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Question Consolidated Squad Thread


Well-Known Member
Community Rockstar
City Planner (S3)
Wiki Contributor
Let's use this thread to post any issues with the 4.2.2 feature that lets Conqueror (and Liberator) players add Faction NPCs to a squad.

Q: My Personal Guards get stuck and won't continue to follow me.
A1: Fast travel to a new destination should bring all of the guards in the squad to the new location.
A2: Try the Instant Rally command to see if they teleport to you. (does not work in combat)
It appears, however, that once well and truly stuck, the Guards don't seem to respond to any command (Rally, Instant rally, or even fast travel). Details to confirm this from different players would be appreciative.
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This system will grow so please keep the issues and observances coming. :)
KG mentioned possibility of implementing a config so PGs have limited ammo. Managing ammo across each and every PGs would be nice immersion feature but a little tedious. Having a squad ammo pool that they all draw from would be less tedious but would apply same restriction (granted might not be technically feasible)

Also, would appreciate guidance from KG on how to implement fall back weapons (as faction pack modder) if limited squad ammo config implemented... and don’t conflict with armory and any other SS-C functionality
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Added more yesterday to other list. Going forward, will add in this thread.

when you crouch/sneak, the PGs do likewise. if you tell them hold while in that position, they stand. that blows their and your cover, and makes scouting/sniping enemy camps with them tough. Ideally, the hold position should copy whatever position (stand vs sneak) the player is in when command given
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suicidal encounters vs PGs/squad: there are times when you meet on the road that you and your squad outnumber the squad of the other hostile faction. sometimes, the difference is so great that the asymmetry in fighting power makes it suicidal for them to fight. don't mind killing bad guys but wish a non-lethal option were more in evidence. i've got 3 level 4 PGs, 1 level 3 PG, and 2 companions (Heather and Piper). solitary raiders and raiders of 2-3 start fights. some run away (but that's probably due to Pack Attack mod). but, by and large, it's suicide.

it'd be nice if there were a configuration that enabled a squad intimidation factor that influenced human-human interactions in the wild. the PG experience level, the player intimidation perk, the asymmetry in numbers, etc could be multivariate influences on the squad intimidation calculation. for Conquerors, those that surrender could be enslaved (sent to the outpost martial plot to handle NPCs like them). for Liberators, maybe settlers... though i'd make squad intimidation of conqueror (killing) factions more difficult to achieve (rationale: conqueror factions are more inclined to bloodlust and predation and therefore more resistant to reform their ways)
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Had a squad of 3 Personal Guards.

Went into Olivia for Dakka's quest, came out and later noticed they were missing. Used the tracker and it only pointed to the last rally point.

So I reloaded a prior save and went into Olivia a second time, once again the three disappeared just inside the doorway.

Loaded the prior save again and had them wait outside and they were waiting when I exited Oliva.
For folks having the Armory related issues, when you check the soldiers does it still show "Armory Equip: OFF"?


I can't replicate the issue of this setting being ignored. I will say that the message in the corner about the armory can come up even if you have this turned off for your entire squad, but they won't actually change equipment - the check for whether they have that setting is done after that message is already shown.
I made some tweaks to improve squads in today's patch.

If everyone here can keep me posted on bugs, and even better get together some repeatable scenarios put together for me I will try and do a mini-patch for these things next week before I go on my family vacation.

@Rudy thanks for assembling this thread - if you know of any other issues or can confirm anything else reported here, please add it to our Git tracker and I'll make those a priority.
For folks having the Armory related issues, when you check the soldiers does it still show "Armory Equip: OFF"?

View attachment 8361

I can't replicate the issue of this setting being ignored. I will say that the message in the corner about the armory can come up even if you have this turned off for your entire squad, but they won't actually change equipment - the check for whether they have that setting is done after that message is already shown.

I saw that I had them to set to armoury OFF, when it first actually changed their armor.

The first couple of times, I would see the message, worry and check, and see that they hadn’t actually changed. After a bit though, esp as Starlight got busier and my army got large, it started to overwrite them.

Could be a script backup thing? My computer is only a bit better than an Xbox, and I am (not infrequently) overloading the scripts and CTD, and at the time, Starlight was on a city plan, near the build limit.
I saw that I had them to set to armoury OFF, when it first actually changed their armor.

The first couple of times, I would see the message, worry and check, and see that they hadn’t actually changed. After a bit though, esp as Starlight got busier and my army got large, it started to overwrite them.

Could be a script backup thing? My computer is only a bit better than an Xbox, and I am (not infrequently) overloading the scripts and CTD, and at the time, Starlight was on a city plan, near the build limit.

There's some issues with retroactively changing that setting. Change the auto equip setting before adding them to your squad. On any current squad make sure it's off, then dismiss them, leave the cell and sleep somewhere for a few hours, return and add them to your squad again.
If everyone here can keep me posted on bugs, and even better get together some repeatable scenarios put together for me I will try and do a mini-patch for these things next week before I go on my family vacation.

so, here’s the test:
(1) outpost = starlight, vassal = tenpines
(2) personal guard equipped with his previously faction pack auto-assigned, upgraded gear (longshoreman armor) per armory equip = ON
(3) turn armory equip = OFF
(4) swap longshoreman armor with combat chest piece at outpost
(5) fast travel to vassal and then walk back to outpost
(6) armor does NOT get replaced upon entering outpost area even though get armor message (in truth, didn’t turn armory equip off for other PGs)
(7) turn armor equip = ON
(8) fast travel to vassal and then back to outpost
(9) armor equipped does NOT get replaced and appropriate armor NOT put in inventory (should get rank appropriate faction armor since armor equip = ON)

Replicated with all 4 PGs at same time
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so, here’s the test:
(1) outpost = starlight, vassal = tenpines
(2) personal guard equipped with his previously faction pack auto-assigned, upgraded gear (longshoreman armor) per armory equip = ON
(3) turn armory equip = OFF
(4) swap longshoreman armor with combat chest piece at outpost
(5) fast travel to vassal and then walk back to outpost
(6) armor does NOT get replaced upon entering outpost area even though get armor message (in truth, didn’t turn armory equip off for other PGs)
(7) turn armor equip = ON
(8) fast travel to vassal and then back to outpost
(9) armor equipped does NOT get replaced
The equipment only changes if the unit goes into the settlement with the armory or the gear is handed out at the start of an attack?

Since the unit is at a vassal, it does not have access to the armory in the vassal? Which kinda makes sense.
The equipment only changes if the unit goes into the settlement with the armory or the gear is handed out at the start of an attack?

Since the unit is at a vassal, it does not have access to the armory in the vassal? Which kinda makes sense.
With Armory equip = ON (since beginning of use of squad), I’ve had rank appropriate updates applied to my personal guards upon return to outpost (with armory) after each rise in rank (level). Swapping, toggling Armory equip and returning to local (outpost) armory doesn’t restore equipment. Hope I haven’t corrupted the upgrade chance for my lower ranked personal guards. I suppose I can kick and then ask them to rejoin as an interim fix but that's a little wonky as a long term solution.

yes, vassal guard has not updated even with armory equip = ON and 2 rank increases. If there were no transfer of goods or only one way from vassal to outpost, it might make sense from a logistical perspective. But, from a tactical-strategic point of view, it makes little sense. Given I have a patrol from outpost to vassal, it doesn’t make logistical or strategic sense.

fwiw, commanderies [even going back to Romans in ancient Britain and Han Chinese in ancient Korea (eg Lelang)] received military goods from central command area.
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There's some issues with retroactively changing that setting. Change the auto equip setting before adding them to your squad. On any current squad make sure it's off, then dismiss them, leave the cell and sleep somewhere for a few hours, return and add them to your squad again.
nice interim fix.

unlike my armor, my weapons have never updated with armory equip = ON. not sure what's wrong as used the same organization for armor and weapons. they did get the correct entry level weapon; just never updated

one observation - each rank outfit has more than one possible option. upon returning to the local (outpost) armory, they don't swap out. that's good. what i feel unsure about is not getting the alternative versions at update. just the first version in the LL.
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yes, vassal guard has not updated even with armory equip = ON and 2 rank increases. If there were no transfer of goods or only one way from vassal to outpost, it might make sense from a logistical perspective. But, from a tactical-strategic point of view, it makes little sense. Given I have a patrol from outpost to vassal, it doesn’t make logistical or strategic sense..
I guess you keep missing my point. It aint a matter of logistic or tactical sense, it is a matter of coding sense.

It is reasonable to assume that the code support to upgrade vassal guards is not present.

You could always swap your personal guard with the vassal guards and escort them to the armory...at gunpoint.
I guess you keep missing my point. It aint a matter of logistic or tactical sense, it is a matter of coding sense.

It is reasonable to assume that the code support to upgrade vassal guards is not present.

You could always swap your personal guard with the vassal guards and escort them to the armory...at gunpoint.
good grief. of course the code isn't there. just presenting a user story, use case or rationale (aka a requirements specification in regulated computer system validation) for a coding change. KG can take it or leave it
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Squad members will loot the serum from the raider in the quest ”Special delivery”, it will then be locked in the member, it does not show up in their inventory if you trade with them.
Other than that they are fantastic! Love playing with a crazy posse.
Squad members will loot the serum from the raider in the quest ”Special delivery”, it will then be locked in the member, it does not show up in their inventory if you trade with them.
Other than that they are fantastic! Love playing with a crazy posse.
I know you know this command, but I still have to ask...

Did you try openactorcontainer 2?
KG mentioned possibility of implementing a config so PGs have limited ammo. Managing ammo across each and every PGs would be nice immersion feature but a little tedious. Having a squad ammo pool that they all draw from would be less tedious but would apply same restriction (granted might not be technically feasible)

Also, would appreciate guidance from KG on how to implement fall back weapons (as faction pack modder) if limited squad ammo config implemented... and don’t conflict with armory and any other SS-C functionality

My dream dynamic is just flat out disabling the ability to equip PGs individually, a tedious but currently necessary thing, and replacing it with customizable 'Armory Templates'. It's too good. I want to drop items in a container and tell Conqueror "this is the template XYZ" and "Personal Guards should use XYZ", have Conqueror calculate a caps value, and distribute gear according to their home Settlement's Armory value. Faction packs could simply define their own default templates. Then my Personal Guards would progress at the rate my empire progresses, rather than at the rate my own gear progresses.

This isn't just a PG thing, but PGs have made clear that there's no good reason to use an Armory at all when you can use a small squad of highly survivable, overgeared guys. Maybe optionally with better Armory gear for those templates being unlocked via leveling up the NPC and building the corresponding Advanced Industrial buildings. Want plasma weapons on your guys? Time to build an Advanced Weapons .. thing. Facility? I forget. Probably uh, probably not by Friday, though.

Misc issues:
* On assaults, PGs don't seem to properly kill enemies, just knock them down. After my initial surprise at seeing twenty-seven settlers at my new level 1 ROTC County Crossing outpost, I assumed this was a bug, since settlers in excess of my Charisma limit were removed shortly after. Did a little investigating, and it turns out that faction guards knocked down by my PGs had been converted to vassal settlers! That's actually a fun bug and I might try to use it to get some 'special' vassals just for neat RP (and also to get around murdering civilians who inexplicably turn hostile), but I guess it still is a bug.
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Thanks! But mainly I wanted to highligt the (very slight) dilemma that their looting can lead to. As far as bugs go this is a miniscule problem.
I think if you turn of loot chems they should ignore it.

This isn't just a PG thing, but PGs have made clear that there's no good reason to use an Armory at all when you can use a small squad of highly survivable, overgeared guys.
If you have an outpost with 20+ people in it then it would benefit all the workers and guards. It also cuts down on the micromanagement each person. When you gang gets to about 100+ you aint gonna wanna equip them all anymore.