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Settlers randomly losing assignments


Well-Known Member
Since the last major update (2.0.3), every time I travel back to a settlement I've built up, one settler at random will have 'lost' one of their assignments - either Home, Job, or Hobby. This is Great(tm) since it means something will now be short.

Has anyone else seen this? I have no idea what could've caused this to start happening, it was fine before. I have all auto-assign functionality turned off.

At this point I am 99% sure it is nothing to do with the Disease system, and believe it to be an issue of Settlers temporarily losing even which settlement they belong to and losing an assignment in the process. Testing continues.
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I thought this was due to Lily being assigned to a settlement before she was supposed to. I could have sworn this was fixed in the last patch.
That could well be true - the last patch only came out a week ago. It seems you think I play as often as I would like to, rather than as often as I actually get time to ... :grin
My $0.02 - The "NPC is unassigned and constantly being unassigned" issue most likely is related to the new disease mechanic. My money is on it being some sort of DoNotAllowAssignment keyword either being incorrectly applied or failing to be properly removed. I would suspect this could be found in some sort of WorkshopActorAssigned event in SimSettlementsV2:Quests:NPC_AssignmentManager
The issue being related to the disease mechanic is a good idea. Well worth looking into.
That could well be true - the last patch only came out a week ago. It seems you think I play as often as I would like to, rather than as often as I actually get time to ... :grin
LOLOLOLOL :rofl Yesterday I started 3 new games and still didn't manage to solve a bug in one of my mods... :( I can't tell you the last time I just "played." Maybe I should bury my pride, remove my WIP mods and go shoot stuff for some stress relief. :agree:
@yaugie @Cessori @OscarN1N7
If you either have logging on, or know how to turn it on, you could help out by searching for the words superfluous assignment in the SS2AutoAssignment log.

If the auto assignment thinks it finds that a settler has two identical plot types (ie, two homes) it will evict them from one of them. It notes that in the SS2AutoAssignment log. If there is a problem with that code which is causing the unassignment, we will see superfluous assignment in the log.
Ya, there is one:
[05/08/2022 - 09:55:13PM] [workshopnpcscript < (FF0026EC)>] superfluous assignment: [simsettlementsv2:objectreferences:simplot < (FF00237A)>] for [Keyword <SS2_AssignmentType_Home (0B014A23)>]
Ya, there is one:
That means a settler is being unassigned from a residential plot.
Do you have F4SE? If so, I can potentially give you a version of the script that will give you more info when this happens, so you can check to see if the settler has been assigned another home or now just has none (currently its a bit hard to know which settler it is or even where it is)
That means a settler is being unassigned from a residential plot.
Do you have F4SE? If so, I can potentially give you a version of the script that will give you more info when this happens, so you can check to see if the settler has been assigned another home or now just has none (currently its a bit hard to know which settler it is or even where it is)
Yes I have F4SE, never play without it :)
Too many things I use require it.
Alright, so I just had it happen again myself, and the only thing that stands out in the logs at the time it took place (there's no sign of "superfluous assignment") is behind the block spoiler:

[05/10/2022 - 11:52:16PM] [SS] TryToAssignActor called on [simsettlementsv2:objectreferences:simplot < (FF0039FC)>], attempting to assign: None targeting slot 0
[05/10/2022 - 11:52:16PM] Unassigning [workshopnpcscript < (FF003719)>] from [simsettlementsv2:objectreferences:simplot < (FF0039FC)>]
[05/10/2022 - 11:52:16PM] ClearPrimaryOwner [workshopnpcscript < (FF003719)>] from [simsettlementsv2:objectreferences:simplot < (FF0039FC)>]

I see it calling that TryToAssignActor function on multiple plots in the settlement at the same time, but for some reason that particular one (a Perception Training 2x2) got passed a None instead of a settler's ref ID (that FF003719 is the person that was assigned to it), and so it unassigned them?
(that's in the logfile just called "SS2.0" btw - and AutoAssign is turned off on this playthrough, for what that's worth)
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Having had this happen a few times now that I've got logging enabled, I can say it definitely looks like the issue is that TryToAssignActor is being given a None value instead of the person I thought was already assigned to the plot - and then having to run the code to unassign them, because it thinks nobody is meant to be on there rather than the person that already was. The question thus becomes, why is that function returning a None value? Or perhaps more importantly, why is it thinking it even needs to be running that function on some (not all) plots and/or settlers every so often in the first place?

Considering this save only has now 9 plots active, if it's Script Lag that early, that's a real problem.
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I'm assuming when none is passed into the TryToAssignActor function, the function interprets it as wanting no actor to be assigned to that plot.
So now it's a case of looking for where that can happen in the code.
Now I must confess, I haven't updated to the newest patch yet (my Nexus Premium ran out and it would take literally 12 hours to update so I'll just wait for next patch) but I'm still having this happen. Part of me wonders if it's also related to how I have seen my Population value for settlements - on the vanilla HUD - briefly bounce up and down by 1 point. There's no easy way to check if it was the settler in question that both left/rejoined the settlement in the space of a second, AND lost their assignment though...
Driving me fkn insane, not gonna lie. Kind of hard to actually enjoy the mod when playing how I want (having at least one settlement that's manual-built and with Auto Assign turned off outside of City Plans) is not friggin' working.

I'd ask kinggath directly about it in the Livestream due to start any minute now at time of writing, but I already know I'll get a non-answer.
Now I must confess, I haven't updated to the newest patch yet (my Nexus Premium ran out and it would take literally 12 hours to update so I'll just wait for next patch) but I'm still having this happen.

You're capped to 2 Mbits without premium. I haven't got a premium account for years and can finish the downloads in 20 minutes or thereabouts.

You're capped to 2 Mbits without premium. I haven't got a premium account for years and can finish the downloads in 20 minutes or thereabouts.
I don't know, it's been an ongoing thing though that non-Premium downloads off Nexus always go INCREDIBLY slowly for me.
I get 2 MB a second without premium.
I haven't managed to track down this issue. It's much harder to to do when the problem is not predictably repeatable and I have a save to work with (I managed to fix the plot holo icon bug because I finally found a way to predictably trigger it).
I'll keep trying though. If you are able to give me a save and some repeatable steps to get it to happen, that would help a lot.
Yeah, I know the procedure, I haven't yet found any guaranteed repeatable steps to make this happen. Even reloading back a Fast Travel Autosave when it happens and traveling to the same settlement again doesn't always trigger it.
Even reloading back a Fast Travel Autosave when it happens and traveling to the same settlement again doesn't always trigger it.
EDIT : I said something idiotic in reply to this which I have removed.
I can try the reverse idea - I'll compile a version of WorkshopParent that has some extra log entries in it. We can test to see if your theory of the settler being moved from the settlement then returned is correct (although, that should mean they are removed from ALL plots - is that happening?)