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My Bloody Valentine Addon Announcement


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, most of you know me as the xbox player with too many ideas. Well… that’s not true anymore. Thanks to the help of generous people from this very community I now have a computer that can run Fallout. I’m not going to need annoying creators to try my ideas anymore. It obviously isn’t all good news though. There is now a direct outlet to my crazy ideas unfiltered. Someone didn’t think things through when they opted to be generous ;-)

Actually before I lose half of the people’s attention, let me get straight to the point:
I’m looking to release a Valentine's day holiday decoration addon pack as a community project. I’ll have an explanation down below but for the TLDR crowd:

I’m looking for contributions from the community!

Valentine day will be added as part of the Holidays in the SS2 Holiday system. It would need decorations but they can’t be added in the main game and I took it upon myself to release a community made Valentine day holiday decorations pack. And the holiday itself is in less than three weeks so I’ll be looking for help. And because it’s not a competition but a community project, I’ll be looking for help from everybody. If you are interested in making a contribution, stay until the end and I’ll have some. If you never modded in your life but would like to try to make a Fallout-esque holiday decoration from in-game assets, stay until the end and I’ll have links and stuff.

Now for the complete explanation, SS2 has a lot of features nobody really talks about. They aren’t put at the forefront or used much by creators but are there and can make the experience better for everyone if used. Skins are one of the subjects I’ve been screaming about for over a year and now I am seeing a new thing to start screaming about: Holiday decorations. It’s a superb small little concept that will help make settlements so much more alive. For builders it allows you to “reserve” space for holiday decoration and let the system put random holiday decorations based on the date. It’s one of those smart systems that when used by addon makers can make every settlement and home feel unique. But we need to use it.

And right now it’s a relatively unknown, underused system and I would like to have the holiday decorations be a bit more prominent in the community. I think a lot of people might be interested in trying to make them. We could make more addon builders use them in their designs but they are not a well known entity yet. I tried to have Kinggath add Valentine day content but for size reasons he can’t afford to add decorations but discussing it we came to an agreement. He could add the holiday itself and I could leave him alone and do the content by myself and release my own Holiday pack as a community project. He agreed at the leaving him alone part but said I should get help from someone with experience since a pack intended for Valentine day would need to be done quick and clean.

This is where SirLach enters the picture. He agreed to help me with the project and to make sure things would work and… well I don’t know what else he has to think about. Pretty sure that’s why I was told to have someone with experience. But he does a good job at it and will make sure things run smoothly.

Now comes the fun part. Participating!

Anyone who can play fallout and place things in settlement mode has the skills required to create holiday decorations in the CK. For a quick tutorial, here is the wiki page: https://wiki.simsettlements2.com/en/CreateAddons/Holiday-System

It’s not a real contest so I’m open to everyone. I’m still looking forward to the most experienced modders but I have all intent to showcase the work of as many people as I can. There is some fun to be had with Valentine’s day in this universe. And for anyone interested, here’s how we’ll do it.

To contribute:
  1. Create an esp file
  2. Parent it to SS2.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Holiday System Wiki - https://wiki.simsettlements2.com/en/CreateAddons/Holiday-System particularly the first three sections.
  4. Use Valentines as the Holiday name to keep consistency.
  5. Send esp to IR when done.
  6. We will merge the contributions into the Community Valentines pack.
  7. If you have any questions or need help ping IR or SirLach.

As far as rules… don’t draw outside the lines? Make sure it fits in the right box but otherwise have fun and do your thing. There are 12 different possible decoration types and sizes. On a wall, hanging, small to huge… Pick something you want to do and go nuts! I can’t wait to see what you all will come up with. Take care and thanks for reading!
What Irealys forgot to mention is he WILL be doing decorations for this mod so he is not asking everyone to do all the work for him! :)
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Wait for real?

Damn... alright guess I better get started then.

Edit: Also cute underhand dig with the name. Nearly missed it.
Fixed spelling mistake.
Just to be clear, we're going for a romantic-type Valentine's Day like we'd imagine in 2021 and the "Bloody" in the title is just for naming purposes instead of a horror movie or band reference?
We’re going for a Valentine day decoration pack for Fallout. Whatever that inspire with you, it’s up to you. If you want you can follow in the footsteps we all expect Uituit to take. Lots of reds. Lots of hearts. Other assorted organs too. :jester

Or you could do a love decoration a fallout settler who truly is in love would do. The options are open. Im looking forward to see what you think Fallout Valentine’s Day means!
We’re going for a Valentine day decoration pack for Fallout. Whatever that inspire with you, it’s up to you. If you want you can follow in the footsteps we all expect Uituit to take. Lots of reds. Lots of hearts. Other assorted organs too. :jester
Well, yes, naturally Fallout in the late 23rd century version. I meant that the hearts and red and stuff type of Valentine's is the core idea instead of someone having found a script of a movie called "My Bloody Valentine" and completely misunderstood the holiday. Kind of like what happened to baseball. And then there's the chance the Fallout universe could have gone back toward Lupercalia traditions rather than toward the more materialistic our 21st century Valentine's Day.
Oh! No I wasn’t going for a misunderstanding of the holiday. The holiday is understood as the day we celebrate love.

Now from there, what forms that takes, that’s really up to you. But it’s not a misunderstanding. It’s the real holiday
Well we've hit the end of the line. I'm going to need everyone's esp sent my way as soon as possible. Don't worry about the injection, I'll have a chat with Kinggath and will take care of it.

Thank you to all of you who participated, even if only for one item.
Am I missing something or is St Patrick's Day missing from the current Holiday's? I saw Easter and now 4th of July. But no St Patrick's. If so ummm the game takes place in Boston. Just sayin'. Has no one seen Boondock Saints? Everyone is Irish on St Paddies day especially if you're a Southy.
Am I missing something or is St Patrick's Day missing from the current Holiday's? I saw Easter and now 4th of July. But no St Patrick's. If so ummm the game takes place in Boston. Just sayin'. Has no one seen Boondock Saints? Everyone is Irish on St Paddies day especially if you're a Southy.
Well... you’re not wrong.

Long answer: Because of the size of the mod already, Kinggath decided to keep the holidays to only 4 and limited the amount of decoration he included. Only Halloween, Christmas, Easter and the 4th of July are present. I forced his hand with this one so he added Valentine day as a holiday but he didn’t add any decoration, that was the goal of this addon. Sadly, I’m having issues (check the next post)

TLDR: Stop being lazy and read the whole thing.
Well hello everyone! I have some bad news. My computer had a technical issue called hard drive failure and because of this I’m waiting for a new hard drive to be shipped (it was under warranty).

That means I lost all that I had worked on both on my own mod and this project.

This doesn’t mean I’m cancelling this, My Bloody Valentine will be released along with the two extra plots. It will only take a bit of time for me to get there.

That being said if you were interested in creating some Fallout Valentine day decoration, it means you still have time because this project is obviously on pause and will need time before starting back even once I have a working computer.

As for St-Patrick, it’s entirely possible for anyone (with a computer) to add a holiday as part of the addon. Someone would have to do it right now as I have my hands a bit tied right now.
Well hello everyone! I have some bad news. My computer had a technical issue called hard drive failure and because of this I’m waiting for a new hard drive to be shipped (it was under warranty).

That means I lost all that I had worked on both on my own mod and this project.

This doesn’t mean I’m cancelling this, My Bloody Valentine will be released along with the two extra plots. It will only take a bit of time for me to get there.

That being said if you were interested in creating some Fallout Valentine day decoration, it means you still have time because this project is obviously on pause and will need time before starting back even once I have a working computer.

As for St-Patrick, it’s entirely possible for anyone (with a computer) to add a holiday as part of the addon. Someone would have to do it right now as I have my hands a bit tied right now.
Must be going around my pc died 2 nights ago and still need it diagnosed thankfully if it's a main drive issue I'm good I don't keep anything but windows on it.
Hello everyone.

First off I want to apologize for the time since my last post. Thank you all for your patience.

Cards fully on the table, I have been battling depression for quite some time now and the past few months saw a downswing in my condition and it was hard to do much. On top of that, my computer was still broken as said earlier, I had some issues with getting the part fixed and couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and email them that it didn't work. But I was able to stay sane and even get better thanks to some incredible support from my friends, some of whom you know as the absolute genius RobotsSmell, the legendary Sir Lach and the... well... Msalaba is a friend too. :grin

Only two people donated content for the contest. RobotsSmell gave me a plot from his SS1 mod that was rendered pointless with multi-residential not needing clever workarounds and this will be released as a special type of residential plot. I also created a Holiday Farm, a place meant to see every type of Holiday Decorations (during the holiday, otherwise it's a boring AF place to be).

EVERYTHING ELSE is from MsBathory. Well not everything in the mod, as I also contributed. But the GOOD stuff in the mod is from her. So even though it's by default, she absolutely deserves the T-Shirt prize!

Now in the bad news, my computer is fixed and I was able to salvage quite a lot of content but I wasn't able to recover everything. I aim to release this mod ASAP so I will redo the content I lost and release it hopefully in the next few weeks.

Again sorry for the time it took to come out and talk. I appreciate all of you being patient with me.

Thank you for your time.
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Hi. I saw this thread just now. And I have to say: I find this kind of collaboration is a great opportunity to start modding.
I've had a itch to try some modding myself ever since I got back into fallout 4. I read through the resources on the wiki and became hesitant because I realised it's too much of a challenge for the time I'm willing to set aside for this right now.

However, being part of such an effort which lets one contribute in much smaller ways is very appealing :)

@Irealys looking forward to find your mod on the Nexus and if you feel like starting such a project again, please let us know :)
Hi. First off thank you for your kind comments. It was always the goal to try and get an easy entry point for people on the fence so it makes me glad to hear it could have worked with you.

Not gonna lie, the odds that I try that again are very low. I've always helped everyone who ever asked for my help, tested mods, provided feedback and thought I had made a name for myself and when I heard the silence in response here it did kick me in the nuts in a way I'm not convinced I want to try again.

That being said... I am working on a esp to make creating holiday content even easier. I have to talk with my captive... I mean my helper @Sirlach but I promise to get back to you.

Again, thank you for the kind words, they are highly appreciated.

Take care.
Why do I feel I have been insulted? :scratchhead ;)

It's what friends do. You get personally thanked by Kinggath himself for fixing a bug that was plaguing the entire community since launch, a friend makes sure your will keeps fitting in normal doorframes.

Because I heard scaling doors could cause issues :declare
I'll just get some doors from Vault-tec. Problem solved. ;)
Just popping in to say: I love this add-on idea and I love the band also. :blum