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Well-Known Member
Verified Builder


Requires Version 4.0.5 or Greater of Sim Settlements and Workshop Framework


New Homes: 0
New Shops: 0
New Factories: 29 (? this gets harder to pin down with the tech tree structure)
New Farms: 3
New Recreational: 1
New Martial 1x1: 2
New Martial 2x2: 0
New VIP Stories: 0

Leaders: 2

Conqueror Factions: 1

Building Features

Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: Not Yet (I'll get there!)

Support and Discussion Website

This forum will be the primary communication platform for the mod, however for now I'll be checking the Nexus page as well until I get everything moved over.

Nexus Page: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23948?
XBox One: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4021108

General Description

An add-on for Sim Settlements that adds new Industrial Plots to the rotation.

Instead of increasing the general scavenging score however, these plots provide specific resources based on the building and plot (metal scrap yard provides metal salvage, the lumber yard provides wood salvage, etc).

This add-on will focus primarily on industry plots, however if you have ideas for new shops/homes/farms that fit an industrial theme, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Please make sure you back up your save files before activating this mod, it is still in it's early stages. While Sim Settlement Add-ons in general are very stable, this one utilizes more scripting then average to handle daily updates. Testing has not shown any adverse behavior so far, but until I have a wider testing audience, probably best to be cautious.

Future Plans

  • Top Priority: enhance the robotics workshop to build Automatron robot settlers for the settlement over time. This will be the first feature enhancement.
  • Develop more plots with moving machinery of various types.
  • Add more builder plots or make plots where the builder type is dynamic and changes with the static clutter.
  • Look into the possibility of adding scrap vendors to the industrial plots to get even more components (add a vendor who sells steel shipments to the metal recycling yard, for example).
  • Look into options for allowing a Sim Settlements plot that can repair power armor at an increased cost in materials or caps. This one is a long term goal and I'm not sure if it's feasible to do.

kinggath for making Sim Settlements. It's a wonderful framework and really breaths new life into the settlement system in general.
Tinuvia and Myrmarachne for making me the wonderful Commonwealth Map to replace that glowing monstrocity on the Scav Team Dispatcher. (see their SS forum here: https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?forums/discussion.40/)
Wanaming0 for creating the very excellent Rust Devils flag.
Bethesda for making Fallout 4
All the users on the Sim Settlements Discord channel who answered (and continue to answer) my stupid questions.
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P.F.A.Q. (Predicted Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: This requires the DLCs! will you release a version that doesn't?

A: No. I can't do much on the graphics side of the house and I just don't have time to maintain multiple versions of the mod. I want to keep my options very open with assets for building further plots. I've made all the DLCs required from the get-go so players know up front that I might utilize assets from all the DLC content. This is to avoid excluding existing users in the future by adding new DLC requirements.

Q: These are all absolute ****, can you make better buildings?

A: Iunno, maybe, we'll see. But I'm happy to take suggestions, I'm certainly no interior designer!

Q: Can you adjust the scrap that comes from the buildings?

A: CAN I? yes! WILL I? probably, sure, but I need a better idea of what people want to see. I tried to keep the scrap accumulation reasonable, and focused around the idea that I might make plots the use up scrap from the workbench automatically in the future. Having said that, the scrap comes from a FormList and I have no problem with people releasing companion mods that adjust my scrap FormLists.

Q: Does the scrap stop accumulating when the settlement cap for scrap is reached?

A: No, I don't look at the current scrap in the workbench at all. This means you could generate massive amounts of scrap if you wanted to game the system by building dozens of these plots, but you're an adult (or at least old enough to download mods), so you do you. Plus I feel if you have 50 people working on generating scrap, you should probably have a boatload of scrap.

Q: Will you be releasing on console?

A: Yes, I have released this mod on Bethesda.net for Xbox One. This mod cannot be released on PS4 as it requires scripts to run.

Q: One of your plots uses a Contraptions Builder. I've heard those are buggy, did you fix it?

A: Nope, it has all the normal problems that the builders in vanilla can have, it's just controlled directly by the sim settlement plot and scrap is supplied by a settler directly to the machine instead of manually by the player.

Q: Your Ammo Plant isn't showing up in the terminal to let me select types of ammunition, is something wrong?

A: Nope, so far I haven't been able to tie it into the terminal system (because that requires a wired connection that I have yet to get around). Having said that, you're not in charge of that ammo plant, the settler who works there is, so I am going to leave the random ammo generation as is as one of the costs of not having to completely manage it yourself and not need the perks/materials to build the plant and ammo.

Q: The Ammo plant just keeps spewing out worthless ammo! Also the quantities are really low.

A: The entry level ammo plant can only produce basic pistol ammo at very small quantities (2 per set of materials). As the building levels up, it will produce a wider variety of projectile ammo (no energy ammo on this one) and in better quantities. The Ammo plant does gain the ability to produce ammo from Far Harbor and Nuka World as it levels up.

Q: The brick building really doesn't make sense, you can't take a pile of debris and make a brick building and if you did why the hell would it have holes in it?

A: Yeah I know, but I wanted some buildings that didn't look like standard workshop construction, so you get a few brick buildings and I wanted them to fit the aesthetic of the mod and world.

Q: Why do the toys from my toy factory keep disappearing?

A: The toys serve no purpose other then to see stuff move around the factory and as potential decoration items. As such, I clear out the toy collection container every 24 hours so they don't build up and cause issues. I leave them in the container for 24 hours so you can collect any you want to use for decoration purposes. For this reason the toys neither cost materials to make nor yield any if scrapped.

Q: I can't find the Dispatcher, Salvage Sorting Facility or Scavver Shed with the T-Square!! HALP!

A: All 3 of these plots are built from the Scavenger Support plot. The Scavenger Support plot will determine the appropriate plot of the 3 to build then transform itself into the correct plot type.

Q: How does the alternate recruitment work?

A: Read the "Detailed Building Descriptions" or the in-game message for more information on the alternate recruitment that comes with the dispatcher building.

Q: I am still using the old Robotics Recycler and Robot Workshop, but now they aren't doing anything. Whats going on?

A: As 0f 0.8.1 these older versions of the Robotics Recycler and Robot Workshop no longer function. They should be replaced with the Advanced Industrial version as soon as possible. In 0.8.2 these buildings will likely be deleted from the mod.

Q: The Civil Defense Station/Hydroponics farm won't upgrade past level 1!!
A: The Civil Defense Station and Hydroponics station can only be upgraded past level one in settlements that also contain a RobCo Civil Services factory or a General Atomics Domestic Robots factory from the Advanced Industrial: Robotics tree.


A: Choices my dear user, choices. The Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny robots don't provide the same hit to happiness that other robots do (they have a base happiness of 70 instead of 50), but as a trade-off you can't use them as provisioners.
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Current Buildings

Metal Scrapyard and Sahara Steel (Interior plot)

Dumping ground for steel scrap. Produces primarily steel, but also rarely aluminum, screws, copper and occasionally rubber. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and increase as the level of the building increases.

Lumber Reclamation and Woody's Lumber (Interior plot)

A lumber mill to reclaim wood from abandoned houses, boats, etc. Produces primarily wood, but also rarely produces screws, steel and glass. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and increase as the level of the building increases.

Rubber Shredder and Rita's Rubbers (Interior plot)

A factory to recycle and reuse rubber products (primarily tires). Produces primarily rubber, but also rarely produces steel and plastic. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and increase as the level of the building increases.

Aluminum Recycler and Ronnie's Used Aluminum (Interior plot)

Recycles used aluminum (aircraft, metal trays, cans, etc). Produces primarily aluminum, but also rarely steel and copper. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and increase as the level of the building increases.

Ceramics Factory and Cleo's Custom Cups (Interior plot)

Forms and fires clay into ceramics for use. Produces almost exclusively ceramic and ceramic scrap. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and increase as the level of the building increases.

Terminal Service Center and Electronic Dreams (Interior plot)

An old RobCo Service Center where settlers can tear down old robots, terminals and consoles to recover the circuitry inside. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and increase as the level of the building increases.

Ammo Plant

An old Ammunition Factory rebuilt and run by your settlers. Produces low yields of common ammo early on, which increase in both type and quantity as the building levels up. The settler working the plot scavanges and fills the builder with scrap to produce ammo, but also fills the orders for ammo being built (aka: you don't get to pick the ammo produced). The ammo will either be collected locally at the factory, or transported to the workbench. You can choose which in the settings holotape.

Advanced Industrial: Robotics

  • Robotics Recyclers
A workshop for recycling broken down robots. Currently produces all of the components necessary to build automatrons. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time.
  • Advanced Robotics Recyclers
A workshop for recycling broken down robots. Currently produces all of the components necessary to build automatrons. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and are double those of the basic Robotics Recyclers.
  • Expert Robotics Recyclers
A workshop for recycling broken down robots. Currently produces all of the components necessary to build automatrons. Scrap yields are deposited to the workbench during the normal workshop daily update time and are triple those of the basic Robotics Recyclers.
  • Robot Refitters
this plot will create limbs for Mr. Handy, Protectron and Assaultron robots as well as factory and basic wasteland armor for Mr. Handy and Protectron robots.
  • Robot Workers Guild
this plot will create Advanced armor and weapon mods for Mr. Handy and Protectron robots.

    • Armybot Surplus
this plot creates advanced armor and weapons for robobrains, assaultrons and sentrybots.
  • Robotics Workshop
A workshop where settlers can craft Automatron robots to be used as new settlers. Crafting these robots takes materials (robots take fewer resources to build as the plot upgrades) and time (somewhere between 7 and 19 days depending on your luck and how material availability.

    • Defense Contractor
Builds Assaultron, RoboBrains and (if enabled) Sentrybots. These robots provide +10 defense but cost -5 happiness and cannot be used as companions.

These robots require a Fusion Core in the settlement workbench to finish construction.
  • Junk Bot Garage
Builds Automatrons with home-made wasteland armor. Crafting these robots takes materials (robots take fewer resources to build as the plot upgrades) and time (somewhere between 7 and 19 days depending on your luck and how material availability.

Unlocks the Robot Workbench if it is not already available.
  • General Atomics Domestic Robots
Builds Mr. Handy and Ms. Nanny robots. These robots provide additional happiness (they have a base happiness of 70 instead of 50), but cannot be modified in the Robot Workbench and cannot be player companions or provisioners.
  • RobCo Civil Services
Builds Police, Medic, Firemen and Construction Protectrons. These Protectrons provide additional happiness (they have a base happiness of 60 instead of 50), but cannot be modified in the Robot Workbench and cannot be player companions.

Toy Factory

An old Atomatoy's Factory where the settlers can produce plush toys, wooden cars, and souvenirs. While not very profitable, the factory brings joy to the whole settlement and to traders who pass through and leave with a cuddly new friend. (Produces happiness).

Scav Team Dispatcher (both normal and interior versions)
Adds defense equal to 5 + the number of other settlements that have a Scav Team Dispatcher, provides an alternative form of settler recruitment and increases the maximum salvage output of other Industrial Cities salvage plots.

Can only have one per settlement.

Salvage Sorting Facility
Increases the miminum salvage output of other Industrial Cities salvage plots. Built only after the settlement has a Scav Team Dispatcher.

Can only have one per settlement.

Scavver Shed
An old shed where scav-teams can pick up supplies they need for the road. Provides a basic increase to the settlement scavenger score. These are built only after the settlement has both a Scav Team Dispatcher and a Salvage Sorting Facility.

Support Shed (interior plot)
A janitors closet used to store supplies. These are built only after the settlement has a scav team dispatcher.

Municipal Water and A Pot To Piss In (Interior plot)

Produces water for the settlement. Primarily added for people without Industrial Revolution (The community well is better then this plot).

Break Room

Recreational Plot. A place for tired factory workers to relax and have a cup of coffee. (Player can get Herbal Stimulants here as well).

Factory Security Station
Basic 1x1 Martial Plot

Civil Defense Station

1x1 Martial Plot. Only available after you build a RobCo Civil Services plot in the Advanced Industrial: Robotics tree. Adds Police Protectrons to defend the settlement. Provides substantially more defense then a standard martial plot, but at a much higher power cost.

Hydroponics Research Farm and Garden Wall (Interior Plot)
Agricultural plot. Grows a variety of crops.

GAI Hydro-Farm
Agricultural plot. Available after you build a General Atomics Domestic Robots in the Advanced Industrial: Robotics tree. The farm produces more food and uses about half the water of a standard farm plot.
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Requires Version 1.1.8 or Greater of Sim Settlements


New Homes: 0
New Shops: 0
New Factories: 13
New Farms: 0
New VIP Stories: 0

Building Features

Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: Not Yet (I'll get there!)

Support and Discussion Website

This forum will be the primary communication platform for the mod, however for now I'll be checking the Nexus page as well until I get everything moved over.

Nexus Page: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23948?
XBox One: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4021108

General Description

An add-on for Sim Settlements that adds new Industrial Plots to the rotation.

Instead of increasing the general scavenging score however, these plots provide specific resources based on the building and plot (metal scrap yard provides metal salvage, the lumber yard provides wood salvage, etc).

This add-on will focus primarily on industry plots, however if you have ideas for new shops/homes/farms that fit an industrial theme, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Please make sure you back up your save files before activating this mod, it is still in it's early stages. While Sim Settlement Add-ons in general are very stable, this one utilizes more scripting then average to handle daily updates. Testing has not shown any adverse behavior so far, but until I have a wider testing audience, probably best to be cautious.

Future Plans

  • Top Priority: enhance the robotics workshop to build Automatron robot settlers for the settlement over time. This will be the first feature enhancement.
  • Develop more plots with moving machinery of various types.
  • Add more builder plots or make plots where the builder type is dynamic and changes with the static clutter.
  • Look into the possibility of adding scrap vendors to the industrial plots to get even more components (add a vendor who sells steel shipments to the metal recycling yard, for example).
  • Look into options for allowing a Sim Settlements plot that can repair power armor at an increased cost in materials or caps. This one is a long term goal and I'm not sure if it's feasible to do.

kinggath for making Sim Settlements. It's a wonderful framework and really breaths new life into the settlement system in general.
Bethesda for making Fallout 4
All the users on the Sim Settlements Discord channel who answered (and continue to answer) my stupid questions.
I'm always delightfully amazed at what you come up with! Kudos :)
Hi mytigio.

I'm using your scav team dispatcher plot at several of my smaller settlements. The idea was to use that plot to limit the number of recruited settlers to the number of residential/job plots I placed so I didn't have to babysit the vanilla recruitment beacon. Well, it doesn't appear to be working (unless I'm misunderstanding how the scav team dispatcher is supposed to work).

I've got 12 residential plots, and 12 job plots (agricultural, commercial, martial, scav team) in Tenpines Bluff. I was expecting the scav team dispatcher to recruit 12 settlers and stop, but the last time I checked there were 23 settlers there (which is a mystery unto itself since my Charisma plus bonuses is 8). A similar thing happened at Outpost Zimonja. I've since scrapped the plot and moved the extra settlers to other settlements.

Anyway, I'm not sure if there's an issue with that plot or with me, but I figured you might want to know.

Edit: I just learned of the holotape from another thread. If the scav team has options in the holotape I haven't set them. Maybe that's the issue.
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I am using this mod (submod?) and trying out the Scavenver buildings. Problem is, they keep all building as additional Dispatch buildings instead of the other two buildings mentioned. When they upgrade past level 1 will they turn into the new buildings, or keep upgrading to Dispatchers? I already have a level 3 Dispatcher and would like it if they made the other buildings. Thanks!
I am using this mod (submod?) and trying out the Scavenver buildings. Problem is, they keep all building as additional Dispatch buildings instead of the other two buildings mentioned. When they upgrade past level 1 will they turn into the new buildings, or keep upgrading to Dispatchers? I already have a level 3 Dispatcher and would like it if they made the other buildings. Thanks!


what version of the mod are you using? (or rather, what version were you on when you placed those plots) I haven't been able to get this bug to happen again since the changes made in 0.7.8

No, if they are a dispatcher, they will remain a dispatcher. Pick up the building, set it back down and then you can switch it back to a scavanger support building to let it try and pick again.
I am running 0.7.8. I tried resetting one of the buildings and picked Scav Support again and it just rebuilt it as a Dispatch from scratch again.

Edit: Here is my load order, FWIW.

unofficial fallout 4 patch.esp=1
Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp=1
Evermarch Submariner Uniforms.esp=1
Minutemen Beret.esp=1
Strong Back - Survival - DLCCoast.esp=1
UCO MM Blue Texture.esp=1
Ballistic Weave.esp=1
Brotherhood of Steel Paints.esp=1
Mortality (Named).esp=1
America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp=1
SimSettlementsAddOnPack - RaiderRefugees.esp=1
Tactical Thinking.esp=1
SS Addon Hunter-Gather.esp=1
Faster EXP - 4x.esp=1
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I tried resetting one of the buildings and picked Scav Support again

On this, you picked up the building, chose not to keep the existing building plan, and then set it back down, then switched it to Scav Support? Simply reselecting Scav Support from the asam sensor will not suffice for this.
I scrapped the whole plot and built a new one. Still a Dispatcher.

Oh wait, there was another bug fixed with the salvage sorter in 0.8.0, I had forgotten. Upgrade to the latest version for me, then pick up both plots, set them back down and swap them back to Scav Support via the ASAM sensor. (you'll have to do both, the first one will need to reregister itself properly so the 2nd can select the proper plot).

If it still fails after that, we'll need to have you do some debug logs because you've got something very odd happening.
Hello. I'm having an issue where I put down the Advanced plot and once a settler gets assigned, the building of the plot never moves forward, it seems to be stuck with the scaffolding and nothing else. I have tried building in several different settlements, tried reloading saves, waiting several in-game days and it never changes. I am using .8 and playing on survival. Any thoughts on what I might have wrong.

EDIT: I just noticed that every 8 hours the assigned settler gets unassigned from the plot and also it's home plot. The settler then gets reassigned to the industrial plot but not the home plot.
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Hello. I'm having an issue where I put down the Advanced plot and once a settler gets assigned, the building of the plot never moves forward, it seems to be stuck with the scaffolding and nothing else. I have tried building in several different settlements, tried reloading saves, waiting several in-game days and it never changes. I am using .8 and playing on survival. Any thoughts on what I might have wrong.

EDIT: I just noticed that every 8 hours the assigned settler gets unassigned from the plot and also it's home plot. The settler then gets reassigned to the industrial plot but not the home plot.

Which advanced plot specifically?
Ok I think I figured it out. I was also having a CTD issue whenever I looked at any advanced plot. I reinstalled/updated all SimSettlement mods and then remembered I am using "Sim Settlements Building Plan Tags and more" mod. I uninstalled it and then the advanced plot for your mod showed correctly in the mod list when choosing it (before it was "Advanced Plot Industrial..."). I then reinstalled the building plan tags mod after downloading the update and now my CTD and the issue I talked about above has gone away.
After updating to 0.8.1a robotic workshop still shows in normal factories while recycling robotics is showing in both advanced and normal industries.
What i wanted to know in that will robotic workshop still work properly in normal factories as it isnt showing in the advanced industries where according to your post it shuld?
Advanced Industrial plots are tech trees that branch out, just like kinggaths Advanced Industrial plots do.

The Advanced Industrial version of the Robotics Recyclers can be upgraded along several paths, one of which is the Robot Workshop (and from that workshop to a few others, which I'm expanding over the next few updates). You can review the tech tree in my "Current Buildings" or "Detailed Building Overview" posts.

The normal industrial versions of the plots will no longer function and will be removed completely in (most likely) 0.8.2 or 0.8.2. I stopped them from building automatically in 0.8.0, stopped new copies from producing in 0.8.1 and will likely delete them completely in 0.8.2 or 0.8.3.

i want to give players a chance to replace them however, because when they get removed the plots will be left behind blank until you go and manually swap them out.