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NDCowdy, Making Croup Manor Great Again, March 2019


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What if Theodore Croup had worked towards rebuilding his family's wealth rather than trying to teach his feral relatives how to use salad forks? The Manor could be patched up and extended, a trading post built, traders (provisoners) sent out, plenty of mercenaries hired and defences built to guard the tasteful boundaries, food grown and leisure areas built to support the staff, workers hired to generate water, power and items to trade.
The Croup family name will be respected and powerful once more!
01 Overview.jpg
Croup manor can accommodate up to 12 settlers housed in 11 residential plots and a single bed in the guard room.
Defences consist of 3 martial plots, 10 turrets and 8 guard generators.
There are 4 Industrial plots (1 advanced) producing water, power and trade goods (and allowing for level 3 martial plots)
The main store is a lvl 3 trader stand (allowing for lvl 4 traders), there is also 1 commercial plot and 1 recreational plot found in the rest area.
Food is produced by 2 agricultural plots (1x 3x3, 1x Int)
Packs used are: Wasteland Ventures 1 & 2, IDEK's Logistics station, Ohno's Windfarm, and Brae's Defences.
Maintenance is just in the black,the paranoid owner uses nearly all their profits for defence.

02 Gate.jpg
The Manor's defences have good line of sight on the main approaches, especially the front gate. The old monument has been turned into a bunker, complete with artillery for breaking up those raider buildups.
03 Shop.jpg 04 Recreation.jpg 05 Master Suite.jpg
The Master bedroom suite.
06 Kitchen.jpg
The kitchen is equipped with working cooker and chem station.
07 Workshop.jpg
The main workshop has workbenches and planning desk.
08 Back.jpg
For those who get stuck at the bottom of the cliff or need a quick alternative entrance or exit we have a staircase down (covered by turrets and guards of course).
09 food and water.jpg
The greenhouse helps keep the guard in coffee. Power is supplied by wind turbines which have maintenance access ladders for those with a head for heights.
10 Livestock.jpg
The manor's livestock has it's own sheltered accommodation. This wing of the manor has workshops on the ground floor, 2 floors of barracks for the workers and guards and extra walkways and stairs to ensure everyone can get about the building without getting lost or stuck.
Level 3 save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xo346fi3reqzyo/Croup_Lvl3_NDCowdy.fos?dl=0
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Only a few days to go ;) Don't forget to put your 10 screenshots in the 1st post of this thread
Croup Manor Trading Co is nearly ready. Keeping to the build limit is turning out to be fairly tricky on this one, doing lots of removing items from one place to allow something to be build elsewhere.
Just noticed entries are looking a bit thin on the ground this month, is everyone else playing Conqueror?
I think croup precombines being broke early on screwed a lot of people over.
Also I know meself from previous experience that croup looks like a good place to build but it's actually shite.
I'm actually quite liking hows it's going. Just trying to get a balance of not overbuilding with not ending up with areas looking too bare. Making sure to make alternative functioning navigable routes between floors of the main building as the vanilla routes are terrible while I'm at it.
I don't use the patch that broke the precombines, so didn't have that issue thankfully.
Yeah the pathing and budget size make me kinda hate it.
Looking forward to seeing yours and others finished builds because I know it's somewhere I would've really struggled.
Man, this looks great!

As ever, I'm especially pleased to see good use of ladders.
The stone walls are also a really nice touch. Not an element I see used that often, but really appropriate here.
The stone walls are also a really nice touch. Not an element I see used that often, but really appropriate here.
Seemed right for an old family manor type build.
Thanks for all the positive feedback.
So turns out it's actually a chunk under the build limit, after resetting the build limit with the new holo-tape tool. Guessing upping it by 25% three times in a row in the options maybe didn't work quite right.
Do you use the save that comes with the tool kit?
No, I build while playing. It's not a problem, would have been if it was the other way around. Might feel a bit daft after all the careful finding stuff to scrap to fit in stuff I wanted to include. Just a bit more of an efficient build than was necessary
I asked because I've had issues with build budget reporting with that save, so I made my own one.
It was under estimating though.
Just climbed the ladders to the top of the windmill of the Level One plan!

I am such a happy camper!
Just climbed the ladders to the top of the windmill of the Level One plan!

I am such a happy camper!
My Nordagen has three really tall turbine towers for you to climb when fully built :)
My Nordagen has three really tall turbine towers for you to climb when fully built :)

For an acrophobe, I sure like climbing tall things in-game.