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Foundation snapping


New Member
I started a new playthru and just now starting to expand Starlight Drive-in. Had a line of 5 foundations, all with residential plots, Tried to add another row but the foundations seem to not snap together consistently, I can't make another row of 5. instead one or two will snap to the row of 5 maybe every other one. I can't see anything in the way vertically or horizontally. Maybe I'm missing something?

Just realized this isn't very clear. Should have included the ver - 3.3.2, 3-in-1 if it matters.
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Yea, known issue -- once plots have built on the foundations, new foundations kinda refuse to snap to existing ones. The only real workaround at this point is to lay out all the foundations first (like a city plan would), and then add plots as you need them.
I haven't tried this myself, but if you are using Place Everywhere, I think you can use the number keys to manipulate the built plot out of the way a little so the snap points will be uncovered. Then you should be able to snap a foundation to the existing one and restore the plot to it's original location.