comp days.
I'm also happy to help in any way I can. I've written and edited technical documentation, made video tutorials, and created and maintained wiki content for mostly IT-related purposes for the last 18 years or so. I'm always on Discord and can respond usually very quickly.
Hello! Finally a place I an properly contribute. I have many years of experience editing and moderating wikis, forums, and creating documentation. Both for games and professionally. My professional work is in creating IT support documentation and end-user guides. I would think I could contribute either as a writer and/or as a content moderator.
I do not have professional or collegiate experience, but I am a very good editor, i.e., I've already seen several pages on the wiki that need small typo, grammar and/or punctuation edits. I am chomping at the bit to be let loose on the wiki so I can fix them. It's a curse, in best Six Sense voice: "I see typos. They're everywhere."
I do not have professional or collegiate experience, but I am a very good editor, i.e., I've already seen several pages on the wiki that need small typo, grammar and/or punctuation edits. I am chomping at the bit to be let loose on the wiki so I can fix them. It's a curse, in best Six Sense voice: "I see typos. They're everywhere."
I feel ya, I don't like spelling and grammatical errors, either. If you want, you can PM me and I'll fix them ASAP. I've been pretty busy putting in new content rather than editing the old lately.
OK sistah girl! I am on disability, live alone, so I have all the time in the world. I really want the job with SS too. I'm a writer, but not a novelist, just for myself heh. However, I would love to be able to edit the sites and even dialog in game (seen some grammar/typos there too). I'll shoot ya a PM soon.
I may be late to the game, but I do have technical writing experience. I wrote regulatory manuals for a casino and "research" is my middle name. Drop a line my way should this pique your curiosity.
There's no such thing as too late when you are dealing with something that constantly changes :)
I don't have the ability to grant users access, so we have to wait for kinggath.