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Post all your Xbox SS2 Bugs here!


New Member
I know this might get taken down, but I am going to send this to kinggath on Monday.
People of Sim Settlements 2, if you are experiencing bugs in SS2 on Xbox, list them here, here are the following I have found, or other people have found:
  • Jake not showing up
Kinggath has started an XBox playthrough on his livestream on Wednesday evenings on Youtube & Twitch. Hopefully it will help him find and address any bugs particular to XBox.

He didn't run into the issue with the Stranger not showing up, but a few theories came up, including not giving the mod enough time to start, installing SS2 on an existing playthrough where you already have settlements (he can appear at any with an active recruitment beacon), or a possible conflict with UFO4P; this last one has hopefully been addressed in version 3.0.0n and going forward.
I wonder what KG thinks of performance in Concord post-Dark Horizons and HQ. I've not had a good time back in the day :)
Can't think of many other xbox-specific issues (folks post them occasionally though) but it's been a while.