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WRK Navmesh Helpers questions

Fluffinious Blake

New Member
I've googled this six ways from sunday and can't find any info...

Issue: I've fixed a couple spots in sanctuary and a vault doorway that my settlers were having trouble with using the flat helper blocks but having trouble with the angled ones for stairs...trying to get a set of stairs (switchback from the Warehouse Extended Mod's concrete\cinderblock set I believe) to be usable by NPCs but no matter how I nudge the helper around every time I give the "go there" command my test NPC (Synth Curie) says she can't get there...tried the mid landing, halfway up and bottom step

Questions: Are there any guides/resources to look at for the navmesh? Do the blocks work if completely sunken below the section to be pathed (there seems to be some collision geometry with the blocks after the visible part disappears-NPCs appear to float when standing/walking over the top of where I placed the block)?
A "user's guide" to the navmesh helper blocks would be really helpful. They seem liked they'd be insanely helpful, but I've never been able to convince my settlers to use them.
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