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some help with city level


New Member
i changed my city leader in sanctuary and accidentally selected the tear all down option, so my sanctuary is back to level 0. so i want to know if there is some console command or whatever tha makes upgrade percentage go to 100% 'cause i want my bealtiful city back :(
you can disable city upgrade needs OFF and just wait or sleep some days. i believe it is 5/10/15 days for each level. Or 10/20/30 can´t remember
As I understand, when you change the leader, the city resets, however i would advice against sleeping for that length of time as it can cause scripting issues, which can often lead to all manner of issues and the worse case, starting the game from fresh.

My adice is, switch everything to auto, go off and do stuff, before you know it, it will be back to all its glory.