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Confusion on Requirements for Advanced/High Tech/Other Plots


New Member
Hey guys, apologies if this is an obvious answer, but I tried looking on both the wiki and these forums without much success, so figured I'd ask here.

I understand that there are advanced and high tech plots that require a certain amount of the lower tier at high level for example, or the pet store that takes 10 level 2 commercial plots as an example.

Are these requirements per settlement, or just in the entire world of my settlements? I'm guessing entire world as 10 plots of one type seems like a lot, but I want to make sure. Furthermore, if I unlock one of these, is that upgrade permanent? Can I get rid of my basic farms as soon as I unlock advanced, can I get rid of other commercial plots once I unlock pet stores, so on so forth.

Thanks for any help, sorry for my confusion.
Hey guys, apologies if this is an obvious answer, but I tried looking on both the wiki and these forums without much success, so figured I'd ask here.

I understand that there are advanced and high tech plots that require a certain amount of the lower tier at high level for example, or the pet store that takes 10 level 2 commercial plots as an example.

Are these requirements per settlement, or just in the entire world of my settlements? I'm guessing entire world as 10 plots of one type seems like a lot, but I want to make sure. Furthermore, if I unlock one of these, is that upgrade permanent? Can I get rid of my basic farms as soon as I unlock advanced, can I get rid of other commercial plots once I unlock pet stores, so on so forth.

Thanks for any help, sorry for my confusion.

Yes to both - it counts all settlements in your empire, and once unlocked it is permanently unlocked. If you want to change an existing plot, you can do so using its ASAM sensor, or you can build that new plot outright when you place down a new plot. For plot types that require skilled settlers to operate them, the new plot type (e.g advanced farm, when you go to change your existing basic one) will only show as an option if the settler already assigned has a high enough stat of that particular stat required.