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"Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" can't be completed in 1.0.2 (side quest spoilers)


Active Member
I've done this quest once before, in 1.0.0b or f, I forget which. Old Paul sends you to check on his friend Amos, southwest of Vault 111. You encounter three raiders and a dead man, who turns out to be Amos. Inside the shed, which you can only open with a shed on Amos's person, is a French terrier puppy you can take like an inventory item (much like baby Marie in the Fallout 3 DLC The Pitt). However, in 1.0.2, the puppy can only be spoken to (Talk) and petted (Pet). There's no option to take the puppy.

Upon returning to Old Paul, Paul will trade, but then say "sorry to be a nag, but you -did- agree to check on Amos for me." No way to tell him his friend is dead. I wasn't sure if you're supposed to report back or what. So I checked the quest log, and it wants me to "investigate the whimpering." The quest marker is on the puppy, but there's no way to proceed that I can see.

I do have one mod that might be interfering here: Quick Trade Redux (Nexus link), which lets you automatically jump into an NPC's inventory by pressing X (Xbox/PC controller; it would be Square on a PS controller). I only suspect it because it changes what options show up when you point at an NPC. However, disabling the mod doesn't change anything.

I made a video capture of the entire quest. My "fling" technique using Workshop Framework/Workshop Plus (aim yourself at quest target, enter workshop mode, fly at it, land safely) also demonstrated. Probably saves a minute or two. Tried to use Handbrake to compress the video down, ended up adding space... I don't do YouTube so I can't share the video that way. However, I have 1TB of OneDrive, so I'll have to do it that way. 234MB is a pretty big download most people will probably skip, but if you want to actually see the quest failing to complete... it doesn't show you all the times I pressed A to "talk" to the dog, but if I'm pointing at the dog and nothing's happening... that's what's going on. Here's the video: (Microsoft OneDrive link).

So, Cola (the puppy) was a big pain in the neck before 1.0.2 because every time you'd encounter Old Paul, like the Vault-Tec Rep with his story about steak knives, Paul would ask you for canned dog food, and only accept one at a time. I was hoping 1.0.2 would fix that, but it seems that in 1.0.2, the puppy can't even be rescued. Am I missing something here?

Old Paul nagging me to check on his friend, after I already did so. Sorry Paul, your friend is dead. I've already taken the shed key off his body. I can pet the dog. ...however, I cannot take the dog. I can only talk to it, which does nothing. Here is what the quest is telling me to do. (I'm using the Reilly's Rangers Creation Club Pip-Boy skin, if you're wondering about that. It was free one week, so I grabbed it, being a fan of this quest from Fallout 3.)
Eek. Well, that'll learn me to look beyond the first page. Or maybe to put a little less effort into a bug report, or some combination of the two. Anyway, I'm glad it's not (entirely) on my end.

Alas, I've been hoarding canned dog food hoping the quest to turn them in had been fixed. I haven't even unlocked the pet store in any run through SS2, nor do I have any great inclination to do so, though Kinggath really sold it in one of his recent videos — I think the one where he talked about the PC-only expansion, as it has a couple puppers the mainline SS2 doesn't. I've got two of the Creation Club dogs, and I really only get the Golden Retriever early because it's so close to Vault 111, and it's nice seeing a second dog there just wandering around... doing dog things. Having a whole lot of dogs doesn't make much sense, though having a couple, does. I always buy the dog from the guy who sells them (Gus? he's not very common), and I always buy the dogs from the Super Mutant in Far Harbor, but, I always send them, and the Creation Club dogs, to different settlements. With the exception of Sanctuary, which gets the Golden Retriever and Dogmeat himself. Though, I wouldn't be opposed to the pet shop unlocking, I would choose almost anything else over it. At least until we can get families with children, aside from the one ("It Came From Planet X" quest), and that child already sort of has a pet Brahmin... and "alien." So I mean, I can see maybe in a future update... you got this one male settler, and then this female settler, and they work together, and one day they move in together, next thing you know there's a baby, and then a small child (not sure how the time scale would work there) and they could get a dog as a family or something. Just having a stray mutt on your Commonwealth settlement though? It's another mouth to feed.

Eh... that all sounds more cynical than I intended. I've seen a lot of quest content in Kinggath's videos that I haven't seen in the game... is all content he shows part of Chapter 1, what we have now? What all can I do to get those quests, those characters... for example, the slick jackass who doesn't think you have what it takes to run a settlement, the guy who says guys are after him and sure enough there are, or that girl with the really weird smile (seems too big for her face)? Where do I meet those people?
IIRC this was fixed in v1.0.0m and reintroduced in v1.0.2 and fixed again in v1.0.2a.
edit - shutting up Old Paul with his incessant gimme dogfood was fixed in v1.0.0m. The Cola bug was fixed earlier, like v1.0.0f???
I thought Kinggath was also releasing the public betas on Xbox as well. I don't have an Xbox, do I don't know how or where.
The public beta is available through the Work-In-Progress section of Xbox mods: SS2 PTR Edition. This version will be constantly updated and is (ideally) for people testing the mod out for any bugs. Since it is in the WIP section, you won't find it through the normal mod search. You'll have to "Favorite" the mod through the Bethesda.net browser while signed in (the page I linked to) and then access the mod through the "Favorites" section of the in-game mod menu.

@louis13, maybe trying out the WIP version (which has a more recent update) can help you get past this quest? Or perhaps, as others have suggested, you'll be okay with waiting for an official patch within a few weeks? Either way, best of luck. I hope you get the mod working so you can really enjoy what this mod has to offer!
Thanks! Downloading that one now. I got a show-stopping bug in 1.0.2a in the Vault-Tec Regional HQ. No sense reporting on it if there's already a new beta. (LPT: Don't leave enemies around when Jake is rooting around in Magnusson's terminal. (He disengaged from our conversation to fight the named ghoul, and left my character in a state of limbo.)
Thanks! Downloading that one now. I got a show-stopping bug in 1.0.2a in the Vault-Tec Regional HQ. No sense reporting on it if there's already a new beta. (LPT: Don't leave enemies around when Jake is rooting around in Magnusson's terminal. (He disengaged from our conversation to fight the named ghoul, and left my character in a state of limbo.)
Thanks for the heads up. Problem is, Jake has disappeared in my game and I don't have a clue what to do next. I finished "Well, Well, Well" and he said he'd be in touch in a few days. It's been over two weeks in-game since then and, despite checking his radio frequency, haven't heard from him. :/
Jake has disappeared in my game and I don't have a clue what to do next.
Kinggath has said not to use console commands to advance quests... but I'm pretty sure he hasn't condemned using a MOVETO command... if you can get Jake's ID, enter it, followed by "moveto.player" without the quotes, and that should place him right in front of you.

Someone might be able to get you his ID, but it'll need the two digits that indicates the load order position of Sim Settlements 2 in your load order. So, best to use the help command ("help Jake 0" I believe).
Kinggath has said not to use console commands to advance quests... but I'm pretty sure he hasn't condemned using a MOVETO command... if you can get Jake's ID, enter it, followed by "moveto.player" without the quotes, and that should place him right in front of you.

Someone might be able to get you his ID, but it'll need the two digits that indicates the load order position of Sim Settlements 2 in your load order. So, best to use the help command ("help Jake 0" I believe).
Thanks, I'll give it a go. I just had to use a moveto command to find Sneake--I had sent him to Sunshine Tidings, went over there to check on things and he was nowhere to be found. He didn't respond to the settler bell and I even put on a personal jet pack, zoomed all around the settlement and went into every building--he just plain wasn't there. Landed near the main building and was scratching my head when all of a sudden he spoke! I went, "What the heck" because he sounded like he was right next to me. Went into build mode, pointed the camera at the ground and his name showed up. Grabbed his refID, moved a bit away and used the moveto command and voila! There he was. All I can guess was, he got stuck underground somehow (and of course, TCL decided not to work at the time so I had to figure out how to make him appear XD).
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Thanks for the heads up. Problem is, Jake has disappeared in my game and I don't have a clue what to do next. I finished "Well, Well, Well" and he said he'd be in touch in a few days. It's been over two weeks in-game since then and, despite checking his radio frequency, haven't heard from him. :/
Before you get carried away with console commands, can I just suggest you go check in the vicinity of that Amphitheater on the river. The one with that "cult" that tries to take all your stuff.
That's where Jake should be at the start of the next quest, I'm not sure if hearing his radio signal is a requirement for him to be there
Right — not at the amphitheater, per se, but over by the small foot bridge just west of it. When you get there, he'll comment on the cult, but he's not interacting with them. (For the benefit of the other guy, I'm sure you know the location.)
As it turned out, Jake was indeed by the foot path bridge. :dance2 My husband also was just hearing static in his game listening to Jake's radio frequency, so I let him know where to find him this morning and he went galloping off to continue on. :grin