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Issues Building in Bunker Hill


Well-Known Member
City Planner (S4)
Verified Builder
Ive gotten repeated fixing the game messages. At the moment iM not getting any but ..
Something in my settlement is causing massive lag whenever I look towards the center. Still trying to find the source. It causes a crash to desktop.
When I add a settler with the Contest Assistant tape or when I use Cheat Terminal add settler to add 1 or more settlers I get a crash to desktop.
Sometime saving (normal and quick) can result in a crash to desktop.

Fresh install Wabbajack (with its fresh DL of SS2)
Updated contest assistant.

Thing tried
Wabajack reinstal from local files overwriting. No change.
Wabbajack fresh net download instal with overwriting, no change.
Copy save to fresh Vortex instal, use my contest collection fresh instal. I can add 1 settler. Adding 5-10 causes a CTD. I tried to export the plan a couple of times - no file. but Im guessing thats because the ini eeds updating. The weird lag at the center of the settlement continues. Current pop is 28, beds is 38.
I added in SS2 chapters 2 and 3 and used clean save for expediency. when I exited the vault the contest helper triggered. In sanctuary I could build a plot and select a plan. The beacon made a wild Stranger appear.

Normally the console is clear when you open it but now it says
bat autoexec
Command: bat autoexec
Batch file could not be found/opened
Picked Non Ref AV Object: "


  • SS2 ch 1-3 Papyrus.log
    200.9 KB · Views: 1
I added in SS2 chapters 2 and 3 and used clean save for expediency. when I exited the vault the contest helper triggered. In sanctuary I could build a plot and select a plan. The beacon made a wild Stranger appear.

Normally the console is clear when you open it but now it says
bat autoexec
Command: bat autoexec
Batch file could not be found/opened
Picked Non Ref AV Object: "
Just back back. Give a few to 'digest' all this... autoexec is a dos file that is usually 'set' by the operating to system to run when a disk is inserted into and recognized by the system. Like an autorun file(but using text based dos commands)- iirc, though I didn't do much dos stuff, so correct me if I'm mistaken.

Do you know the contents of that file?
Just back back. Give a few to 'digest' all this... autoexec is a dos file that is usually 'set' by the operating to system to run when a disk is inserted into and recognized by the system. Like an autorun file(but using text based dos commands)- iirc, though I didn't do much dos stuff, so correct me if I'm mistaken.

Do you know the contents of that file?
Never heard of it before. Well maybie a loooong time ago. I know its supposed to run stuff? I think?
Just back back. Give a few to 'digest' all this... autoexec is a dos file that is usually 'set' by the operating to system to run when a disk is inserted into and recognized by the system. Like an autorun file(but using text based dos commands)- iirc, though I didn't do much dos stuff, so correct me if I'm mistaken.

Do you know the contents of that file?
I named it after that file. It's set to run by default in the SS2CPC Helper, as it set's up things that are needed for contest builds.
This is the contents.
setgs iWorkshopSettlerPopulationMax 40
setgs iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 60
setgs iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 30
setgs iAINumberActorsComplexScene 80
setgs fSandboxCylinderTop 2560
setgs fSandboxCylinderBottom -2560
setgs iTerminalDisplayRate 1000
setgs iHackingMaxWords 1
setgs fSweetSpotEasy 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotAverage 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotHard 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotVeryHard 800.0
set DLC06AllowVaultAnywhere to 1
iWorkshopSettlerPopulationMax 40 - Caps settlers regular recruitment at 40 NPCs via the radio.
iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 60 - Turns on Combat AI for up to 60 nps - CPU intensive. Turrets are NPCs.
iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 30 - Allows more settlers to follow you when assigning jobs - and for more solders to follow you when attacking targets.
iAINumberActorsComplexScene 80 - Turns on General AI for up to 80 NPCs- CPU intensive. Makes the settlers use all the plots and idles.
fSandboxCylinderTop 2560 - Teaches settlers that they can in fact go up to sandbox.
fSandboxCylinderBottom -2560 - Teachers settlers that they can in fact go down to sandbox.
iTerminalDisplayRate 1000, iHackingMaxWords 1, fSweetSpotEasy 800.0, fSweetSpotAverage 800.0, fSweetSpotHard 800.0, fSweetSpotVeryHard 800.0 - honestly all to make finishing any CC unlock quests super easy by making lock picking and terminal hacking super easy.
set DLC06AllowVaultAnywhere to 1 - allows you to build Vault DLC items outside of Vault 88.
I named it after that file. It's set to run by default in the SS2CPC Helper, as it set's up things that are needed for contest builds.
This is the contents.
setgs iWorkshopSettlerPopulationMax 40
setgs iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 60
setgs iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 30
setgs iAINumberActorsComplexScene 80
setgs fSandboxCylinderTop 2560
setgs fSandboxCylinderBottom -2560
setgs iTerminalDisplayRate 1000
setgs iHackingMaxWords 1
setgs fSweetSpotEasy 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotAverage 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotHard 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotVeryHard 800.0
set DLC06AllowVaultAnywhere to 1
iWorkshopSettlerPopulationMax 40 - Caps settlers regular recruitment at 40 NPCs via the radio.
iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 60 - Turns on Combat AI for up to 60 nps - CPU intensive. Turrets are NPCs.
iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 30 - Allows more settlers to follow you when assigning jobs - and for more solders to follow you when attacking targets.
iAINumberActorsComplexScene 80 - Turns on General AI for up to 80 NPCs- CPU intensive. Makes the settlers use all the plots and idles.
fSandboxCylinderTop 2560 - Teaches settlers that they can in fact go up to sandbox.
fSandboxCylinderBottom -2560 - Teachers settlers that they can in fact go down to sandbox.
iTerminalDisplayRate 1000, iHackingMaxWords 1, fSweetSpotEasy 800.0, fSweetSpotAverage 800.0, fSweetSpotHard 800.0, fSweetSpotVeryHard 800.0 - honestly all to make finishing any CC unlock quests super easy by making lock picking and terminal hacking super easy.
set DLC06AllowVaultAnywhere to 1 - allows you to build Vault DLC items outside of Vault 88.
Weird I wonder how I messed that up. If I run Wabba in overwrite should it fix it?
Oh also it said I was making screen shots a couple of times. but none were made.
Screenshots are in the overwrite virtual mod.
Open it to find them. This folder gets cleared each time you update or reinstall the wabba.
Weird I wonder how I messed that up. If I run Wabba in overwrite should it fix it?

Could you send me a copy of the save that has this issue. I'd like to see if I can reproduce it.
I named it after that file. It's set to run by default in the SS2CPC Helper, as it set's up things that are needed for contest builds.
This is the contents.
setgs iWorkshopSettlerPopulationMax 40
setgs iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 60
setgs iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 30
setgs iAINumberActorsComplexScene 80
setgs fSandboxCylinderTop 2560
setgs fSandboxCylinderBottom -2560
setgs iTerminalDisplayRate 1000
setgs iHackingMaxWords 1
setgs fSweetSpotEasy 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotAverage 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotHard 800.0
setgs fSweetSpotVeryHard 800.0
set DLC06AllowVaultAnywhere to 1
iWorkshopSettlerPopulationMax 40 - Caps settlers regular recruitment at 40 NPCs via the radio.
iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 60 - Turns on Combat AI for up to 60 nps - CPU intensive. Turrets are NPCs.
iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 30 - Allows more settlers to follow you when assigning jobs - and for more solders to follow you when attacking targets.
iAINumberActorsComplexScene 80 - Turns on General AI for up to 80 NPCs- CPU intensive. Makes the settlers use all the plots and idles.
fSandboxCylinderTop 2560 - Teaches settlers that they can in fact go up to sandbox.
fSandboxCylinderBottom -2560 - Teachers settlers that they can in fact go down to sandbox.
iTerminalDisplayRate 1000, iHackingMaxWords 1, fSweetSpotEasy 800.0, fSweetSpotAverage 800.0, fSweetSpotHard 800.0, fSweetSpotVeryHard 800.0 - honestly all to make finishing any CC unlock quests super easy by making lock picking and terminal hacking super easy.
set DLC06AllowVaultAnywhere to 1 - allows you to build Vault DLC items outside of Vault 88.
Thanks. That's make sense now. Though I did see where it wasn't executed by Fallout4.exe(missing) and some type of invalid reference(couldn't be found). @Skywise001 ... did the console show what the target was for the Picked Non Ref AV Object:?
I do have one quick question- the SetGS command is "SetGameSetting"? which would set global game variables, but I'm not sure how that would cause the possible missing script files in the papyrus log, along with 'mismatched' types. The only thing I could could think of was either the scripts themselves, or loading a game save from a pervious version of SS2, WSFW, etc.,.

I took a quick look at the plugin having the SS2 plan and it looks like a large group of records that just place objects. No scripts or other references(at least the few I checked) wasn't found. So I don't think that plugin caused it- since those were script references.
Screenshots are in the overwrite virtual mod.
View attachment 25323
Open it to find them. This folder gets cleared each time you update or reinstall the wabba.


Could you send me a copy of the save that has this issue. I'd like to see if I can reproduce it.
Sure sent them in discord. Included my build file since its doing weird things too.
The quotation mark. "
I don't see anything like that in @Yagisan autoexec(fallout batch) file. That looks like a parsing error where a command syntax was respected or an non-command was executed as a command. The console doesn't show anything past that? There's a startup script that can be defined in the games ini files(I use that here to set god rays) along with keypress mod(I also use those to toggle Westtek goggles) that runs these type of batch(text) files.
If your not sure if the autoexec file was executed you can go into the console and use "bat <filename>" to execute it. The batch file needs to be in the game's installation folder where fallout4.exe is. You can create batch files that gives the player specified items, set all your stats to 10 and beyond, all kinds of things. I use them to tone down god rays a bit.
If your not sure if the autoexec file was executed you can go into the console and use "bat <filename>" to execute it. The batch file needs to be in the game's installation folder where fallout4.exe is. You can create batch files that gives the player specified items, set all your stats to 10 and beyond, all kinds of things. I use them to tone down god rays a bit.
I actually have a small Bat bundle in my settlement builder collection. :D
I logged in to the clean starter save, and left the vault, logging off.


  • Exited Papyrus.0.log
    313.8 KB · Views: 2
I logged in to the clean starter save, and left the vault, logging off.
I think these papyrus log errors are starting make sense... you load up a 'clean' starting game save. Correct? If that's so, then the 'clean' starting game save was made with a version of SS2 and it's dependencies other than the current one. I wonder if those messages would still appear if you actually started a new game with the current version of SS2(including all dependencies like WSFW, HUDFramework, etc.,.) then played the game's intro, then saved you a new 'clean' starting game just before you exited vault 111.
Sorry I fell asleep.
I dont think thats the case. But Ill make one with a new save and see what log I get.
Sorry I fell asleep.
I dont think thats the case. But Ill make one with a new save and see what log I get.
I bailed for some sleep awhile back- it's good to get some rest. You could be right, but scripts are included in a game save and if, let's say, I have a 'clean' start game save for SS2 from a version before the current one there could be some differences. If the clean save is just the official game files and no other mods, then your right it wouldn't make any difference. But, at least with this we can rule out as much as we can and maybe point the issue to the actual scripts instead of 'other' data or mods.
OK Folks, as the maintainer of the SS2CPC Helper I was asked to investigate this, and Skywise sent me their save files to check and test with. I performed my investigation using an unmodified 4.4.0 Season 4 March 2024 release of the SS2CPC Helper.
The reported errors were:
  • Massive lag when looking at the center of the Bunker Hill settlement.
  • Crash when spawning settlers.
  • Crash when saving.
The save file sent to me was included additional mods installed over the SS2CPC Helper installation. This is an unsupported configuration. These were CheatTerminal.esp, Hill Plan 3.esp, X Roads Grinder.esp, and Coven 1.esp. I believe that is Cheat Terminal and several of Skywise's city plans.

I did not test with these mods. Please do not add additional mods to the SS2CPC Helper. It is an unsupported configuration.

The save file Skywise sent me was an extremely heavily built up Bunker Hill save. It has 51 settlers, and 58 plots.

I was not able to reproduce the crash when spawning settlers. I suspect an interaction with Cheat Terminal.

I was not able to reproduce the crash when saving.

I did observe the reported lag when looking at the center of the settlement. This was easily rectified by reducing the NPC count, reducing plot count, and reducing additional decorations. In summary, the save file is heavily overbuilt for a downtown Boston settlement, as the game has to render both the settlement, and downtown Boston.

As a result, I conclude that the SS2CPC Helper is not the cause of the reported issues. My strong advice to to reduce the build to something more appropriate for a downtown Boston settlement.