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JtBryant's Dev Diary


Active Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Edit: This is now a Dev Diary for all my mods.

Thanks to KingGath giving the addon-makers an early version of the expansion, I get to try and have my mod update shortly after the expansion is released. However, because the expansion has features in it that I feel are necessary for Utilities to leave beta, I'm remaking it from scratch. Because these mods are mainly for you guys (I spend way more time modding fallout than I do playing it) I want your feedback as I create it, and I feel crating a Dev Diary is the best way to do that.

To start it off here is the Lvl1 power plant "Battery Bank":
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Needs windmill or solar panels to charge the batteries
ah ok :)
lol I guess we gonna have to get a lot of screenshots done everyone is adding new stuff
Yep, at this point we might as well wait till the addons are updated to continue with the wiki.
ok I will finish off Ruined homes and gardens tonight
and start again after the updates :)
Here is the Lvl2 power plant "Solar Farm."

Thanks to MikeMoore for the solar panels.
that would look cool on top of a home or business :)
Well, you won't love the smell, or at least the settlers won't.
That would be a good happiness plot though. First stage outhouse, second lights/ outhouse with an outside shower enclosure, third building with inside stalls/ shower tub. Gives happiness, uses power/water.