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Detailed Building Overview

@mytigio thanks for the clarification. Very much enjoying your addon and looking forward to how you update it to use the new tree update system.
Scav Team Dispatcher
Salvage Sorting Facility
Scavver Shed

Question - how exactly do these work? To build I mean.

I put up 3, but they all say - Sav Team Dispatch, just Tier 1, 2 and 3. (see pic)
How do I get the other 2 to become the Sorting Facility and Scavver Shed?
There is no listing in the Building Plans.
It is a bug that @mytigio is aware of. Build them one at time letting them get to level 1 before you build the next one. https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/mytigios-industrial-city.894/#post-6579

It is a bug, basically if 2 of them start building too close together (in time, not space), then they can both hit dispatcher as their model.

Destroying the plot and remaking it will let it choose a new plot type (simply reselecting scavanger support doesn't, nor will refreshing it), wait for it to get to level 1 before selecting another Scavanger Support plot for now.
Scav Team Dispatcher
Salvage Sorting Facility
Scavver Shed

Question - how exactly do these work? To build I mean.

I put up 3, but they all say - Sav Team Dispatch, just Tier 1, 2 and 3. (see pic)
How do I get the other 2 to become the Sorting Facility and Scavver Shed?
There is no listing in the Building Plans.
View attachment 437

The latest version (0.7.7) will help mitigate the issue, although it can't completely solve it unless I change how SS plots work which I'm unwilling to do.

Basically before 0.7.7 it didn't register as a Dispatcher until the building was complete, so when people would plop them down side-by-side and start them at the same time, they would all get flagged as dispatchers before any of them were registered.

The new one 0.7.7 registers at the time the decision is made instead of waiting for the building to finish, so there is only a few moments where an overlap like this can occur. I'll continue to tweak the script once I get feedback on 0.7.7.

To fix your dispatchers, move the plots (the "Yes, destroy it" option, then reselect the plot as a Scavanger Support plot. You can't just re-slect Scavanager Support, it will revert straight back to a dispatcher if you do.
The latest version (0.7.7) will help mitigate the issue, although it can't completely solve it unless I change how SS plots work which I'm unwilling to do.

Basically before 0.7.7 it didn't register as a Dispatcher until the building was complete, so when people would plop them down side-by-side and start them at the same time, they would all get flagged as dispatchers before any of them were registered.

The new one 0.7.7 registers at the time the decision is made instead of waiting for the building to finish, so there is only a few moments where an overlap like this can occur. I'll continue to tweak the script once I get feedback on 0.7.7.

To fix your dispatchers, move the plots (the "Yes, destroy it" option, then reselect the plot as a Scavanger Support plot. You can't just re-slect Scavanager Support, it will revert straight back to a dispatcher if you do.

Thanks for the info
Regarding the alternate recruiting method, is there any way you can make it work on open beds rather than just open housing plots? Some places just don't have much room for housing plots, and you really have to rely on "bunk houses" - (I'm looking at you Tenpines). There are places where I can build a fair number of homes but other places where I can't. If recruitment is limited to open homes then smaller places won't be able to recruit.

Or this just hit me. Could I work around this. Just keep one home plot always unassigned, and assign new settlers to beds in bunk houses? Would that be a viable work around?
Regarding the alternate recruiting method, is there any way you can make it work on open beds rather than just open housing plots? Some places just don't have much room for housing plots, and you really have to rely on "bunk houses" - (I'm looking at you Tenpines). There are places where I can build a fair number of homes but other places where I can't. If recruitment is limited to open homes then smaller places won't be able to recruit.

Or this just hit me. Could I work around this. Just keep one home plot always unassigned, and assign new settlers to beds in bunk houses? Would that be a viable work around?
It works for me. I got sanctuary up to 43 settlers with one farm plot and home constantly unassigned.
Yeah, that does work, however part of the point of that system is the settler count will scale to the amount of room available, one of the purposes behidn it is even a Charisma 10 character can limit a settlement like hangman's to 5 or 6 settlers if they want to.

Additionally, the vanilla system still works, so you can always use that in addition to get up to the normal cap regardless of the scav team dispatcher.
Ok I am confused want to make an alternate recruiter but I can't figure out how to build one it does not show up in the list of plots a little help please
Ok I am confused want to make an alternate recruiter but I can't figure out how to build one it does not show up in the list of plots a little help please

the Scav Team Dispatcher includes the new beacon on top of it. You get a scav team dispatcher as one of the options from a Scavanger Support building (because you're only supposed to get one scav team dispatcher per settlement, so I need a "helper building" to control how many you get per settlement)
Do the scavenger support buildings increase the salvage from the 3rd version of the scavenger support buildings? So, if I set all my buildings to be scavenger support, could I get a huge amount of random salvage?
Do the scavenger support buildings increase the salvage from the 3rd version of the scavenger support buildings? So, if I set all my buildings to be scavenger support, could I get a huge amount of random salvage?

No, the Scavver's Shed works as a normal scavaging workbench (and in fact is the only plot I provide that is impacted by the salvage cap). It's basically a fallback for folks who already have the 2 unique plots for when they get more scavanger support buildings.

Ironically, it's salvage is not increased by the dispatcher nor the salvage sorting facility.
No, the Scavver's Shed works as a normal scavaging workbench (and in fact is the only plot I provide that is impacted by the salvage cap). It's basically a fallback for folks who already have the 2 unique plots for when they get more scavanger support buildings.

Ironically, it's salvage is not increased by the dispatcher nor the salvage sorting facility.
I ran into an issue; I tried to change all my Scavver's sheds to other plans, but they keep reverting back to Scavver's sheds, and they are very strongly persistent about it. I wish I could give you a save, but I seem to have modded it till it broke, so it may not be your fault.
I ran into an issue; I tried to change all my Scavver's sheds to other plans, but they keep reverting back to Scavver's sheds, and they are very strongly persistent about it. I wish I could give you a save, but I seem to have modded it till it broke, so it may not be your fault.

It is my fault, I'm looking into it, pick up the plot and tell is "yes destroy it" and set it back down
So, is the info in the OP outdated? If I want Robotics Recyclers, I should be using the Advanced Industrial instead of Industrial, and I need to choose the correct tree when upgrading, right? But otherwise the upgraded versions function just like the original plain Industrial ones?
So, is the info in the OP outdated? If I want Robotics Recyclers, I should be using the Advanced Industrial instead of Industrial, and I need to choose the correct tree when upgrading, right? But otherwise the upgraded versions function just like the original plain Industrial ones?

Oh, yes you're correct, I'll get that updated with those changes and the new plots that were added.

Edit: I should be more clear. This is mostly correct. The output is slightly different because I'm using kinggaths system, so it is now impacted by the same "tick" system that his resource generating plots use and it produces more consistently (2 adhesive, 2 aluminum, 1 circuitry, 1 ceramic and 1 rubber each time it produces. Then it is twice that at level 2, and 3 times that at level 3). I've updated the post.
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