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Issues Building in Bunker Hill


Well-Known Member
City Planner (S4)
Verified Builder
Ive gotten repeated fixing the game messages. At the moment iM not getting any but ..
Something in my settlement is causing massive lag whenever I look towards the center. Still trying to find the source. It causes a crash to desktop.
When I add a settler with the Contest Assistant tape or when I use Cheat Terminal add settler to add 1 or more settlers I get a crash to desktop.
Sometime saving (normal and quick) can result in a crash to desktop.

Fresh install Wabbajack (with its fresh DL of SS2)
Updated contest assistant.

Thing tried
Wabajack reinstal from local files overwriting. No change.
Wabbajack fresh net download instal with overwriting, no change.
Copy save to fresh Vortex instal, use my contest collection fresh instal. I can add 1 settler. Adding 5-10 causes a CTD. I tried to export the plan a couple of times - no file. but Im guessing thats because the ini eeds updating. The weird lag at the center of the settlement continues. Current pop is 28, beds is 38.
Its generally best practice to have as little installed as possible when your building something. Its so that one thing your doing, say a City Plan at Covenent can't affect the City Plan you have going at Bunker Hill. An example of this would be that if something went wrong with your plugin for City Plan A, and you submitted saves for City Plan B that had those plans as part of the save, it could screw up your submission. The best idea would be to only have what you need for a given City Plan active when your working on it.
I had Concord and I had Bunker Hill. Then the settlement to support it.
I've honestly never tried designing a City Plan for SS2, but from what I've gathered it's best to just have the base SS2 installation and it's dependencies, along with SS2CPC. This would be a profile to just develop and save City Plans. Whereas another profile would include all the mods you'd normall use when playing your game. When you design City Plans is CheatTerminal required? I'm thinking some of what it does could be done with regular console commands- as I'm not sure if City Level requirements are infinite when designing without setting something with CheatTerminal or the console.
When you design City Plans is CheatTerminal required?
No. Everything you would use it for, including spawning npcs, you can do with the city plan contest holotape.
I've honestly never tried designing a City Plan for SS2, but from what I've gathered it's best to just have the base SS2 installation and it's dependencies, along with SS2CPC. This would be a profile to just develop and save City Plans.
That is, in essence the SS2CPC Helper. Everything you need, including bug fixes, all set up and ready to go. There's literally no need (or reason) to add anything else to it.
No. Everything you would use it for, including spawning npcs, you can do with the city plan contest holotape.

That is, in essence the SS2CPC Helper. Everything you need, including bug fixes, all set up and ready to go. There's literally no need (or reason) to add anything else to it.
That would explain many of those really odd papyrus log entries. I actually took time to look at the required plugins for the ext game save and there were quite a few other mods being used which makes it difficult to try and isolate it back to an actual SS2 problem. In the 'requiredplugins.html' the grayed out entries are pluings I don't have installed(it's missing the X image)- though I didn't see CheatTerminal.esp in the list for that game save. That kindof makes me wonder which mod uses "meh" as a script, function or variable name.
That kindof makes me wonder which mod uses "meh" as a script, function or variable name.
Sim Settlements 2
It is not the cause of the fps issues. That is a direct result of overbuilding the location.
I've honestly never tried designing a City Plan for SS2, but from what I've gathered it's best to just have the base SS2 installation and it's dependencies, along with SS2CPC. This would be a profile to just develop and save City Plans. Whereas another profile would include all the mods you'd normall use when playing your game. When you design City Plans is CheatTerminal required? I'm thinking some of what it does could be done with regular console commands- as I'm not sure if City Level requirements are infinite when designing without setting something with CheatTerminal or the console.
When making a city plan you need to use the SS2 tool to make it a mod and make sure it builds right. Its a vital part of the building process for me. I end up with 4 mods - one for each city level. Make sure they dont do anything weird. Then combine them into one plan and then run it to make sure it still isnt doing anything weird. Its one way I can get envormental storytelling into my designs - I know what its doing and where.

I use the cheat terminal to teleport around the map. Add in resources I can dump into the workshop like building supplies and food. Change the time of day and change the weather. Like I told Yagi when I explained to him what the mods were (there is no grey zone he knew what they are) its basicly console commands made easy.

Ive no clue what your on about with the city level requirements thing. Thats a part of the SS2/Workshop framework base mod options.
No. Everything you would use it for, including spawning npcs, you can do with the city plan contest holotape.

That is, in essence the SS2CPC Helper. Everything you need, including bug fixes, all set up and ready to go. There's literally no need (or reason) to add anything else to it.
Not true.
Sim Settlements 2
It is not the cause of the fps issues. That is a direct result of overbuilding the location.
Yet when I build my plan (the fricking alpha first build of the level design) it causes no lag. Weird that. Also you mentioned the build limit and I said Im reducing it. Why are you harping on about it?
That would explain many of those really odd papyrus log entries. I actually took time to look at the required plugins for the ext game save and there were quite a few other mods being used which makes it difficult to try and isolate it back to an actual SS2 problem. In the 'requiredplugins.html' the grayed out entries are pluings I don't have installed(it's missing the X image)- though I didn't see CheatTerminal.esp in the list for that game save. That kindof makes me wonder which mod uses "meh" as a script, function or variable name.
I HAVE NOT USED ANY OTHER MODS. Thats all Yagi's many, many, other mods he has added. City plans and the cheat terminal are it.
Also I never claimed it was the WJ's fault. At the time I respected Yagi's skills and abilities so I asked him to look at it. He had me install a fresh copy of the WJ on the same drive and it gave the same results. He also didnt believe me when I told him it was downloading 2 versions of the same mod. Ive given him any logs and save he wanted and offered to do anything else I could to help him. Because I thought he was helping me - not defending his WJ.

If he had bothered to ask me then I would of said it wasnt WJ's fault. But now I dont know.
I think this is a good point for us all to settle down. I can see where frustration is coming from for a few different sides of this issue. Yagisan took a look at things and has ruled out that it was the CPC Helper causing the issue, its great to have that eliminated. He also suggested some things that could possibly be causing issues. Skywise, everyone has a different workflow, and from the outside it was difficult to understand what all those plugins are for. When you start seeing plugins you don't recognize, then that is usually a good place to start. If you look back at what Yagisan said, it was that he suspected that Cheat Terminal may be the issue, he didn't say that it was your stuff specifically.

We all get passionate about what we create. For Yagisan thats the CPC Helper, and for Skywise thats their City Plans. As far as what Yagi has said regarding the level and amount of building going on at Bunker Hill, Yagisan is one of the most knowledgable people I know when it comes to how settlements work and behave, and I think his advice is worth listening to.

I said I listened to him. I also said I cant replicate his results. So please read?
It's cool. promise. I didn't think to link the file before(sorry), but here's the HTML output from the 'list' for the game save- I tried including the .fos file, but it was too big. The 'required plugins' was taken from the game save so I'm not sure where they're all coming from. I wonder if it's something Vortex or MO2 has done? So each time you run the game, somehow it's linking the listed plugins. I'm honestly not sure.

Sorry again, my daughter stopped by and we were upstairs putting a massive cat tree... thing.... together.


  • requiredplugins.7z
    1.9 KB · Views: 1
The way it shows the plugins in that list is that... it's trying to locate the plugins in my load order(as it assumes it's my game file), so any plugin I don't have will be greyed out and show as 'empty'(since the file isn't installed here. If that makes sense.
I use the cheat terminal to teleport around the map.
I honestly don't think that was the issue... but I'm still learning too.
If he had bothered to ask me then I would of said it wasnt WJ's fault. But now I dont know.
I don't think it's that, and I'm sorry that happened. Ok, so I took the game save and loaded it into my application which gives me the ability to 'look for things' such as required plugins. So, if we can figure out what's Vortex or MO2 is doing you should be gold- I wish I knew more about them, but I honestly don't.
I HAVE NOT USED ANY OTHER MODS. Thats all Yagi's many, many, other mods he has added. City plans and the cheat terminal are it.
Cool, give me sec to think.My stomachs been acting up for some strange reason today and rum definitely isn't going to 'scale it down'. lol But... no way I'm giving up. :smile System Analysts don't give up... we usually go to lunch... all day. Lol!
It's cool. promise. I didn't think to link the file before(sorry), but here's the HTML output from the 'list' for the game save- I tried including the .fos file, but it was too big. The 'required plugins' was taken from the game save so I'm not sure where they're all coming from. I wonder if it's something Vortex or MO2 has done? So each time you run the game, somehow it's linking the listed plugins. I'm honestly not sure.

Sorry again, my daughter stopped by and we were upstairs putting a massive cat tree... thing.... together.
Yep thats the WJ mods.