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Fixed Refresh Local Plots getting stuck

Note that by no means do I believe my screenshots are exhaustive. They're just plots I remembered having problems from prior investigations. And the 1 Scrap Heap I happened to see while bouncing between settlements. I didn't check all my settlements or even all plots in the settlements I went to.
Damn, someone was faster than me :grin since I have screenshots of the same plots as jugato I won't post mine as well, since it would only bloat the thread, unless you want them as well.

Oh, you never know so a few won’t hurt. Please make sure that you post if any of them starts working. Something is wonky, but if it is a currupted file or textures manually reinstalling the base mod may fix it. That is the first thing I plan to do once I get home tonight.
if it is a currupted file or textures manually reinstalling the base mod may fix it. That is the first thing I plan to do once I get home tonight.

Note that I've reproduced the problem using both Mod Organizer 2 with the mod downloaded from Nexus as well as installing the mod using the in-game Mods menu and downloading from Bethesda.
Oh, you never know so a few won’t hurt.
Alright, then here you go:
Scrap Heap lvl 3 before refresh

Scrap Heap lvl 3 after refresh

Checkpoint before refresh

Checkpoint after first refresh

Checkpoint after second refresh (notice the clutter has returned, but not the lights + radar)

Checkpoint after third refresh (notice that clutter is gone, but lights + radar are back)

After the third refresh it alternates between having the clutter present but no lights and vice versa, but it never spawns in all things at once, so the plot stays half refreshed all the time.

This does not happen for the scrap heap, it stays in its second screenshot form no matter how many times I refresh it.

Further plots that have issues with refresh:
Toupee Shack level 2 (I know the screenshots for both plots show lvl 1, I had the plots scrapped and rebuilt at that point, but lvl 2 has the issues, not 1)


Outdoorsman level 2


Something is wonky, but if it is a currupted file or textures manually reinstalling the base mod may fix it. That is the first thing I plan to do once I get home tonight.
I can assure you, this is not caused by a corrupt file or texture, unless you mean it is corrupt in the mod itself, because I've re-downloaded and reinstalled Sim Settlements several times by now, so there is most definitely nothing being corrupted on my end.

Besides, the chances that we all have the same files corrupted (the checkpoint for example) with everyone experiencing the exact same behavior, is almost impossible.
Scrap heap
Toupee Shack
Fresh Supplies?
Dead end weapons?

Are there any others with the same problem?
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Fresh Supplies worked fine for me ,but I can confirm the others.

Please let us know if you find any more plots with this issue

Please be patient with us ,as kinggath seeks a solution.
that seems to work fine for me.
can anyone else confirm dead end weapons acting strange?
Fresh Supplies worked fine for me ,but I can confirm the others.

Have you checked at level 2? It builds and refreshes fine on level 1, the issue is specific to level 2 (and maybe 3, only had a level 2 plot available).

By the way, is there a way to instantly level up or downgrade a plot via console command for testing purposes?
Have you checked at level 2? It builds and refreshes fine on level 1, the issue is specific to level 2 (and maybe 3, only had a level 2 plot available).

By the way, is there a way to instantly level up or downgrade a plot via console command for testing purposes?

I asked about this once and had the command but was warned to never use that console command on a game I wanted to keep. So, yes there is one but I have long since lost it.
I asked about this once and had the command but was warned to never use that console command on a game I wanted to keep. So, yes there is one but I have long since lost it.
Damn, would have made testing specific levels that much easier :aggro
cf unlocklevel will level up the plot.

and I tried all levels on Fresh supplies and the Dead end weapons.
I just discovered something interesting. When I used cf unlocklevel to get my Fresh Supplies plot to lvl 2 and 3 it worked just fine and I also could refresh the plots any number of times with all clutter objects spawning.

Then I built a new plot with this building plan and all 3 levels of the plot are building fine and can be refreshed without issues when I upgrade via console command.

However, when I tried to refresh my existing level 1 plot via the ASAM sensor it got stuck and also tried to build the level 2 plot instead of level 1 as the plaque was saying.

This is what my existing Fresh Supplies plot looks like when I was trying to refresh it:

And this is how my newly built plot at level 2 looks like when upgraded via console command

So I concede that the Fresh Supplies plot might not be buggy in the same way the other plots are, however, since jugato is also experiencing issues with that building plan, it might be an issue that doesn't occur each and every time, unlike with the other plots we have discovered so far.
I just hit new behavior I haven't seen before. I've been going through my settlements swapping out known bad plans for other plans, fast travel away (seems to be required to get the new plan to build), fast travel back, and then running Refresh Local. In one of my settlements, Refresh Local got stuck on a level 1 Central Park. The new behavior is that, while it was stuck, I used the ASAM sensor to refresh the plot 1 or more times. In so doing, Refresh Local got unstuck. I reproduced this behavior 3 times in a row in the same settlement.
20190228190126_1.jpg 20190228190135_1.jpg
I went back to an old profile / save that's on SS 4.0.0 to see what the plot is supposed to look like.
You can see now that in 4.0.1 the lowest branch with the ropes is missing as is the liquor bottle on the base of the birdbath.
However, when I tried to refresh my existing level 1 plot via the ASAM sensor it got stuck and also tried to build the level 2 plot instead of level 1 as the plaque was saying.

I reproduce this exact behavior:
20190228201824_1.jpg 20190228201829_1.jpg

I think I'm done testing on my own. If there is any directed testing you'd like me to do, let me know.
Checkpoint: Multi-fast tvl and refresh. Same as yesterday. I reinstalled SS manually in between. Seems to be just the base mod and none of the add-ons.


Working addon Mega Pack:

:scratchhead hahahaa, just a picture I liked :blum not part of the bug report :rollseye



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I didn't do a purely manual install, but I did test installing and enabling through the in-game Mods menu so that the addon files were in my data folder (vs. MO2's virtualization) and also so the Sim Settlements base mod was the only mod running and thus can't be a conflict. That was done after verifying integrity of the Fallout files in Steam and deleting my ini files from MyGames\Fallout 4 so that new, default ones were generated.