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Too Soon for Addon's??


New Member
So I have been playing with sim settlements here and there. This playthrough though I am almost exclusively focusing on Sim Settlement gameplay. I have main file and IR plus 5 or 6 addon packs. I think more is better. I wonder now though as I am finding myself watching youtube vids and reading forums that maybe more is confusing. Would I benefit more from playing with just the main and IR for a while and then slowly adding the addons??? I constantly do too much. Im the guy who adds 12 mods instead of one at a time like your supposed to. Any thoughts???
More is better:)
but it depends on your play style and how you want your settlements to look like
and you have to worry about space on xbox

lol wasn't much help but you just have to experiment with the packs and see what u like :)
There's definitely an advantage to limiting to just IR over other add-ons with Advanced Industrial buildings since IR is so interwoven on itself - though RuinedWorld's addon actually ties in and adds more options the Industrial Revolution set - which is pretty cool.

Most of the add-ons are purely asthetic, so having more of those right away is highly recommended. Industrial City might be the only one worth waiting until you've got your head wrapped around everything because it's doing a lot more advanced stuff than the base mod or expansion.
thank you. I am going to keep experimenting with all of them since I have them and made room for them in my load order. I can always start a 23rd playthrough right!!
There's definitely an advantage to limiting to just IR over other add-ons with Advanced Industrial buildings since IR is so interwoven on itself - though RuinedWorld's addon actually ties in and adds more options the Industrial Revolution set - which is pretty cool.

Most of the add-ons are purely asthetic, so having more of those right away is highly recommended. Industrial City might be the only one worth waiting until you've got your head wrapped around everything because it's doing a lot more advanced stuff than the base mod or expansion.

I would agree, mine is the one most likely to cause confusion. I don't agree it's doing anything more advanced then IR by any means, but it does some of those things differently, which causes confusion (especially if you don't know what comes from my mod and what comes out of IR.)

I'm slowly but surely moving most of the systems toward the IR method just for consistencies sake (and because I'm not doing anything novel with my salvage plots, it's the same concept done in a different way) but there will always be a few outliers (my robotics workshop tree will always be a bit different due to it's nature, the dispatcher and it's whole line will always be a bit different, etc).
More is better. I jumped right in with 6 add on packs that looked good to me and I haven't had any troubles at all. I set everything to auto build/upgrade and I occasionally set some plots when i want something specific.

I particularly like Mytigio's mod Industrial city, with the Scav Team Dispatcher and the two other buildings that go along with the scav support. JtBryant's Foundations to organise my settlement better. Brae's Defence to make more martial plots. Hunter Gatherer to start off a settlement before you get 4-6 people. Wasteland Ventures has heaps of cool looking things.

I'm yet to download an add on pack that I don't like or find useful
I did my 1st Sim Settlement with just SS and IR and think I benefited from taking it simple at first.
It helps you to get to know the basics and work out how you prefer to build the settlements - totally random, mix of random and planned or totally planned.
I tend to go with some random and some specific since my settlements usually have a theme.
I still haven't used lots of the stuff in the addons and at the rate people are making new plots doubt I ever will.