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What Mods Conflict with SS2 from my list below


Do the following mods conflict with SS2:
1.) Obedient Concord Group
2.) Settlements Expanded
3.) Longer Power Lines
4.) Repair Sanctuary Hills Bridge

Thank you.
Here are the suggested mods and known issues.

I have never used Obedient Concord Group, so I can't say for certain there. All it does is remove the markers, so if they bug you, it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone else knows differently, hopefully they will speak up.

Settlements Expanded is unnecessary, Workshop Framework has this option (and more) built in - just approach the workbench and press space bar to see some of the options, and the configure build limit option will let you increase the settlement limit.

Longer Power Lines is recommended, though in a recent stream the creator of Sim Settlements also recommended this mod as an alternative. I've used both effectively and successfully with SS2.

The mods that alter the bridge have always been challenging (which I am guessing is why there are so many mods for it). I'm not sure which one you are referring to, but if I am guessing correctly, it doesn't have any conflicts with SS2, but does have some of its own issues. If it is a different one, let us know. I used another one successfully for a long time, but recently ditched it to just leave the vanilla bridge.
The Settlements Expanded mod that I use also expands the boundary lines and I use the Repaired Sanctuary Bridge mod. For example, with the settlement's expanded mod the Sanctuary Hills boundary extends across the river to the opposite river bank of the Red Rocket Station. Their boundaries overlap in some places along the river bank. As for the repaired bridge mod, it changes it back to before the bombs fell.

On yet another note, when after I have laid down agricultural plots, homes, and workstation plots when I return to Sanctuary everyone is standing around... Even after I have previously assigned them work and homes. (And, I am not just referring to the Concord five?) However, that occurred prior to me knowing the proper load order of the SS2 mods. Thank you for responding it is much appreciated.
The Settlements Expanded mod that I use also expands the boundary lines and I use the Repaired Sanctuary Bridge mod. For example, with the settlement's expanded mod the Sanctuary Hills boundary extends across the river to the opposite river bank of the Red Rocket Station. Their boundaries overlap in some places along the river bank. As for the repaired bridge mod, it changes it back to before the bombs fell.

On yet another note, when after I have laid down agricultural plots, homes, and workstation plots when I return to Sanctuary everyone is standing around... Even after I have previously assigned them work and homes. (And, I am not just referring to the Concord five?) However, that occurred prior to me knowing the proper load order of the SS2 mods. Thank you for responding it is much appreciated.
For the love of all things good and holy DO NOT use settlements expanded. Its almost a guarantee that you'll experience severe issues. AI pathfinding and settlements in general have always been a bit buggy but using this mod only makes it worse.

I tried using it in the past and experienced numerous bugs almost immediately. The worst totally broke Preston and the entire minuteman quest progression because he'd just stand next to the statue by Sanctuary bridge and repeat dialogue while the rest of the crew (Mama Murphy, Sturges, etc.) would just stand in the middle of the road near Red Rocket.

It also totally broke my starlight drive-in settlement. There is a super old bug where the workshop area for Starlight breaks and loses about 80% of its total area. Nothing I did was able to fix it. Even after I removed Settlements Expanded it had altered core game files to such a degree that I had to do a clean install of the game to get things to function properly.

So I know it seems like a great mod that would go perfect with SS2 but its actually going to make everything worse. I'd remove it ASAP
The Settlements Expanded mod that I use also expands the boundary lines and I use the Repaired Sanctuary Bridge mod. For example, with the settlement's expanded mod the Sanctuary Hills boundary extends across the river to the opposite river bank of the Red Rocket Station. Their boundaries overlap in some places along the river bank. As for the repaired bridge mod, it changes it back to before the bombs fell.

On yet another note, when after I have laid down agricultural plots, homes, and workstation plots when I return to Sanctuary everyone is standing around... Even after I have previously assigned them work and homes. (And, I am not just referring to the Concord five?) However, that occurred prior to me knowing the proper load order of the SS2 mods. Thank you for responding it is much appreciated.
I'll defer to Ser_Sunday on that Settlements Expanded mod, I haven't used it. I have read that mods that expand the borders don't play nice with city plans in particular. I've considered using one to try to fix the dead corner in Sunshine Tidings, but I've never gotten around to it.

For the settlers roaming around, I'm going to recommend that you look at 3 mods (assuming you don't use them already, and hopefully anyone here who knows anything negative about them will speak up - they seem to work for me, but might not for everyone). First, there is normally a productivity cap, this mod addresses that issue. Next, you might also see some benefit from More Active AI and/or Settler Sandbox Expansion.

This is all assuming that the settlers are still showing their assignments - I have seen people report the issue with settlers getting unassigned, but I have not run into that myself in quite some time.
I am currently having issues... and have been before SS2... with the searchlights not working in Sanctuary Hills, especially. I read that it was some sort of glitch. I have searched everywhere for a solution but there is none... other than using interval switches, but that doesn't work either. I have even uninstalled Fallout 4 and reinstalled it several times and the glitch still exists. And, each time I uninstalled the game I made certain that all files and folders were deleted as well. Where ever I could find them? It just keeps returning. I have played this game since day one and in and have never encountered this glitch in all those years.
For the love of all things good and holy DO NOT use settlements expanded. Its almost a guarantee that you'll experience severe issues. AI pathfinding and settlements in general have always been a bit buggy but using this mod only makes it worse.

I tried using it in the past and experienced numerous bugs almost immediately. The worst totally broke Preston and the entire minuteman quest progression because he'd just stand next to the statue by Sanctuary bridge and repeat dialogue while the rest of the crew (Mama Murphy, Sturges, etc.) would just stand in the middle of the road near Red Rocket.

It also totally broke my starlight drive-in settlement. There is a super old bug where the workshop area for Starlight breaks and loses about 80% of its total area. Nothing I did was able to fix it. Even after I removed Settlements Expanded it had altered core game files to such a degree that I had to do a clean install of the game to get things to function properly.

So I know it seems like a great mod that would go perfect with SS2 but its actually going to make everything worse. I'd remove it ASAP
I believe it breaks precombines too, which also tends to be a serious problem.
I believe it breaks precombines too, which also tends to be a serious problem.
I believe it breaks precombines too, which also tends to be a serious problem.
I did uninstall it. Then when I walked into the Red Rocket Station and selected the workshop and saw the boundaries for the first time in years I nearly cried. My issue now is that I am stuck with the searchlight glitch for which there is no known cure. Yea, they rotate just fine but the lights are off. For the seventh time now I have uninstalled the game and I am reinstalling it. Most likely to no avail! The interval switch fix doesn't work either. I swear even though I have the cloud disabled in STEAM it still downloads the game from there. So it is probably making matters worse. It just breaks the immersion for me. Perhaps I should go back to the Mass Effect Trilogy or something?
I did uninstall it. Then when I walked into the Red Rocket Station and selected the workshop and saw the boundaries for the first time in years I nearly cried. My issue now is that I am stuck with the searchlight glitch for which there is no known cure. Yea, they rotate just fine but the lights are off. For the seventh time now I have uninstalled the game and I am reinstalling it. Most likely to no avail! The interval switch fix doesn't work either. I swear even though I have the cloud disabled in STEAM it still downloads the game from there. So it is probably making matters worse. It just breaks the immersion for me. Perhaps I should go back to the Mass Effect Trilogy or something?
I had that issue but selecting the lights and then dropping them right back down fixed it for me.

Sorry you're having so many issues man, like seriously. SS2 is great and I really want people to experience the story of it. I think if things are becoming this frustrating maybe taking a break for a bit and coming back to it later would be a good idea. Personally when I run into issues like that I go play something else for a bit until I'm not as frustrated then come back to it with a clear mind. Just recently the Nuka World questline has been giving me issues so I've had to restart a new game like ten times in the last two weeks trying to get it and SS2 to play nicely together.

It sucks but at this point the only thing I can really recommend is the old faithful method; Start up a clean game with no mods and get to a good spot after vault 111. After that exit your game and slowly add mods to the save one at a time, booting the save up each time and testing things to see if it broke anything. It takes forever with people who use lots of mods (I personally have over 100 active plugins) but it can really help identify where issues are coming from.
Thanks for the heads up. You are right of course. I know the feeling this troubleshooting crap is a pain. The searchlight glitch has been around for years... so I have read and the only known fix isn't working for me. I did have to uninstall The Advanced Beacon Mod. For some reason, the .esl for the Sim patch can't find the SS2.esm. Of course, I had to uninstall the Settlements Expanded mod too. The other mods that I may have to leave out are the Working Refrigerator, the Working Stove, the Repair the Castle mod, and some others. These are all mods that I have used for years too.