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The Great Wiki Project

Hey y'all, I think I could help as well. I spend hours writing down details for my own use, so I could fill in gaps that might have been missed for all the detail nuts like me out there.

- Writers: People who can write clear, technical documentation of features. Ideal candidates would have experience filling out other wikis, and would be willing to accept sets of guidelines/standards to keep the wiki professional.

- Researchers: People who are happy to dig into the bowels of the mod and find information for the writers (or assemble clear sets of interview questions for myself and other members of the team to help get you the info you need).

- Content Moderators: People who can monitor any incoming changes to the wiki and ensure they are non-destructive, meet the standards, and reflect the information accurately.

Reply here if you are ready to join the fight!

Yes, KingGath, I'm available, willing, and quite experienced. I'm retired - so I chose where I invest my time.

Three careers: Clergy, NYS licensed Nursing Home Administrator, and in retirement, I write Screenplays, and plays. I'm comfortable with complicated and comprehensive documentation.

I helped play-test and bug hunt
Distant Worlds Universe. And
Nehrim: At Fates Edge: Also translated some of this mod's assets from German to English. When you play this - many of the signs and notices you read are my handiwork.

Over 50 years of playing FRP and strategic, games. I played Chainmail, which had a fantasy section at the end. That section became D&D. Games I play well: Morrowind, Oblivion (should have been called Cyrodiil), Skyrim. FO3, FNV, FO4, Civ3-4 (Fall from Heaven mod), Fallen Enchantress, Banished, Distant Worlds Universe. Galactic Civilizations II and III, X-com series.

I'm a grandmother, but all my kin live on other side of continent - lots of free time, Have I.
Thee you have it.
"Elana, there's another settlement wiki that needs your help."
Yes, KingGath, I'm available, willing, and quite experienced. I'm retired - so I chose where I invest my time.

Three careers: Clergy, NYS licensed Nursing Home Administrator, and in retirement, I write Screenplays, and plays. I'm comfortable with complicated and comprehensive documentation.

I helped play-test and bug hunt two games:
Distant Worlds, Universe. And
Nehrim: At Fates Edge (German super mod using Oblivion as a base). Also did some of the translation into English. Many of the in game signs, and bulletin posts, are my contribution.
Over 50 years of playing FRP and strategic, games. I played Chainmail, which had a fantasy section at the end. That section became D&D. Games I play well: Morrowind, Oblivion (should have been called Cyrodiil), Skyrim. FO3, FNV, FO4, Civ3-4 (Fall from Heaven mod), Fallen Enchantress, Banished, Distant Worlds Universe. Galactic Civilizations II and III, X-com series.

I'm a grandmother, but all my kin live on other side of continent - lots of free time, have I.
There you have it.
"Elana, there's another settlement wiki that needs your help."
EDIT: ETA (at your convenience -- gr8ly appreciate all y'all do).
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I'm an aerospace quality manager and have a quite lot of experience writing professional manuals and procedures. If you'd like my help, just let me know.
just saying I have heard the word "computer" popping up for SOOO many times, and I think should better replaced with Terminal commands, only a handful call them computer and you can only see two places one in Fallout 3 as a perk (which shouldn't consider someone is using) and Fallout: BOS the game (now non-canon). and never once is in vanilla Fallout 4. also if you guys need someone who can speak Chinese(Mandarin and Shanghainese) you can ask me too! I would love to help out!
just saying I have heard the word "computer" popping up for SOOO many times, and I think should better replaced with Terminal commands, only a handful call them computer and you can only see two places one in Fallout 3 as a perk (which shouldn't consider someone is using) and Fallout: BOS the game (now non-canon). and never once is in vanilla Fallout 4. also if you guys need someone who can speak Chinese(Mandarin and Shanghainese) you can ask me too! I would love to help out!
You make a very good point. :)
Personal comment: My Mandarin is very rudimentary, maybe kindergarten level. So many languages, so little time...
You make a very good point. :)
Personal comment: My Mandarin is very rudimentary, maybe kindergarten level. So many languages, so little time...
yes, thank you for the acknowledge
Though I was born in NZ, now living in China for more than 14 years, so yes if Chinese you can count on me (especially where all the previous games mention the Chinese side and even have had a WHOLE bunch of references in the game but Fallout 4, so if you need voice over or checking whether the script in Chinese is dramatically correct you can count on me :))
Man, if possible I'm applying for writers, and here's why:

I have played the game with the mod on for a save file of 4 days at this point, and I have some things to say it out for the community:

First is with the introduction of a world map on the option, I would like to help on adding Chinese NPCs (the second and almost the only other country we know about for the lore the best? And surprising that Fallout 4 has a complete lack of Chinese NPCs) for you by checking the script for grammatically correct and even helping you guys to understand what happened from the 1950s to 1970s in China. Now I'm having ideas such as to make a side quest of sending Chinese NPCs back to China (since that's what General Zhao wanted in the Yangzte) or just help them to find a place to settle. The world map being added is a cool move! I would like to help with that.

Here is a little complaint:

I don't know what happened to chapter 2? Compared with chapter 1 I feel like the direction of this mod completely changed mainly (or only) because of the introduction of the HQ system, from making my life easier all the way to drive all of us mentally crazy. I don't think this was Chapter 1's goal, nor Jake's first introduction as to how ASAM is going to make everyone's life easier (which with the HQ system it clearly isn't). Which chapter 2 hit online, now all we have left in almost all sections of this forum is just the HQ system. This is not about the bug reports, just on the mechanism and mechanism only.

Even I myself made a little thread about the HQ system and yes so far so bad with only agreements from all of the highly active members and zero disagreements?

In that thread I made we kind of agree with to make it:
1. As a Hotel? which you can get a whole lot of caps from, and NPCs there for you to assign for things like security, registry, sanitary, etc
2. Same as Concord, the place will just upgrade automatically when you go back after certain quests (I personally like this the most)
3. make the mod a standalone mod only, it defiles the original purpose of the mod

I love this mod so much the same as others too, but I think the HQ system at this point should be a standalone for EXTREMELY hard-core players only if they want to go along with it. So hey, if you guys need some more writer power I'm here to help.
Capt of submarine is Chinese.
yes and sorry that's what I meant, if he wants to go back I can see many other veterans feeling the same too, therefore it could be a little quest on helping others to go back too
Damn, sorry I had the idea but I forgot, since we have a "cemetery plot" now, maybe we can add a questline of a proper burial of your partner somehow and even maybe a burial of your son Shaun?
While we are forever in debt to the the folks who helped so far on the Wiki - there's still so much to do, and we need your help! If you have interest in seeing all of Sim Settlements 2 documented, and want to be a part of it - that team is being assembled now!

The Sim Settlements 2 wiki is sorely lacking in information, while traditionally a wiki would be open to allow the community to come together and fill it out, our experience with Sim Settlements 1, was that we get assaulted by bots immediately - so this is going to take some coordination.

What we need:

- Writers: People who can write clear, technical documentation of features. Ideal candidates would have experience filling out other wikis, and would be willing to accept sets of guidelines/standards to keep the wiki professional.

- Researchers: People who are happy to dig into the bowels of the mod and find information for the writers (or assemble clear sets of interview questions for myself and other members of the team to help get you the info you need).

- Content Moderators: People who can monitor any incoming changes to the wiki and ensure they are non-destructive, meet the standards, and reflect the information accurately.

If you've got the time, you'd be welcome to do any or all of these tasks. This is by no means a one-man project, it will take a collaborative effort to handle the initial documentation, keep up with updates and expansions, and keep the forces of Russianbotsnia at bay!

Reply here if you are ready to join the fight!

I would be happy to pitch in. My experience is in IT/ data/ management so I've written quite a few user manuals, SOPs and wikis. I am also a fan of the Oxford comma. ;)
I'm new here and probably very late to this but would like to throw my hat in the ring for any writing/research work that may need doing. Love the mod, having only just discovered it and would like to get involved and help out where I can. Thanks :)
I'm new here and probably very late to this but would like to throw my hat in the ring for any writing/research work that may need doing. Love the mod, having only just discovered it and would like to get involved and help out where I can. Thanks :)

Welcome to the forums @actualar
Do you have any technical writing experience or research experience that you can share with us?
Welcome to the forums @actualar
Do you have any technical writing experience or research experience that you can share with us?
Hey! Thank you Yes, sorry I probably should've mentioned that - not sure if it qualifies as technical writing as such but I work as a freelance content and copywriter as well as writing/managing contributing writers for a games review website. I've also worked as a writer on a couple of collaborative modding projects for Beyond Skyrim (writing NPCs and quest/dialogue lines etc). Part of my content writing job involves topic research so I'm familiar with deep diving into things in order to create documents.

Not sure if that's exactly what you're looking for but if you did need an extra pair of writing hands I'd be happy to help out
Hey, I would like to contribute mainly to Content Moderators role as I have noticed few miss steps and addition that would benefit the WIKI.

The wiki has greatly made it easier to me to mod Sim Settlements more and it was a hassle looking for stuff in Nexus which was not yet covered but the WIKI so I could spare some time for the task

I am a retired Network Administrator and have overall 40 years in computers and the gaming industry. As I am retired and with Covid causing my doctors to have a panic attack anytime I even mention going out in public again (I am a cancer survivor and the second course of chemo therapy screwed my immune system over big time!) I spend the majority of my time in my apartment playing Fallout 4 and other games to the point where I think I might just lose my mind (over 6000+ hours on Skyrim alone! God I need a life!!) I would welcome the chance to contribute to this great project.
Hey, I would like to contribute mainly to Content Moderators role as I have noticed few miss steps and addition that would benefit the WIKI.

The wiki has greatly made it easier to me to mod Sim Settlements more and it was a hassle looking for stuff in Nexus which was not yet covered but the WIKI so I could spare some time for the task

Do you have any technical writing, SharePoint, training documentation or anything like that?

I don't have permissions to add access, so for now, If there are corrections that need to be made, or steps that have been missed, you can make a post @Cessori in this forum section: Wiki Contributions and I'll update the page.
I am a retired Network Administrator and have overall 40 years in computers and the gaming industry. As I am retired and with Covid causing my doctors to have a panic attack anytime I even mention going out in public again (I am a cancer survivor and the second course of chemo therapy screwed my immune system over big time!) I spend the majority of my time in my apartment playing Fallout 4 and other games to the point where I think I might just lose my mind (over 6000+ hours on Skyrim alone! God I need a life!!) I would welcome the chance to contribute to this great project.
Hi @RichardG.
Same question for you - Any technical writing, SharePoint, Wiki or training documentation or anything like that?
Some but not much. Almost all of my work was hardware side.
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Do you have any technical writing, SharePoint, training documentation or anything like that?

I don't have permissions to add access, so for now, If there are corrections that need to be made, or steps that have been missed, you can make a post @Cessori in this forum section: Wiki Contributions and I'll update the page.

No I don’t really sadly :(:(

But I’ll contact you soon enough in the Forums once I collect all the missteps there was in the WIKI unless they have been fixed by then :grin