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Xbox Player becoming invisible after Workshop Mode.


New Member
Hello all, playing on Xbox and I seem to have run into a bug. When I have the 'Invincibility' option checked on WSP. Sometimes after my character stays invunurable. I've tested it a few time and I keep getting this error. So for now I've just stopped using this option. Let me know if I can do something different thanks!
Let me know if I can do something different thanks!
Can you pull up your settings and take a screener so we can see all your setting related to flight etc? In short some have issues getting a screener they can post on Xbox but I will explain if you need help. You don't have to go through the cloud there is a way to capture them on a separate drive and transfer directly to your computer to post.
Likely you have flight on for build mode where you become a bird. So then there would be two transitions that have to happen coming out of build mode. Flight is all you need as birds are ignored by everything. There does seem to be an issue on the Xbox for transitions. IE the freeze when opening the pipboy too fast after build mode. You should still post your screeners of settings and I could help you avoid other issues, like the all meat getting eaten first or several others on Xbox.
What SS would help resolve the issue?
Not sure, all I have been able to get stable on Xbox is the workshop mods, I like to build so have tons of other load and SS sort of takes away from what I like to build. I am more the Estates of the commonwealth player.
Fallout 4 2020-12-07 03-03-18.jpgFallout 4 2021-05-07 11-09-23.jpg
The reality is you just need to be careful what switches you throw in settings. Do them one at a time and watch closely for changes if you don't notice anything turn it back off. On Xbox after playing many games I went to the extreme and turned off everything, then tried them one at a time. Two fold issue, since xbox is more limited no sense in running some part that does nothing to enhance "YOUR" game, so be selective. Things don't play the same on Xbox, I play PC and the box and even with the same settings the games work differently, these mods work better on PC especially with supporting mods, but they still enhance Xbox if used conservatively.
I could have never built this without WS+ and flight.
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