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Jammers Stash not being detected when picked up.

Matthew Noble-Adams

New Member
Im in the "Show Me The Goods" quest where one needs to go to the supa dupa mart and get the stash. When i pick up said stash it doesnt trigger with the questline and still says pick it up. its an essantial item so cant be dropped. Iv tried to talk to jammer with it in my inv and he also doesnt detect me having picked it up.
This is actually handled with a vanilla script, so not a bug - but likely a mod conflict. Sounds like one of your mods may have replaced the script "defaultaliasoncontainerchangedto" unintentionally. To get past this, use the console command:

setstage kgConq_JammerQuest_ShowMeTheGoods 20
This is actually handled with a vanilla script, so not a bug - but likely a mod conflict. Sounds like one of your mods may have replaced the script "defaultaliasoncontainerchangedto" unintentionally. To get past this, use the console command:

setstage kgConq_JammerQuest_ShowMeTheGoods 20

Cheers mate, i will look into the conflict but cheers for the skip.
I ran into the same problem but couldn't find a mod overwriting the "defaultaliasoncontainerchangedto" script and the kgConq_JammerQuest_ShowMeTheGoods quest was already set to stage 20, I suspect it got set when I picked up the stash but the quest log didn't update. So I tried:

SetObjectiveCompleted kgConq_JammerQuest_ShowMeTheGoods 10 1
setstage kgConq_RaiderGang 60

..which allowed me to respond to Jammer with "Yep" when asked if I had the stash.