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Beacons Need A'bit of Work


Active Member
Cleared the Federal Ration Stockpile and College Station, placed an ASAM scanner and then the Mk 1 beacon at each, but got the caravan within range busy message at both.

So after several game days, fast traveled to Oberland and checked the caravan/comm plots, fast traveled to Sunshine and checked the caravan/comm plots, fast traveled to FRS, placed the scanner then a Mk1 beacon and it worked - the caravan pickup was coming from Oberland not Sunshine which is closer. Fast traveled to College Station, place a scanner then a Mk 1 beacon and it worked - the caravan pickup was coming from Taffington. Reloaded the Oberland save and repeated this cycle and everything worked. Reloaded the Oberland save and walked to FRS and got the busy message. Waited several game days, went back to College Station and got the busy message.

Several game days later, cleared the National Training Center, placed the scanner then a Mk1 beacon and got the busy message. Fast travel to College Station and got the busy message.

The continuing saga of a complex mod in development.

See for the updates.

PS: MALA was at the National Training Center and went "red". Reloaded an earlier save an snuck around her.
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