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Patch 2.2.4 - Data:30 is now live!

Is there a setting to not get the costs popup for a plot upgrade? Previously, selecting Refresh from a plot that has Upgrade Available just started the upgrade without prompting me. I don't use city plans, but I am using Settlement Management Terminal that has a Refresh All Plots tool that is very handy. After I fix needs in the settlement (power, defenses, etc.) and use the Refresh tool I get bombarded with multiple upgraded prompts. Will this prevent plot upgrades when I'm not in the settlement to approve them?
Should be "Auto-pay plot construction" or "Auto-pay plot upgrades" turned to OFF. Not sure about city plans. There should be a separate category for them.
  • HQ Staff Training courses no longer bypass the timers when the Override Timers setting is on.
This was either not retroactive to existing saves, or isn't working full stop. They're still finishing in that "about a minute or so" time frame for me, this save was made on 2.2.3.
Should be "Auto-pay plot construction" or "Auto-pay plot upgrades" turned to OFF. Not sure about city plans. There should be a separate category for them.
I've always assumed that having the Auto-pay ON will prevent me from getting prompted. To reiterate I do NOT want to get prompted for plots to upgrade when performing a refresh on a plot that is ready for upgrade. The in-game instructions state the setting these to off means you have to manually start the upgrade for each plot.
I've always assumed that having the Auto-pay ON will prevent me from getting prompted. To reiterate I do NOT want to get prompted for plots to upgrade when performing a refresh on a plot that is ready for upgrade. The in-game instructions state the setting these to off means you have to manually start the upgrade for each plot.
That’s how it should work when I read it as well.
Still crashing consistently when trying to travel to (or near) some settlements, Graygarden in particular at the moment.
I've got an update on this - I had the idea to use the HQ simulation chair to try and fix the settlement by deleting all SS2 plots. This worked, opening the settlement in the simulation doesn't crash or anything, but I do still crash when I travel to Graygarden, even though no SS2 plots are there. I guess it wasn't SS2 that was responsible? Now I'm not sure what else to do though, is there a way to reassign the settlers there without visiting in person...? If nothing else it'd let me use them elsewhere.
Try remote settlement recovery from workshop framework holotape. And it could be just me (or just xbox) but in my experience, remote management leads to more ctds, not solves them.
Try remote settlement recovery from workshop framework holotape. And it could be just me (or just xbox) but in my experience, remote management leads to more ctds, not solves them.
Oh, I'd completely forgotten that was a thing! Thankfully it seems destroying the power grid (and so removing corrupt nodes) solved the crashing!
Also, do you have Buffout installed? It might help give some insight as to the cause of the crash.
I do, but the crash logs don't have much to say beyond "don't use Scrap Everything" and a couple form IDs from SS2.esm so I figured that wasn't much help.
Aren't creation club plots removed from the list if the player doesn't have CCC? Unless using a city plan that has them I guess.
Also it seems Jampads got a ton of new stuff. And I think I somehow haven't installed it, was wondering where all the plots are.
Aren't creation club plots removed from the list if the player doesn't have CCC? Unless using a city plan that has them I guess.
My understanding of the issue (correct me if I'm wrong) is that the "Designer's Choice" setting for City Plans was ignoring all requirements set on the plot designs it was set to use - even if they were coded to require another mod file, thus meaning your game was trying to load assets it didn't have. That was what got fixed there.
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My understanding of the issue (correct me if I'm wrong) is that the "Designer's Choice" setting for City Plans was ignoring all requirements set on the plot designs it was set to use - even if they were coded to require another mod file, thus meaning your game was trying to load assets it didn't have. That was what got fixed there.
Yeah designers choice was like a hard overwrite to the rest.
Aren't creation club plots removed from the list if the player doesn't have CCC? Unless using a city plan that has them I guess.
Also it seems Jampads got a ton of new stuff. And I think I somehow haven't installed it, was wondering where all the plots are.
My understanding of the issue (correct me if I'm wrong) is that the "Designer's Choice" setting for City Plans was ignoring all requirements set on the plot designs it was set to use - even if they were coded to require another mod file, thus meaning your game was trying to load assets it didn't have. That was what got fixed there.
Yeah designers choice was like a hard overwrite to the rest.
This is correct. The problem was that there are requirements on those plots that are supposed to stop people from being able to place them if they don't have the Creation Club stuff. There were two ways that was being bypassed that were giving people crashes. The first method was via "unlock all building plans" - which was making them available for construction even if people don't have the content and then they would build it anyway (ignoring the warning in the plot description). Second source was city plans, which would effectively also unlock and bypass the requirements. By all indications I think most city planners assumed that it would substitute something else if they didn't have the content, but it wasn't doing that because the code didn't know it wasn't supposed to be letting players build those. There was a fix in the core SS2 mod made where you can set building plans so it always observes the requirements no matter what, even in the face of unlock all building plans or city plans. I forwarded that into Jampads so now it should never happen again (hopefully - I've tested it many times successfully having creation club content installed and not installed, but you never know!)
This is correct. The problem was that there are requirements on those plots that are supposed to stop people from being able to place them if they don't have the Creation Club stuff. There were two ways that was being bypassed that were giving people crashes. The first method was via "unlock all building plans" - which was making them available for construction even if people don't have the content and then they would build it anyway (ignoring the warning in the plot description). Second source was city plans, which would effectively also unlock and bypass the requirements. By all indications I think most city planners assumed that it would substitute something else if they didn't have the content, but it wasn't doing that because the code didn't know it wasn't supposed to be letting players build those. There was a fix in the core SS2 mod made where you can set building plans so it always observes the requirements no matter what, even in the face of unlock all building plans or city plans. I forwarded that into Jampads so now it should never happen again (hopefully - I've tested it many times successfully having creation club content installed and not installed, but you never know!)
I remember loading up a city plan and having a bunch of purple Christmas stress and was like wtf is going on here, once I figured out it needed CC stuff ( I’m always hesitant to download CC ) but the plots for the holiday cc stuff is pretty cool then theirs the doughnut one incorporating CC stuff was pretty cool. But yeah glad it’s fixed now I was sitting there for like 10 mins trying to figure out purple trees.
Plot incapacitated settler but settler is 100% fine. In this situation no settler recruitment.


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No auto upgrade even with the setting turned on. Forced to use Settlement Management Terminal to refresh all ASAMs to get settlement to upgrade, and get prompted for each upgrade.


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So let's play a round of which report is right? In Screenshots 42 and 45 the HUD and vanilla total beds come to 22 as reported in workshop mode screenshot 42 and no homeless settlers. Now things get interesting in screenshot 43, SS2 report, that says there are 4 homeless people. But then we have screenshot 44 showing the Settlement Management Terminal with 3 homeless settlers.

Anyone care to venture a guess which is accurate?

Using the gavel calls 4 homeless settlers. The Vit-o-matic validates that each don't have a home. Hmmm....why the disparity between the three reports?


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Plot incapacitated settler but settler is 100% fine. In this situation no settler recruitment.
I've managed to get around this by assigning the settler to a different, unoccupied plot (and then back), but it's pretty tedious.