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Quest: Laying the Foundations, Quick & Detailed Walkthrough, Some Notes


New Member
Laying the Foundations is a Sim Settlements 2 main quest and forms the basic tutorial on ASAM sensors and residential plots.

Quick Walkthrough​

  1. Build and power a Recruitment Radio Beacon
  2. Talk to Stranger
  3. Build a residential plot
  4. Clear raiders out of Concord
    1. If the raiders have already been cleared out of Concord during When Freedom Calls
  5. Talk to Stranger at Concord Hardware
  6. Reward:
    1. 200+ XP
    2. City Manager 2078 Holotape
    3. Box of ASAM Sensors (20)
  7. Leads to: Plotting the Future

Detailed Walkthrough​

To begin this quest, you need to broadcast a Settlement Recruitment Beacon radio signal, achieved by building and powering a Recruitment Radio Beacon. To make this easier, a magazine titled RobCo Backyard Robotics Issue #1 can be found lying on the Sanctuary Hills workshop, located in the carport of the yellow building across the street from the Sole Survivor’s Pre-War home. Picking up RobCo Backyard Robotics Issue #1 will provide enough building components to construct a Recruitment Radio Beacon, but not a generator to power it. Sanctuary does, however, contain more than enough easily salvageable materials for a small generator.

Shortly after beginning to broadcast a Stranger will come up to the Sole Survivor, turn off the radio beacon and discuss their intention to build a settlement, beginning the quest proper. He then gives them their first ASAM sensor and asks them to place a residential plot. Once placed, a recording of Robco Guy will play announcing the usefulness of ASAM sensors and scan the surrounding area for useful materials (only this first ASAM ever does this), after which Stranger will start a conversation with the Sole Survivor, pretending to be a settler with an Oscar worthy performance. During this and subsequent conversations the Sole Survivor can deny interest in the ASAMs. Stranger will then end the conversation but will hang around the settlement and can be approached later to continue the quest.

Once Stranger has built the residential plot, a pre-recorded message from Robco Guy will play from the ASAM sensor. After the message has finished playing, Stranger will ask for the Sole Survivor’s help in clearing out raiders from his workshop in Concord Hardware, on the corner across the street from the Museum of Freedom. This part of the quest overlaps with helping Preston Garvey in the Minutemen quest When Freedom Calls until the raiders have been cleared out of Concord. If the raiders have already been cleared out of Concord during When Freedom Calls, Stranger will react with disbelief and then tell the Sole Survivor to meet him at his workshop.

When met in his workshop, Stranger will give the Sole Survivor a City Manager 2078 Holotape, a Box of ASAM Sensors which includes 20 ASAM sensors, and a variable reward in caps and meds depending on the Sole Survivor’s response in conversations. The quest then ends and starts the next quest, Plotting the Future.


  • The name of the settlement in the quest section of the Pip-Boy will change, depending on where the Settlement Recruitment Beacon is constructed and will remain the settlement around which the remainder of the Sim Settlements 2 quest line revolves.
  • While the quest can be started from any settlement where you have access to the workshop, it is highly recommended that you start the quest in Sanctuary Hills, since it provides plenty of space which you will need in subsequent quests.
  • Once placed, the plots which the quest asks for should not be moved or changed until the quest is completed. Moving or changing them during the quest may cause bugs in the quest tracking, making the quest impossible to complete.
  • Sometimes the quest can get buggy if you deny Stranger’s request to help with the raiders, preventing you from completing it.
  • While not required, it is recommended to acquire the power armor on the roof of the Museum of Freedom before meeting Stranger, as the deathclaw will still come out of the Concord sewers.
Since I don't know what, if any, rules there are for links on the wiki, either internally on the wiki or to other pages (e.g. Fallout Fandom Wiki), I chose not insert any links in this walkthrough. I can easily edit this to enter links, though. Just need to know whether to use conventional wiki format for links or the forum's link tool.