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Primary Bug Report Have you experienced the Scrap Crash?

Have you experienced the Scrap Crash?

  • Yes, on multiple characters

  • Yes, but only once

  • Yes, and I have an unmodded save this occurs (please send this to kinggath!)

  • No, I've never had this happen

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Created an account just to say I'm having this problem too. Really bums me out because this mod was the one I was most looking forward to using.

Very new and early save, I think I only have 6 hours in it?, so sanctuary has barely been touched. I have no other settlement mods beside sim settlement all in one and the year one mega pack. Is there still no solution or work around?

I might try another run and see if I have the same issue.

*EDIT Tried a second playthrough. No bug. Only thing I did different from last time I was I did not build a generator/pylon/wires before activating the scrap everything phase of SS.
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I've had this specific issue on and off (recently restarted my game cause I accidentally corrupted my saves trying to fix this), and now I've started to get a peculiar variation of this bug. I crash to desktop in Sanctuary if I try to move powerlines. I can build them just fine and so far I can scrap them, but if I try to grab existing ones to move them i instantly CTD, so far it's only Sanctuary that does this.

Edit: More info: Ever since Sanctuary went up to city level 2 this has gotten much more common and is now affecting other things (as well as the powerlines, Ii officially can't wire up anything in Sanctuary without CTD now) at random. I'm sure my heavy load order isn't helping the issue, but the scrap bug has gotten somewhat out of hand at this point.
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I am currently getting scrap crash in SS CO-OP while using the RoTC SS Co-op plan.
I ended up using the gavel to scrap the whole city, fast traveled away, as my 16 settlers wandered about, slept for 24 hours then came back.
And still cannot scrap.
I built a city manager desk and reassigned Preston, went off adventuring for a few game hours and came back and still cannot scrap without a CTD.
No other settlement is having a problem, also no other settlement is using a city planner.
SSCP is rebuilding now and the following is what I did
I disabled/uninstalled the following mods that I had just recently loaded in past 24 hours:
Rest In Peace
Building Grave Settlement
More Attackers - Get off my Buildzone
Settler Sandbox Overhaul
Multiple Floors Sandboxing
Survival Outfit Collection
Hookers of the Commonwealth HoTc
Fusion City Rising
>>NO CTD!!!
Settlers Sandbox Overhaul
Multiple Floors Sandboxing
>>NO CTD!!!
Re-enabled :
Fusion City Rising
>> NO CTD!!!
Hookers of the Commonwealth
Survival Outfit Collection
>> NO CTD!!
More Attackers -Get Off my Buildzone
>> NO CTD!!!

I left the graves mods off as they were not really what I was looking for. I doubt they were causing the problem though since they were the first onces I removed

Anyway my Co-OP is now crash free.
It appears to have been either Fusion City Rising and or HoTc, but it looks like reinstalling them did the trick.
I had this crash awhile back! Unfortunately I may have lost or deleted the save that it occurred on. Plus all my playthroughs are heavily modded, so it may not help anyway.

I do remember trying to debug this crash and coming to the conclusion that it was caused by a Papyrus script dump created when running Better Manufacturing scrapping machines alongside a moderately-populated Sim Settlement in Starlight Drive In.

Come to think of it, Starlight is generally where most of my saves like to break these days...
Heck mine won't even let me load it up. In 3 in one or normal sim settlements. Tells me i need to load it to a pipboy which i have done and it won't load says i can pack up my desk and thats it. Which does nothing.

Also im on xbox1 so idk if that matters
First I'd like to thank you for this mod and all the efford you and everyone else has put into it, Ive had many hours of fun with it.

Unfortunately, Im having the scrap CTD also now.
I have a settlement controlled by city manager in 'the castle'.
At one point I accidently scrapped a plot and placed a 2x2 martial plot manually.
Many hours later I fast traveled back to the Castle only to have a constand CTD.
I tried to find a save that didn't crash and found one just before the city was about to upgrade to Level 3, this one didn't crash whenever I fast traveled or got near to it.
When I tried to scrap my previously build martial plot I got crased to desktop directly.
So I thought, What if I used the nuke settlement from 'transfer settlements', so I did, BANG CTD!
Than I tried 'scrapall' command, CTD again.
Tried rebuilding the settlement with the ss terminal, CTD again, just after the message in the top left that its rebuilding scrapped 'something' cant remember, but you probably know what I mean.

So I disabled ALL my mods except for sims settlements and tried a rebuild, still CTD.
I know this game is incredibly complex, but I really hope you or anyone can help me out here.

I have a save with this and noticed that the game also crashes when using the decontamination arch in the affected settlement. Archs in other settlements work fine. Can anyone confirm this or do I have two separate issues?
A fix is coming for F4SE users! Will announce details as soon as we have it finalized.
Sweet lord thank you. I've been battling that for a bit now. I can usually fix it for a while by going back a few saves but i'm starting to spend more and more time away from Sanctuary and I'm always afraid I'm going to go back and have the issue again. Thanks very much for this!
Sweet lord thank you. I've been battling that for a bit now. I can usually fix it for a while by going back a few saves but i'm starting to spend more and more time away from Sanctuary and I'm always afraid I'm going to go back and have the issue again. Thanks very much for this!
Indeed. I am always amazed by how quickly fixes come.
Yes , i ctd at abernathy farm when trying to scrap something / sometimes when i'm just standing still / walking around in farm /.or when i fast travel to abernathy , when i arrived in front of the city planner desk . But mostly ctd when i'm scrapping something in the farm , i wanna scrap my recruitment beacon . i don't want abernathy to gather more people . I cannot do a thing in there hahaha . Emm , and this is my 1st time using mods , so i don't know what to do . i use vortex so is it auto install or something ? i have also use LOOT for the sort thingy , and i only enable sim settlements with abernathy farm n red rocket n sanctuary city plans , and it still ctd when i'm scrapping something at abernathy farm ONLY . Help ! Anybody ! Oh , and i am playing a cracked fallout 4 . not steam .

EDIT : i have disabled abernathy and red rocket city plans , and the ctd still occurs when i'm scrapping my recruitment beacon . i am lvl 21 and abernathy farm population is 10 , just saying incase there is something wrong with the population . But i can still play , just i cannot go to abernathy now because of this ctd . I wanna see what they improve on that farm :unknwGonna update if i have another issues . TQ
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Digging this one up. I just began getting this crash (XB1-X) when trying to scrap/store anything, turrets i placed and all. So far this has only happened at the theater. It also crashes when upgrading from lv 0 to 1, with the RoTC theater. Im doing some more probing now, going to try other places and things. My SS 3in1 mod is up to date at 4.0. Thx and ill keep updating as i probe.

Edit: i have also tried city refresh and local plot refresh. I also CAN scrap/store in Sanctuary lv 1.
Tried to move a few things and no crash. Then tried to scrap a turret, crash. Then store, crash. Then when i reloaded it crashed as soon as rendering. Somethings broken and getting worse.
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