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Companion only have floating head and hands when access certain mod added area in Sim2


New Member
So this bug happens when I switch between area through loading screen. It happens randomly but the Ron office and the cellar next to ranger cabin always trigger it. After it happened, if I don't do anything about it it will stay like that. Normally it can be fixed by either enable/disable command, equip clothes again or reload save but after switch it will happen again. This happen with both vanilla clothes and modded ones. It doesn't happen to the player or a companion mod (sas companion). Other modded areas I have installed don't trigger it either like the enclave bunker or player homes (I installed multiple ones).
And I was wondering if it the reason why my save options are greyed out randomly, too.
it sounds like the mesh or textures are failing to load. similar behavior causes the brown face bug as face textures can't be merged or fail to load. does it also happen in the mechanist's lair? that cell is very heavy for assets, and if you are running into a memory limit somewhere and things are failing to load it might be triggered by that cell also.

Saves options are greyed out when the game believes you are not in a valid position to save, i.e. already in the middle of an autosave, an animation, a loading screen, etc. bringing the pipboy up will usually grey out the saves options because you are paused in the middle of the arm raise animation while the terminal runs, and you can see similar behavior using terminals outside, or crafting benches, or whatever. using the console command player.moveto player will teleport you to your current location and usually break you out of any partial animations and subsystems, if this is the problem, but there are other possiblities (bad mods, survival mode, etc).
Alyssa's coat is probably different. Are you using SS2 Extended? If not, that could be why. Even though I think she uses Piper's outfit on xbox instead, so that should be the case.
I actually run into this pretty often (mostly for companions) and I'm not entirely sure why either. if you re-equip a piece of armor onto the companion though it'll reset back to normal.