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Old Post Your Own Orbital Death Laser

Unfortunately, the lore breaks there as well. Accuracy, distance covered, and the fact the ammo is cannonballs, which wouldn't have an explosion at all.
On the explosion thing I am prepared to ignore it, I can think of several ways to make a canon ball explode. It is the spread that bothers me. This is a weapon that is 'danger close' at 10-12 meters and safe at 20, but that means that your dropping the artillery from as many as 15 artillery pieces into a space smaller than most houses. Spread that over time an O.K.: curtain barrage, but the way it hits in vanilla its to fast and so concentrated that it frequently misses everything you were aiming at, and then I end up using the MERV witch has a larger and more reliable blast radius. There is a reason I use Angry Artillery and Artillery Fire and Range Expansion....sorry to rant, I think I pushed one of my own buttons....
TL;DR: Guys, OT and keep it simple. In any case the People of the commonwealth doesn't build new nuke or thermobaric warheads, they build Dirty bombs / napalm / JunkJets

Long Version

Uhm... Guys, I think it's a bit out of topic all the discussion about Why/what/when/how can craft nuclear or thermobaric weapons of mass destruction (and by the way: probably the Enclave in Fallout 3 could, it has a supercomputer).

The lore of Fallout isn't one of the most solid on the history of the games (at least, from fallout 3 on).
Fallout 4 moves it to a new level of stupidity that requires a LOT more of imagination like:
  • You don't actually craft a Fusion Reactor, you find one working and move to the base (a dangerous task but, at least, requires only that you know how to shut it down, dismount some easy pieces, move all, rebuild it, then pray that doesn't blow out when turning it on again)
  • The Fusion Cores doesn't actually discharge, they are auto-rechargable batteries, so when they end the juice they stop working for, let's say, 2 years and then thery're back at 100% (if not damaged).
  • All the tecnology / foods were all standardized to still 'working' in situation of crysis (like a secure plan in case of War, like in the real Cold War)
  • And so on...

Just think how many Fusion Cores the BoS will consume EVERY DAY? or How it's possible that a Fusion Core could give energy for 210 years to the remains of a buildings and only for 1 hour on a Atomic Armor? [210 years = 1839600 hours without leap years]

So, please, let's keep this simple or we could discuss about for 5 years.


Back on the topic:
The ideas about a generic "superweapon plots" is good, but I'd like to call it "Utility Plot" (A way to add those strange bonuses that you get joining a specific faction, like the Vertibird or the Artillery), maybe with a limit of ONE for settlement.

The Orbital Laser still in lore (you can see one in the Broken Steel Dlc of Fallout 3), something like a secondary satellite that you could hijack with specific conditions.

The various ideas about thermobaric, nukes etc. facility -aren't- out of lore, but they're really forced -> If I could build a Nuke, I could probably repair a minor power plant (no flames guys, I mean: it's more easy find an electrician than a team of Nucular physic)

IF I may suggest a different path: The people of the post-apocalypse are simpler: they didn't build an Ak-47, they build Pipe weapons, They don't rebuild a City, they adapt a Stadium.
So they doesn't build a Nuke or thermobaric tactical warheads: they build a 'Dirty Bomb', they build 'Napalm', they build a Shark-a-pult.

[IMO] I think it's best if we remain on THAT line.
Please explain this?

("Complete" Image in a terrible quality http://i.imgur.com/H4GCSbO.jpg )
There should be a Mirelurk Egg Launcher, at first it just has a chance to spawn a hatchling, but later you get to upgrade it with a "rapid gestation" module, which makes it spawn fully grown, albeit short-lived mirelurks :P

Also, the primary inspiration for this death laser idea came from Archimedes II in New Vegas. I forgot there was something similar in F3...
TL;DR: Guys, OT and keep it simple. In any case the People of the commonwealth doesn't build new nuke or thermobaric warheads, they build Dirty bombs / napalm / JunkJets

Long Version

Uhm... Guys, I think it's a bit out of topic all the discussion about Why/what/when/how can craft nuclear or thermobaric weapons of mass destruction (and by the way: probably the Enclave in Fallout 3 could, it has a supercomputer).

The lore of Fallout isn't one of the most solid on the history of the games (at least, from fallout 3 on).
Fallout 4 moves it to a new level of stupidity that requires a LOT more of imagination like:
  • You don't actually craft a Fusion Reactor, you find one working and move to the base (a dangerous task but, at least, requires only that you know how to shut it down, dismount some easy pieces, move all, rebuild it, then pray that doesn't blow out when turning it on again)
  • The Fusion Cores doesn't actually discharge, they are auto-rechargable batteries, so when they end the juice they stop working for, let's say, 2 years and then thery're back at 100% (if not damaged).
  • All the tecnology / foods were all standardized to still 'working' in situation of crysis (like a secure plan in case of War, like in the real Cold War)
  • And so on...

Just think how many Fusion Cores the BoS will consume EVERY DAY? or How it's possible that a Fusion Core could give energy for 210 years to the remains of a buildings and only for 1 hour on a Atomic Armor? [210 years = 1839600 hours without leap years]

So, please, let's keep this simple or we could discuss about for 5 years.


Back on the topic:
The ideas about a generic "superweapon plots" is good, but I'd like to call it "Utility Plot" (A way to add those strange bonuses that you get joining a specific faction, like the Vertibird or the Artillery), maybe with a limit of ONE for settlement.

The Orbital Laser still in lore (you can see one in the Broken Steel Dlc of Fallout 3), something like a secondary satellite that you could hijack with specific conditions.

The various ideas about thermobaric, nukes etc. facility -aren't- out of lore, but they're really forced -> If I could build a Nuke, I could probably repair a minor power plant (no flames guys, I mean: it's more easy find an electrician than a team of Nucular physic)

IF I may suggest a different path: The people of the post-apocalypse are simpler: they didn't build an Ak-47, they build Pipe weapons, They don't rebuild a City, they adapt a Stadium.
So they doesn't build a Nuke or thermobaric tactical warheads: they build a 'Dirty Bomb', they build 'Napalm', they build a Shark-a-pult.

[IMO] I think it's best if we remain on THAT line.

It falls kinda flat ending with, lets not discuss lore anymore when you spent half the post doing just that.

On Topic, I can't see it being anything but a defense plot.
It falls kinda flat ending with, lets not discuss lore anymore when you spent half the post doing just that.

On Topic, I can't see it being anything but a defense plot.

I didn't say "Don't discuss on the lore", I said "Guys we're going a bit OT".
...The Fusion Cores doesn't actually discharge, they are auto-rechargable batteries, so when they end the juice they stop working for, let's say, 2 years and then thery're back at 100% (if not damaged)...
..Just think how many Fusion Cores the BoS will consume EVERY DAY? or How it's possible that a Fusion Core could give energy for 210 years to the remains of a buildings and only for 1 hour on a Atomic Armor? [210 years = 1839600 hours without leap years]...
There is a shoddycast video that makes a few logical leaps but concludes that the prewar FCs are all less than a year from passive depletion from maintaining there own magbottles and containment, witch would explain how FCs need to be replaced every 60 minutes now. Logically this means that at the vary least the BOS has the ability to manufacture new ones...witch would in turn explane why they never get out of there armor: they all have shiny new FCs with a 2 century lifespan. Incidentally this would also mean that they have the ability to distill heavy hydrogen, and could with time bootstrap themselves to thermonuclear bombs...even if they have to launch them Ork style: with a Lobba...witch is a thought: most of the Warhammer40k Ork weapons wouldn't look to badly out of place in FO. They might be a good place to look for inspiration: the Supa Kannon for example kinda looks like someone managed to build proper artillery out of spare parts.

...The Orbital Laser still in lore (you can see one in the Broken Steel Dlc of Fallout 3), something like a secondary satellite that you could hijack with specific conditions...
Not a bad idea, but a plot with a bunch of computer banks and a satellite up link would be kinda boring to look at
[IMO] I think it's best if we remain on THAT line.
I don't want to. If I stick to that I might start thinking that Sharknado is a cinematic masterpiece or something....now a Deathclaw-apult on the other hand might have potential.
There is a shoddycast video that makes a few logical leaps but concludes that the prewar FCs are all less than a year from passive depletion from maintaining there own magbottles and containment, witch would explain how FCs need to be replaced every 60 minutes now. Logically this means that at the vary least the BOS has the ability to manufacture new ones...witch would in turn explane why they never get out of there armor: they all have shiny new FCs with a 2 century lifespan. Incidentally this would also mean that they have the ability to distill heavy hydrogen, and could with time bootstrap themselves to thermonuclear bombs...even if they have to launch them Ork style: with a Lobba...witch is a thought: most of the Warhammer40k Ork weapons wouldn't look to badly out of place in FO. They might be a good place to look for inspiration: the Supa Kannon for example kinda looks like someone managed to build proper artillery out of spare parts.

Those are only a few example of how I personally justify some 'strange things' on Fallout, nothing more :)
Anyway good to know. I never watched also that mini series on youtube about Fallout 4.

I don't want to. If I stick to that I might start thinking that Sharknado is a cinematic masterpiece or something....now a Deathclaw-apult on the other hand might have potential.

...Mark my word: I'll have my Shark-a-pult! XD


About the Plot type:

If done in a martial Plot, I think we start to do a mess, I mean:
-X build The Death Laser
-I build the Shark-a-pult
-Y build an advanced artillery
-Z build a Mechanized S.w.a.t.
-W bulid a ghoul brothel

and we're back with the vanilla overpowered tactics like: "I place 40 artillery and throw a smoke granate".

Maybe we want to avoid that (?).
Those are only a few example of how I personally justify some 'strange things' on Fallout, nothing more :)
Anyway good to know. I never watched also that mini series on youtube about Fallout 4.

...Mark my word: I'll have my Shark-a-pult! XD


About the Plot type:

If done in a martial Plot, I think we start to do a mess, I mean:
-X build The Death Laser
-I build the Shark-a-pult
-Y build an advanced artillery
-Z build a Mechanized S.w.a.t.
-W bulid a ghoul brothel

and we're back with the vanilla overpowered tactics like: "I place 40 artillery and throw a smoke granate".

Maybe we want to avoid that (?).
...herm. They could be a new plot type, Strategic Defense, and there could be heavy requirements:
-Deathray requires 200 power, the Nuclear Power Plant, and the Filtration Plant....maybe being friendly with the Institute...
-The Advanced Artillery needs I already mentioned.
-A mechanized S.w.a.t. could suck up resources at a high rate for 'maintenance'.
-I am not touching the brothel...
-A Heavy Response Platform* could need several large batches of resources to upgrade (What ever makes sense to build a Vertibird and power armor, so aluminum, copper, fiberglass, ect.)and require the entire daily output of the Fuel Depot and MF garage to function and being friendly with the BoS.

Heavy response platform* A plot that, at level 3, lets you deep strike a few Paladins like Power Armor Airdrop.
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Roll for scatter and delay.
Works for me. Scatter spawns them in several adjacent cells (5%) with a "Missjump" popup in the corner , delay you waste 10 minutes and they walk in together(5%) "Sorry had to drop them further out", and give them a 10-20% chance of being shot down on the way in and not showing up at all, "Virtibird Down!".
Works for me. Scatter spawns them in several adjacent cells (5%) , delay you waste 10 minutes and they walk in together(5%), and give them a 10-20% chance of being shot down on the way in and not showing up at all.
Spoilsport. I was talking Warhammer 40k Deep Strike rules. Still,an interesting balancing feature.
Uhm.. you're right:
Advanced Martial (like advanced Industrial) that requires Specific Advanced Industrial Plot and cosume an high amount of resources for maintenance.

You could actually build 5, but you need to unlock the right teach tree for that specific Settlement (so you could have the "Death laser" but, probably, not the "Tactical Tuna Granades dispenser" in the same settlement).

Sounds fair... but this posticipate all when/if kinggath plans to create an extension about
Uhm.. you're right:
Advanced Martial (like advanced Industrial) that requires Specific Advanced Industrial Plot and cosume an high amount of resources for maintenance.

You could actually build 5, but you need to unlock the right teach tree for that specific Settlement (so you could have the "Death laser" but, probably, not the "Tactical Tuna Granades dispenser" in the same settlement).

Sounds fair... but this posticipate all when/if kinggath plans to create an extension about
In theory you could do it now, I think. I mean isn't JtBryant96's Barracks an Advanced Martial? If the framework is there someone could build something like this and move it to AM plots when/if Kinggath makes that category. There is even a way to show a footprint that is larger than the plot that is used on MrJoseCuervo's mole-rat farm. Then again I'm an ideas person, not a modder so what do I know?
I'd imagine it'd be relatively simple to hack together an Advanced Martial Plot type. Advanced anything,really; We have the basic infrastructure with the Advanced Industrial Plots. Find out what makes them tick,then apply the appropriate,and appropriately modified,scripts to the new Advanced plot type,and assign tech trees to them. Though,I'm not a modder,myself,so I could very easily be hilariously wrong.
Sorry: explained poorly;

My concerns wasn't about the possibility to actually create it, but wait for "Main Project direction" about
Mechanically it still boils back to throwing an artillery grenade and running away quickly before the death star laser/artillery shells/sharknado swarm/hooker barrage/herd of cows/whatever lands.

I'm in the camp that would like to see a better artillery gun with slightly worse accuracy so the fire spreads more. If I call in an artillery strike on something, I don't mean just the 4x4 square centered on where I threw my grenade, I want 12 to 16 squares radius getting hammered and anything that can't make it to some pretty substantial cover very quickly should be dead.