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Question ROTC Bug: Deacon's Railroad agents don't like Professor Goodfeels


New Member
As it says in the title, assigning Deacon to Sunshine Tidings means that the Railroad agents who spawn to protect the settlement will get into fights with the Professor Goodfeels (who, due to UFO4P, doesn't just disappear any more). I haven't tested this with Preston's Minutemen spawns or Danse's BoS.
I’m not sure how that’s linked to rotc. Maybe I’m wrong but this seems to be a base game issue that wouldn’t exist without the unofficial patch because of another bug by the base game. I know that railroad caretakers get attacked by some friendly critters of some plots and that it was said this isn’t fixable and the advice was to avoid using these plots with a railroad settlement.

My best guess at this point is that the railroad agents and caretaker are seen as enemies by some allies that are otherwise friendly to us. It might be due to how the system decides who aggro’s who and somehow the railroad is different than the others so it gets into conflicts because of some background code.

Or Goodfeels was a BOS agent in disguise the whole time.
I put it under ROTC because it was only something that came up with the Railroad Agent spawns, which in turn were only happening because I set Deacon as settlement leader. (Railroad had designated Sunshine Tidings as Mercer Safehouse in this runthrough. It doesn't look like there's any issues with the caretaker, or with Desdemona and Tinker Tom when I had them set up the signal interceptor there, though.)

Odd that it's not fixable--I figured that since the Railroad Agents were being spawned by the mod, it shouldn't be impossible to fix their faction allegiances?
I didn’t say your issue wasn’t fixable, the one I know was said to be unfixable is the one regarding critters attacking caretakers.

Anything else was my best guess. Maybe it’s something different from the other situation.

Which brings me to a question: what mods do you have? Do you have anything that deals with Goodfeels or the railroad?
Ah, I misunderstood. Apologies.

There are two mods that I'm running that might affect Goodfeels: UFO4P (although he doesn't show up in the changelog, strangely enough), and, somewhat less likely, Better Settlers.
the Professor Goodfeels (who, due to UFO4P, doesn't just disappear any more).

There are two mods that I'm running that might affect Goodfeels: UFO4P (although he doesn't show up in the changelog, strangely enough), and, somewhat less likely, Better Settlers.

He has disappeared from my Sunshine and I'm running UFO4P.

In a comment to a "bug" report on AFKTrack, Arthmoor seems to recognize that Goodfeels disappearing is intended and doesn't need a fix:

"Further, he [Goodfeels] has an intentional script attached to disable him if you leave once you've taken over the settlement. With that in mind, all evidence points to this being deliberate and that they [Bethesda] had to have know what they were doing."--https://afktrack.afkmods.com/index.php?a=issues&i=23455
I suspect that his opinion hasn't changed since this posting, given that in the game I just started this week with the UFO4P Goodfeels disappears as expected.

Are you running any Leader Packs or Add-Ons that affect or change Goodfeels? Like Creations by COOTS https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29250?tab=description

Odd that it's not fixable

He's not essential. Why not quick fix your problem by just killing him? You know, manually "disappear" him.
First off, Bully you are a monster. Kill Professor Goodfeels? Whoa man!

“all evidence points to this being deliberate and that they [Bethesda] had to have know what they were doing."

Wow! Something even more rare than a Sasquash sighting, a modder saying there is evidence that Bethesda knew what they were doing.

And now that you mention it, he disappears from my game too. I know I tried to use it as a leader with the Coots add-on but he always ended up leaving.
I've never known UFO4P to interfere with Goodfeels in any way, shape or form, so I would be very sceptical that it plays a part here.

Cdante has a mod that stops him leaving, and additionally, you can customise him in a robot workbench if you desire. for me, i need that kooky robot in my settlement, so those mods are permanently in my load order.
i've not experienced the railroad fighting with him - in the base game, deacon has no issues with the robot at all, which suggests that something has interfered and caused the issues. we'd have to see the OP's load order.