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Interior plots.. just.. suck.. (imo)

I too find them a little odd, especially as they "want" a wall for the items whichever plan puts there - for example shelves, but if you put a wall on a floor tile, it then won't logically snap to it... haven't ever used place anywhere, so perhaps that is the next thing to use to get a little more happiness (for example in hangman's alley)
Otherwise, love that you can make a form of settlement in hangman because of these indoor tiles.
Think of Place Anywhere as an automated mod pos. I have the key strokes memorized. So much easier than messing with mod pos (which I've used quite a bit) which always involves a bit of trial and error.
Just to note, Place Anywhere if for Xbox and Place Everywhere is for PC (requires F4SE and has much more robust features due to the extra functionality).
As for moving things via mods vs console, I find both methods have their own uses the other way is inconvenient or just less convenient for, so I personally use a combination of both when building.
Just my two cents on the various two cents… the internal plots are the size they are for a variety of reasons and I’m pretty confident they aren’t going to change. As was already mentioned, they fit into a lot more structures already in settlements, or otherwise little nooks and corners, but they also make for a lot more possibilities for how to build structures around them, place them together in Ls, create side-entry walled off rooms without needing more than two floors, or for addon makers to come up with screwy things like plots designed for boxcars, or 2x2 plots that have a room for you to put an internal in.
Even if they were 2x1, how that space is actually used is up to the plot designer, so the complaint about how the space ends up being used would become a complaint about how plots are being designed.
As was already mentioned, they fit into a lot more structures already in settlements, or otherwise little nooks and corners,
People keep saying this, but from all my hours of playing SS2 and building settlements, I've yet to see it. The ONLY spot they fit nicely is 1 room in a sanctuary house, and the living/kitchen area.. That's literally it... All the other big buildings a properly sized interior plot would still fit just as nicely.

but they also make for a lot more possibilities for how to build structures around them, place them together in Ls, create side-entry walled off rooms without needing more than two floors, or for addon makers to come up with screwy things like plots designed for boxcars, or 2x2 plots that have a room for you to put an internal in.
Yea, but if they were designed properly from the start again, none of this is an issue still. Want a little extra flooring for side entry or walled off rooms? Add in one of those smaller half sized floor panels. Easy Peasy.

Even if they were 2x1, how that space is actually used is up to the plot designer, so the complaint about how the space ends up being used would become a complaint about how plots are being designed.
Don't think anyone would complain if they were properly sized to use up two of the basic floor tiles properly sized. Walling those off, makes a nice looking room. Done. You want a little extra space to build more, or have walkways, or to add more stuff yourself? Add a half sized floor tile. Done. It's simple, without making headaches or extra steps.

Now if I want to make these stupid things work in my custom buildings, I am FORCED to have empty spaces, voids, or all kinds of nightmarish things that I don't want because their sizes aren't uniform to anything.
My method for placing plots in tricky places using Place Everywhere:
(If you already have a floor section jump to step 3 and raise that floor section, and in step 6 lower that floor section back down 100 insted of scrapping/storing).

1. place a wooden floor and roof section

2. Use Place Everywhere's nudge functions to position the floor section in the desired position - raise/lower you can use the side beams if you drop the floor below the ground level) you can also use rotate functions to have it so it is aligned.

3. Set Place Everywhere nudge amount to 100 and raise the floor and roof section.

4. Place the internal plot, might require a bit of spinning it and moving about but it will only have one thing to snap to so a lot less of it trying to snap to other pieces.
(if you hit F2 to turn off snap to surface, it avoids the issue where the plot seems too far away to snap to anything close)

5. After the ASAM appears (let the placement script run) use PE's nudge to drop the plot 100 back to floor level. (the objects and ASAM will remain in the higher position).

6. Scrap/store the floor and roof and exit workshop mode.

7. Look at the floor to see the plot menu, Activate, and chose the building plan.... (pretty much normal from here - the new objects and ASAM will drop down to the correct height).

Personally I find internal plots great, you can have 3 standard floors and fit in 2, being 2 wide would make then a lot worst to fit in.
I also use 1x1s although the selection isn't overly large, However Sim Settlements 2 - Apocalyptic Additions Addon Pack by SirLach does have around 13 1x1 plans using the internal plots that take up a one standard floor area cloest to the ASAM.
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People keep saying this, but from all my hours of playing SS2 and building settlements, I've yet to see it. The ONLY spot they fit nicely is 1 room in a sanctuary house, and the living/kitchen area.. That's literally it... All the other big buildings a properly sized interior plot would still fit just as nicely.
I already really just don’t know what to tell you. Honestly, I was only intending to sort of tongue-in-cheek champion the size while mentioning that there are a lot of reasons for the size and a lot of thought went into it.
I’m on Xbox, so the ability to move things may be different than using Place Anywhere if you’re on PC, but the above is simply false. I have plots in many places just in Sanctuary where the 1.5 is hard to get in or has only a very small bit of extra real estate. A 2x1 plot wouldn’t drop even with Place Anywhere. You can just look at the models of the houses and see 2x1 puts you in walls, whether it’s the bedrooms or trying to drop along walls in the front rooms. On the other hand, “fit nicely,” might mean just about anything, so you could be exactly right there. But, including other settlements, there are dozens of places I have them that they only squeeze right into, I suppose that might not mean they fit nicely though.
Yea, but if they were designed properly from the start again, none of this is an issue still. Want a little extra flooring for side entry or walled
“Properly,” is a conclusion.
Again, I guess I’m just sorry they don’t work for you. It wasn’t my intention really to argue for them in a serious sense, I was only trying to give a little insight into a small piece of the reasoning behind the size.
But then I say, one tiny part of the decision, just as an example, is that it opens many more possibilities where you aren’t forced to add more floor just to allow entry (imagine it’s the third floor for example and you don’t want to stick a floating bit of floor there). Your response, just add more floor. I’m not sure where to go from there frankly.
Don't think anyone would complain if they were properly sized to use up two of the basic floor tiles properly sized. Walling those off, makes a nice looking room. Done. You want a little extra space to build more, or have walkways, or to add more stuff yourself? Add a half sized floor tile. Done. It's simple, without making headaches or extra steps.
Well, I don’t know, I’ve been following this forum pretty closely since it started and I don’t remember any complaining about their size in the nearly five years the thing has been around, so someone might.
I get you don’t like them and can visualize solutions to certain complaints but making them bigger destroys tons of possibilities.
I’m not sure what headaches there are but just pull back from this for a second and think about how this problem/solution dialog goes wherein you ask kinggath to change the size of a plot, really for aesthetics of building them in certain situations, with the result that tens of thousands of plots that currently exist suddenly cannot, and hundreds of places people put plots will no longer be an option.
Now if I want to make these stupid things work in my custom buildings, I am FORCED to have empty spaces, voids, or all kinds of nightmarish things that I don't want because their sizes aren't uniform to anything.
Voids and empty spaces? And nightmarish things?
It’s true, if you demand items exist in the full 2x1 area, you have to do something, or you are just forced to have a certain amount of empty space. The alternative is that many, many places people have these and a lot of ways people use them in their self-built areas are no longer possible.
Again, wasn’t really looking for a “one theory is ‘wrong’” battle, nor was I, or am I, trying to say your idea is “wrong.” I was only trying to point out a very small selection of the multitude of reasons they are the size they are, and suggest generally that kinggath didn’t throw a dart at a wall.
I have no stake in it but I’m sorry they don’t work for you, because imho they are pretty brilliant. Things don’t work for everyone.
Voids and empty spaces? And nightmarish things?
It’s true, if you demand items exist in the full 2x1 area, you have to do something, or you are just forced to have a certain amount of empty space ...
Please consider:
I use several add ons that have gr8 smaller and 1x1 plots. Excellent for workshop kit constructed buildings - in-spite of mis match with vanilla tile sizes.

Favelabulous = tiny 1x1 stackable, NO snaps. and...

Bare Essentials Addon Pack for Sim Settlements 2 -- adds the following plots:
5 Residential 1x1 - Interior. These plots are set for manual selection only.

Also, the interior plots that are 1 x 1.5 tiles work great next to one another. The two plots take up three tiles - no gaps.

Hope this helps. ;)
My method for placing plots in tricky places using Place Everywhere:
(If you already have a floor section jump to step 3 and raise that floor section, and in step 6 lower that floor section back down 100 insted of scrapping/storing).

Personally I find internal plots great, you can have 3 standard floors and fit in 2, being 2 wide would make then a lot worst to fit in.
I also use 1x1s although the selection isn't overly large, However Sim Settlements 2 - Apocalyptic Additions Addon Pack by SirLach does have around 13 1x1 plans using the internal plots that take up a one standard floor area cloest to the ASAM.
Thanks a lot for this, I always struggle with internal plots and have PE :D never thought about how easy you could do this.
How on earth do we get 2 foundation plots to snap together side by side? For example I was trying to snap a factory foundation plot beside a residential foundation plot.
How on earth do we get 2 foundation plots to snap together side by side? For example I was trying to snap a factory foundation plot beside a residential foundation plot.
I do this all the time. So many people share your frustration. I've spent a week doing various construction styles - till I found a methodology that is easy - quick, and mostly error free. I'll do a short video - showing what I do. Hope it helps.
How on earth do we get 2 foundation plots to snap together side by side? For example I was trying to snap a factory foundation plot beside a residential foundation plot.
I don't use foundation plots much as I prefer to place my own foundations, but you need to make snaps points available.
Basically the snap points on the foundation are all 'occupied' by the plots so other objects won't snap (and the plot snaps are all paired with the foundations).

So if you have Place Everywhere:
  • set nudge to 100 (use the / and * keys on the keypad to increase and decrease the nudge steps).
  • move the plot up 100
  • place the new foundation plot which should snap to the now vacant original foundation snap points
  • drop the original plot back down 100

If you are not using Place Everywhere:
  • enter console, click on the original plot and use 'modpos z 100' (without quote marks and press enter)
  • Exit console and place the new plot,
  • Enter console (If you haven't clicked on anything else the original plot's ID should still be active - or click on the original plot again)
  • enter 'modpos z -100' press enter, then 'modpos z 0' and press enter (when you shift things by console they end up appearing fuzzy, the second 0 shift entry stabilizes the object so it's no longer fuzzy).
  • Exit console
enter 'modpos z -100' press enter, then 'modpos z 0' and press enter (when you shift things by console they end up appearing fuzzy, the second 0 shift entry stabilizes the object so it's no longer fuzzy).
When you encounter graphical glitches moving objects with the console, toggle the enable state of the object to reset its mesh. (disable / enable the object) This will fix it.
When you encounter graphical glitches moving objects with the console, toggle the enable state of the object to reset its mesh. (disable / enable the object) This will fix it.
Also if using PE, the default hotkey for de-fuzzing is (numpad) 5. (Things can end up fuzzy without console too)
Also if using PE, the default hotkey for de-fuzzing is (numpad) 5. (Things can end up fuzzy without console too)
In all the years......... :scratchhead
Hotkeys by default:
F8 - toggles "Place Everywhere" mode (if you enabled toggle in config)
F1 - toggles object snapping (you have to cancel current object if you have any selected, for this to work)
F2 - toggle ground and surface snapping
F3 - toggle workshop grid snapping
F5 - toggle out-of-workshop timeout
F6 - toggle storing clamped objects in workshop storage, when underlying object is scrapped or stored in workshop storage
F7 - lock/unlock hightlighted object selection. While selection locked, no other object will be hightlighted, when your move your aim on it.
INS - toggle extra objects selection.
F11 - change timescale to 0.01 (can be changed in config) while in buld mode
ALT - set object movement relative to player (by default) or global world axis

Numpad 0 - reset rotation angles X and Y to 0
Numpad 5 - remove 'tremor' effect
Numpad 2 - move outlined object down
Numpad 8 - move outlined object up
Numpad 4 - move outlined object left
Numpad 6 - move outlined object right
Numpad 7 - move outlined object to player
Numpad 9 - move outlined object from player
Numpad 1 - scale down oullined object by 10%
Numpad 3 - scale up outlined object by 10%
Numpad dot - reset scale of outlined object to 100%
Numpad minus - decrease rotation angle step
Numpad plus - increase rotation angle step
Numpad divide - decrease movement step
Numpad multiply - increase movement step
PgUp - increase scale step
PgDown - decrease scale step
Ctrl - change rotation axis.
Backspace - undo last precise movement/rotation/scaling action.
'=' - store outlined object position, rotation and scale info
1,2,3 - set X,Y,Z position of stored info to outlined object
4,5,6 - set X,Y,Z rotation angles of stored info to outlined object
7 - set scale of stored info to outlined object
0 - set all stored info to outlined object
Home - turn object physics on (make it movable/droppable if possible)
End - Home - turn object physics on (make it static if possible)
So, ITL: Numpad 5 - remove 'tremor' effect is "reset object" I always thought it was some sort of a "fix havok" type of a command.
In all the years......... :scratchhead
Hotkeys by default:
F8 - toggles "Place Everywhere" mode (if you enabled toggle in config)
F1 - toggles object snapping (you have to cancel current object if you have any selected, for this to work)
F2 - toggle ground and surface snapping
F3 - toggle workshop grid snapping
F5 - toggle out-of-workshop timeout
F6 - toggle storing clamped objects in workshop storage, when underlying object is scrapped or stored in workshop storage
F7 - lock/unlock hightlighted object selection. While selection locked, no other object will be hightlighted, when your move your aim on it.
INS - toggle extra objects selection.
F11 - change timescale to 0.01 (can be changed in config) while in buld mode
ALT - set object movement relative to player (by default) or global world axis

Numpad 0 - reset rotation angles X and Y to 0
Numpad 5 - remove 'tremor' effect
Numpad 2 - move outlined object down
Numpad 8 - move outlined object up
Numpad 4 - move outlined object left
Numpad 6 - move outlined object right
Numpad 7 - move outlined object to player
Numpad 9 - move outlined object from player
Numpad 1 - scale down oullined object by 10%
Numpad 3 - scale up outlined object by 10%
Numpad dot - reset scale of outlined object to 100%
Numpad minus - decrease rotation angle step
Numpad plus - increase rotation angle step
Numpad divide - decrease movement step
Numpad multiply - increase movement step
PgUp - increase scale step
PgDown - decrease scale step
Ctrl - change rotation axis.
Backspace - undo last precise movement/rotation/scaling action.
'=' - store outlined object position, rotation and scale info
1,2,3 - set X,Y,Z position of stored info to outlined object
4,5,6 - set X,Y,Z rotation angles of stored info to outlined object
7 - set scale of stored info to outlined object
0 - set all stored info to outlined object
Home - turn object physics on (make it movable/droppable if possible)
End - Home - turn object physics on (make it static if possible)
So, ITL: Numpad 5 - remove 'tremor' effect is "reset object" I always thought it was some sort of a "fix havok" type of a command.
Don't feel too bad, I'm pretty sure I figured it out hitting the wrong key by accident when trying to lift/lower a thing to get rid of the fuzzy. :grin
I just did a video on my settlement that use, almost exclusively, 1x1 plots. Shows easy placement technique that doesn't use console, doesn't use or x,y,z controls. First video ever - need to learn how to edit - and then upload someplace for SS2 community to access.
I apologize if someone already mentioned this (skimmed through thread and didn't see it) but the interior plots also fit very nicely in some of the wood and metal pre-fabs, specifically the ones that combine a 1x1 floor/ceiling and one of those half-size floor/wall/ceiling pieces. Or, of course, snap those together yourself out of the individual bits when making a larger structure.

And, of course, two next to each other is an even 1x3 run.
I apologize if someone already mentioned this (skimmed through thread and didn't see it) but the interior plots also fit very nicely in some of the wood and metal pre-fabs, specifically the ones that combine a 1x1 floor/ceiling and one of those half-size floor/wall/ceiling pieces. Or, of course, snap those together yourself out of the individual bits when making a larger structure.

And, of course, two next to each other is an even 1x3 run.
Good call - exactly what I use - specifically the warehouse kit.