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Question Liberator playthrough, robots are hostile in Graygarden


New Member
Hello community, i tried couple times to take Graygarden as vassal, but robots turned hostile every time. When i reach my soldiers attack point, robots go insta hostile. I also tested closing in alone first, they were first green, but after a shot fired at the Gunners/Raiders, they turned hostile.
Its a fresh Fallout 4 installation from yesterday, the liberator pack i'm playing is: Sim Settlements Atom's Glory Liberator Faction Pack. Else i don't have many mods installed, just everything from SS, Conq all needed mods for those and couple SS addon packs.
Hi! Sometimes the scripts that control who the npcs are friendly/hostile towards get out of sync. A few other Liberator players have reported issues with the Graygarden robots before (such as here). The advice from Kinggath has generally been to back away and let your troops deal with settlers/robots with Stockholm Syndrome. Eventually they should calm down. Maybe save first though in case the robots end up decimating your Atomites?

I'm deadly curious, how have your adventures with the faction pack gone so far apart from this?
Everything else is more than great. Downloaded Fallout again as i saw your mod, allways wanted to play Children of Atom more like in Fallout 3. Love how the cities look at night with all the decoration.
My fav. building so far is the fungus farm, but i'm not very far in the playthrough yet, so haven't seen everything.

And i think i will restart the playthrough, i kind of have a feeling my pc is not good enough for "workshop plus" mod, with all the flying and stuff. Maybe it lagging my game a little. And if robots still will be hostile, i don't rly care very much, just gonna build their town for them allone, like noone dare to piss of the robots :)
So glad to hear :) yeah I really like the Far Harbor lamps and skulls, and you are right, they make the settlement come alive at night.
I think Workshop Plus should be ok, it's just sometimes the attacks seem to get a bit wonky as a Liberator. I have had to restart 1 or 2 attacks when the settlers ungratefully attacked me, but I have also had them calm down after I left the cell and came back. Hope it works out and that the robots get better manners!