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some notes on "Current list of issues and bugs"


Well-Known Member
I'm cross-posting over here in regards to READ BEFORE POSTING - Current list of issues and bugs because i didn't want to mess up that post since it appears to be designed to sticky, and that would be a great resource to have.

however, i have a couple of notes on the listing in the wiki that post links to:
  • Companions and settlers having a civil war and Settlement patrols added by mayors are hostile to NPCs
    • every time i have looked into this it was due to the base game weirdness around multiple factions and assist ally rules. i.e. the NPCs in question belongs to the player faction and some other factions A and B. once a NPC from faction A hits a NPC from faction B with a missed round or splash damage while fighting off a raider or something, all the NPCs of Faction B go to assist their allies and shoot the original NPC in A, and in response all the other NPCs from faction A go to assist their ally and shoot back, and quickly the entirety of both factions A and B are in combat with people from the other faction who shot at their ally.
    • if there is a SS2 unique issue here, it's going to be difficult to filter out from the base game weirdness.
  • Crash near a settlement
    • oh man this is so vague.
    • it's broad enough to include a few days ago when i was having crashes in concord during the raider clear out, and it turned out to be a unrelated third-party mod installing a navmesh badly out in norwood depot, and that could be construed as falling under this known issue because it was occurring near the red rocket.
    • there is VERY little information here useful to a player, but just enough that they are going to take away "ok, SS2 causes crashes around settlements, guess i shouldn't use it".
    • consider converting this into it's own article on known crashes and how to fix them, where we can cover the power problem, the triagle of death, the non-Junk donation crash, etc, and then go into more general crash testing advice like Buffout, CLAS, binary testing, etc.
  • ASAM sensors don't share in workshop with vanilla supply lines.
    • hang on: they're junk. shouldn't they be usable across base game supply lines? i KNOW i have accidentally left all my sensors and boxes in another settlement and didn't realize it until i went to build someplace new off the caravan network. i'm gonna have to test this.
  • Missing from the list: Who Can? ASAM! fails to advance after "Meet <Alias=ChosenLeader> and <Alias.PronounPosObj=ChosenLeader> people at <Alias=ChosenSettlementLocation>"
    • this is one i've personally run into almost every single run. i assumed it was my own load order weirdness and would have never report it, but looking at the quality of some of the other reports, i guess it is overqualified.
    • i get a box of Assums and truck over to the stingwing generator factory, neogitate with stodge and get him to back down, then meet them at taffington, or zimonja or coastal or some other fool place, and once i get there i am unable to even talk to stodge. advancing the stages works exactly as expected, but the dialogs never fire. i ran into this just last night and had to use the console to advance the quest stages forward. i've never looked into it, because i never use city plans and i have hundreds of potential conflicting mods.
    • the ONE time it succeeded out of all my runs was also the one time i failed the charisma check and had to kill stodge. Theresa's dialogs fired just fine.
    • WORKAROUND: use the holotape to skip to the end of the current quest and manually apply a city plan if desired.
  • missing from the list: CPD quests halt after the end of act 2 (Lena's scalps, BADTLF takeover, Jared's robots, and Simon's law research) and never advance to act 3 (Critical Perpetrator Development)
I am happy to see the wiki page added, and hope that comments here can help with problem solving once Kinggath is back in bug fix mode. I'm going to comment below on your specific notes, SarahAda, but I hope you understand that this is not me disagreeing or arguing with you, just sharing my experiences on these issues.

I have had the civil war/settlement patrol issues without any friendly fire incidents to start it - as soon as a particular npc spawns, the fighting begins. My uneducated guess would have been a missing flag or some such, but it sounds like the flags are set correctly (I have not looked into the mod to confirm). The CPD officers/bots from the Martial Plots and the players from the Wasteland Theater are often (but not always) attacked by something in my settlement as soon as they spawn in.

Regarding crashes on approach to or in settlements, judging from my own experience these aren't directly the fault of SS2, but are typically the scrap crash or engine crashes from overbuilding or graphics crashes or crashes from other mods. Beyond the tools the team has already provided, I'm not sure what more can be done, but there certainly may be other issues I haven't encountered in my playthroughs. I agree that since many people seem to encounter these issues when they play with SS2 that more information/a dedicated article wouldn't be a bad idea.

In my experience, there is something about the ASAM's that requires them to be in your inventory or in the workbench for the settlement you are in, regardless of caravans. I think this might have been intentional on Kinggath's part, but that is just speculation on my part.

I haven't had any issues with Who Can? ASAM!, much to my pleasant surprise given the number of issues I've seen posted about it. I wonder if it is due to me only choosing Hangman's or Sunshine Tidings?

Kinggath has mentioned on his livestream series that CPD is going to require a major overhaul, and since he didn't write it that is going to be a significant project. I'm actually kind of hoping that after the... "poor launch" of Redfall that they delay Starfield again, but Kinggath stays in "hunker down" mode to get not just Ch. 3 completed but some other issues like this one resolved.

Regarding other items you didn't mention - Yaugie and I have posted about the Mayor issues, the trouble with that one seems to be getting reliable replication. Random settler unassignment I haven't run into, beyond the normal Codsworth issue, and there seems to be a functioning mod for that (though I'm not sure it isn't causing me other issues). The extra settlers issue I tried providing a save for, but it did not replicate through to Cessori testing it, and the problem seems to... bounce around (?) in my current playthrough (recruitment obeys settings in a given settlement for a time, then it goes out of whack, then it starts behaving again). The workaround of eliminating the Comms plot doesn't work if you want to use the beacons, I don't think, so I have just been dealing with it.

Fortunately I have not run into most of the other issues noted on the new wiki page, and I have learned to work around or with the issues that I do have, so the mod isn't unplayable for me by any means.
I have had the civil war/settlement patrol issues without any friendly fire incidents to start it
ok, i'm not saying it doesn't happen, i'm saying filtering it out from base game weirdness is going to be hard.

Regarding crashes on approach to or in settlements, judging from my own experience these aren't directly the fault of SS2,
this is even a better reason to put it anywhere else EXCEPTY the "known problems with SS2" page. i'm happy to help build up something to help people eliminate crashes, i just don't want the mod maligned without cause.

In my experience, there is something about the ASAM's that requires them to be in your inventory or in the workbench for the settlement you are in, regardless of caravans.
this is cause enough to deflect my current play through and start testing it. more news to come.

choosing Hangman's or Sunshine Tidings?
it's funny you mention that. the one time it worked was when i used sunshine tidings co-op with theresa. if i cared about city plans, this would probably be a higher priority for me.

CPD is going to require a major overhaul,
it's been a long time coming. i love those quests. they're ambitious and thoughtful, but they are a little bit sloppy with conditions and as a result are fragile and prone to errors. I'd love to see them up to full snuff and see where it goes with the CPD in chapter 3.

Regarding other items you didn't mention
ya, there's a bunch of stuff i don't have experience with or knowledge of, and didn't want to comment upon. i was really just trying to start a conversation about improving that article where i did have specific knowledge, because i think it's already a valuable resource, but could use some polish before it becomes a go-to for those of us who patrol the help forums. yaugie is usually right.
Testing report: i WAS able to use ASAMs, both loose and from boxes, across both vanilla supply lines and caravan connections.
Ya, that's never worked for me, I've always had the ASAMs in my Inventory.
the whole reason i had to go test it was that i am so used to keeping boxes on me so i'm not surprised when i travel to new settlements that aren't on the caravan grid yet and realize i locked my keys in the house.
Thanks for the feedback @SarahAda and @Synystyr1 ! In retrospect, it could be best to post it in that thread since, well, I completely missed this one :blush But we have this thread now.
Feel free to @ me.
there is VERY little information here useful to a player, but just enough that they are going to take away "ok, SS2 causes crashes around settlements, guess i shouldn't use it".
Fair point. While it'd be near impossible to list every single crash cause from every mod combination (some would say this list itself is extremely impractical to maintain), there should at least be a note saying that "these are SS2 related things, not just SS2 crashes your game, duh". I picked the (probably) most common ones. But yeah, I guess power crashes can happen in a completely vanilla game but they're more likely to happen when you have a mod like SS2 add a million powered objects. And "triangle of death" or any other overbuilding crash is just a consequence of the engine choking on too much stuff (also classic holsters, modded weapons, ponytails and 4K faces...). Would still be possible in an unmodded game, though you'd have to try really hard for it.
every time i have looked into this it was due to the base game weirdness around multiple factions and assist ally rules. i.e. the NPCs in question belongs to the player faction and some other factions A and B. once a NPC from faction A hits a NPC from faction B with a missed round or splash damage while fighting off a raider or something, all the NPCs of Faction B go to assist their allies and shoot the original NPC in A, and in response all the other NPCs from faction A go to assist their ally and shoot back, and quickly the entirety of both factions A and B are in combat with people from the other faction who shot at their ally.
This definitely happens but it really seems like its own issue. Personally I seen an NPC change faction (or I assume they do since I know nothing about programming) when they are recruited for example, and CoA patrols start shooting them on sight. I bet that is a problem with how patrols' factions are implemented. They're hostile to just about everyone except basic settlers. From what I can tell, the settlement wars after gunner attacks are also unprovoked. Or settlers being stuck running around with guns out, it seems the game applies some sort of "alert" state to them and never takes it away since there was no actual attack or something.

Missing from the list: Who Can? ASAM! fails to advance after "Meet <Alias=ChosenLeader> and <Alias.PronounPosObj=ChosenLeader> people at <Alias=ChosenSettlementLocation>"
  • this is one i've personally run into almost every single run. i assumed it was my own load order weirdness and would have never report it, but looking at the quality of some of the other reports, i guess it is overqualified.
I've ran into it occasionally but it seems infrequent. I think the whole Stodge's crew is meant to gather in one place before you can trigger the next stage, but for some reason they get stuck on something. If they're all there and nothing happens, yes, that sounds like a bug. I do send them to Sunshine 90% of the time so.. could be something there. The one time it was Croup manor, xbox just couldn't handle a city plan there - it hated city plans in manors. Sanctuary also worked fine but that was a while ago (I really wanted Lily, Paul and them to be in the same place...)
it might be worth adding a section on the "there were no options available" issue. it's been reported off and on since HQ2.0, and i don't know if we have a full understanding of why it comes up and how to work around it.
I swear it's on there. May have to recheck that... One of the 2 gamebreaking issues with HQ (the other is no menus for buildiing) that seem to be unfixable at this time. Even though there was an attempted fix some patches ago.
missing from the list: CPD quests halt after the end of act 2 (Lena's scalps, BADTLF takeover, Jared's robots, and Simon's law research) and never advance to act 3 (Critical Perpetrator Development)
It should be starting properly since one of the patches but apparently still doesn't. Could be one of those things requiring a new game to actually register or... I don't really know. I love the CPD and it's sad that something consistently breaks in their quests. I did post the one issue that (I personally feel like) gets ignored so hope at least that is resolved.
Regarding other items you didn't mention - Yaugie and I have posted about the Mayor issues, the trouble with that one seems to be getting reliable replication.
You mean the inability to assign mayors from the list?
There appear to be a few issues with mayors - not appearing in the list at all, not properly assigning from the list, not showing leader abilities when assigned. Unfortunately when I get save that has the issue, when I send it to Cessori, the problem disappears, even on matching load orders. The issues will also come and go over time within the same save. It doesn’t seem to be script lag. At this point my hope is that Kinggath runs into the issue on his streamed play, much like the issues between production and commercial plots across the caravan network (seems to work for some players, and/or some plots, but I’ve had little luck with it).
much like the issues between production and commercial plots across the caravan network (seems to work for some players, and/or some plots, but I’ve had little luck with it).
If I'm not mistaken, the produced stuff is added to shops but then disappears when the inventory refreshes. Which is a bummer.
There appear to be a few issues with mayors - not appearing in the list at all, not properly assigning from the list, not showing leader abilities when assigned. Unfortunately when I get save that has the issue, when I send it to Cessori, the problem disappears, even on matching load orders.
Don't think I ever ran into it. When I did get the list and pick a mayor from it, it would assign (though it would take a painful amount of time to get to that part, potentially due to leader packs, flag packs and whatnot). Since some patches ago, I think the list stopped working entirely so manually assigning became the only way. But that consistently works (you get patrols from minutemen allies if they have the trait, or from Hubert, or boosted discovery chance from Nick).
Anyway, the page is updated :)
KG says he found the issue with Mayors not showing up in the available leaders, so a fix will hopefully be coming in the next release.
There appear to be a few issues with mayors - not appearing in the list at all, not properly assigning from the list, not showing leader abilities when assigned.
isn't this just the leader cards being established? i ran into this when attempting to assign Tina Deluca as a mayor, until i realized she didn't have a leader card established in the mod i was using. went an found a mod with leader cards for Tina, bobby and Raymond Holt and she poped right in.
It's the no available leaders message coming up when you use Assign City Leader, or Replace City Leader, and the City Plan "View Modifiers" not showing up when using the City Planner's Desk.
Since the main thread is locked and I can't add anything to it - friendly reminder that the list (tm) still exists and is somewhat regularly updated. To folks who run into new issues, please consider looking at it and/or searching the forums before multiplying new threads. Some of the more prominent ones are plot classes missing from the lists, and commonwealth rising not able to complete (fixed with last hotfix). Commonwealth rising not progressing after getting science department (could be related to the last hotfix?..), outpost and attack problems - I'll add them in a bit. State of War is supposed to give locations I think, but those struggling with it can look at the thread in Latest News.
(if someone could please move this to Questions or Discussions, that would be greatly appreciated :) )
(also the rest of this suubforum is only for stuff you suggest to put on the wiki so it's not for questions or gameplay suggestions)
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