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What will city plans build in Sim Settlements 2 ?


Active Member
I have been playing through Sim Settlements 2 and so far I can create homes, farms, industrial and defense plots. The question is will you eventually get merchant and entertainment ones?
Another question is about the supply lines, do the settlements automatically create them of do you need to implement it? If so does the settlement build incorporate something like logistics station or do you have to download the mod to initiate the function? Or perhaps you create the supply line implemented in the base game?
Eventually all plot types will be unlocked before the end of Chapter 1. Most city plans should come with a caravan or logistics plot already incorporated.
I would suggest downloading all SS2 addons (not city plans) since you're not using a console.
The Plans shouldnt actually care about your progress; as I have said before, its basically at its core a fancy copy paste function that "imports" exactly how someone else built that settlement. If it has stuff you havent unlocked yet yourself, it SHOULD still build it, but I think there is a setting for that in the holotape.
Eventually all plot types will be unlocked before the end of Chapter 1. Most city plans should come with a caravan or logistics plot already incorporated.
I would suggest downloading all SS2 addons (not city plans) since you're not using a console.
Any preferred addons ?
Personally, my favourite three addons and why:
"Wasteland Venturers" - mostly for the Agricultural plots that produce the food items you cant normally farm in 'vanilla', I craft a lot of stuff myself
"pra's Random Addon" - the "Crafteria" Rec plot, bypass those perk requirements on building the crafting stations
"So I Made Plans" - tiny Minutemen Artillery Plots

Although I do have all but Junktown Extreme installed too.

And yes, the questline eventually unlocks the full 7 plot types. You get Residential first, then Agricultural and Industrial shortly after. Later on you get Commercial, Martial, Recreational, and Municipal all at once - with an optional "demonstration" with Jake and Old Paul for those last four of what they are for, although all but Municipal are pretty obvious anyway.
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Could it be possible for a menu of all your possible builds to pop up before you set down the plot? I know currently when you drop a plot it says none and you have to get out of build mode if you wish to choose another type of build for that plot. Or perhaps after you drop the plot the menu pops up showing what variations are available. If you decide to build a building and use internal plots what is the best way to give the buildings power when you are using a settlement plan?
You don't actually have to leave workshop mode to bring up the ASAM's menu; if you scrap the ASAM itself (not the plot, the actual ASAM specifically once it's appeared ON the plot) it should reappear and bring up that menu.
Could it be possible for a menu of all your possible builds to pop up before you set down the plot? I know currently when you drop a plot it says none and you have to get out of build mode if you wish to choose another type of build for that plot. Or perhaps after you drop the plot the menu pops up showing what variations are available. If you decide to build a building and use internal plots what is the best way to give the buildings power when you are using a settlement plan?
Run some power nodes ( the short poles or just the part the wire goes to ) in a couple places on the roof or sides of the building your trying to power , you will know if it is enough if all the plots are powered.