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Junk Town -Fences

I do the same for junk town :)
Fences was a special case for me

lol since I started making my addons I hardly get the chance to play and build ,except for testing
L2K_Perma lol get of ur lazy butt and finish it :)
u better or no turkey for u Lol
Problem is that putting ".. by xx" at the end doesn't help much with the sorting. :P

Brian84 did a thing that actually works, he named his plots "A [xxx]'s house", which then sorted nicely under A.

But a tagging that actually said something of the plots would be great, and KG really doesn't have to be involved, more than aprove of it. If we [the forum] came up with a tagging system (either just a letter, or something like [tree], [brick], [metal]) and then encoraged all the modders to start using it I'd expect that we could get ~70% of the plots tagged within a month or two. Sure we wouldn't get all, but 50-70% would help a lot.
yeah I saw his A :)
I didn't mind doing it with my fences ,but I think we would all try and put A so we could all be 1st on the list ;)
A key word of some kind would work ,for my Steel City addon the homes I made are called Apartments and they had different colors
so Apartment-Blue. Apartment-yellow. I think I should have done that with fences, Fence-Long, Fence-Car, Fence-Truck etc ,
not sure if addon makers would want to rename there stuff though
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Yeah, the A thing didn't really help much though, as it doesn't say anything about the plots...:pardon

Next idea:
For your fences, it would be great if you put in a plot size number already in the name. Something like:
z(5w)WoodFence by uituit
z(5w 2h)MetalFence by uituit
z(7w sloped 1-3h)WoodFence by uituit
z(3w 1d)StonewallFence by uituit

z(wide high / deep) :wacko

Next idea:
count of the default build piece size, not the plot size (i.e. 1x1 plots are one unit wide, 2x2 plots are 2 units wide). Why? Because it makes it easier to place down 1x1 floors to preplan the layout, and the 2x2 plot size is freaking huge when it come to fences. :victory
having the number wud be ok ,but I think I wud put it at the end of the name :)
I had long,medium,short as there names but a number wud be easier :)

LOl I'm trying not to go to crazy hehe corner plots ,curved plots ,walkway plot( raised up so u can put stuff under it ) fire plot (not sure how I cud make the fire hurt people lol)
having the number wud be ok ,but I think I wud put it at the end of the name :)
I had long,medium,short as there names but a number wud be easier :)

LOl I'm trying not to go to crazy hehe corner plots ,curved plots ,walkway plot( raised up so u can put stuff under it ) fire plot (not sure how I cud make the fire hurt people lol)

You go as crazy as you want. I love wall houses I'll take as many as you want to make :D.

As for my previous can we get bigger mounds I've found a way to kind of get around that in some places I've been able to pillar glitch floor bits into the ground enough to snap them in and not have floating dirt piles outside my build zones :D.
Yeah I can do that in the future:) I may use the big rocks I used for the moat in future since they are solid and not invisible from the bottom :)
that 3 deep wall is up now ,its 2 down 1 up :)
I like big f***ing rocks.
Typically I'll dive down to the bottom of any lake close by the settlement and pull up a giant piece of rock and then use that to start building my walls.

(Does anyone know of a mod that let you build rocks?)
homemaker has rocks and northland diggers is another one
there is another but forgot its name lol SOE? I think
USO has rocks I've pillar glitched a few into the bottom of dirt mounds to get rid of the floating before has a bunch of plants to but I wasn't having much luck glitching them.
I've posted a thread in the Settlement Showcase section, NikVilKok's Egret Tours Marina, that showcases some of the stuff I've discussed here.

I'm using several of the zFence plots.
Large rocks has been placed at the edges of the waterfront, to seal off the area.
I've built a huge container gate/wall. It's far to large, but I built it over/around uituit's zGate martial plot (it's at lvl 2 on the pics, at lvl 3 it will sprout a bridge that will arch up into the containers .. I'll fix that later, this was a test build).

I've also put in several boats (had to extand the northern pier, to harbour two boats, but that gave space to 4 industrial plots), and a lot of vehicles as I fell the large open space infront of the buildings lend it self well to it.
There's also some indoor plots! I've made a galleria/mall out of the old boathouse. Had to doctor one corner of it to fit the plots street light poles.
you gave me an idea with your conatainer gate:) something for the next update :) you could put more conatiners over the arch was that's level 3 ,may look ok but it will be high because of turret on top .

Maybe I cud do a water fence ,a curved water fence of some kind.

More boats to hehe so far I only did the house boat maybe make something else as well, I don't think my ship will fit in there lol
As mentioned previously, the lvl by lvl expansion of the zFence plots do make it challanging to build with them. I believe some of them will expand into some of the junk I put up as fence/walls. As you can see in the pics, I've put some stuff close by some of the zFence plots, and left space around others (to see what happens).

Is there two verisons of the deep fence? Is one shorter?

(Hope I don't come on to critical. I love the mod! :heart)
yeah theres a short deep fence now 2 down/1 up and 3 plots long (no build stages in that one just 3 levels)
the dirt should give you an idea how long each plot is :)
but the deep plots don't hav a base

glad u like my addon :)
yeah theres a short deep fence now 2 down/1 up and 3 plots long (no build stages in that one just 3 levels)
the dirt should give you an idea how long each plot is :)
but the deep plots don't hav a base

glad u like my addon :)

The short Deep fence feels a bit floaty so I'd suggest using the wooden bases they are great for filling up small gaps in really uneven terrain thanks